Forms of Energy


The ability to cause a change or to do work.

Mechanical Energy

The sum of the total energy an object has due to its motion OR position.

Kinetic Energy

Energy of motion. This type of energy increases as speed increases.

Potential Energy

Stored energy, waiting to be used. The energy an object has due to it's position (ex: height) or condition (ex: stretch).

Gravitational Potential Energy

Type of potential energy that increases when an object's height increases. Based on place or position

Elastic Potential Energy

Type of potential energy that increases when an object is stretched (ex: rubber band, bow and arrow) or compressed (ex: a spring).

Thermal Energy

Energy that increases as temperature increases. This type of energy is always lost when energy changes form.

Electromagnetic Energy

Energy that travels in waves, such as light energy, or x-rays. Does not need to travel through matter.

Sound Energy

Energy that is carried by vibrations through a medium (including water and air).

Electrical Energy

Energy carried by an electrical current.

Chemical Energy

Energy in food and fuel; chemical bonds are broken down to release this type of energy.

Nuclear Energy

Energy that is released when an atom is split in half or when 2 atoms are fused together.


The main source of energy for Earth.

Maximum Potential Energy

Top of the highest hill on a roller coaster

Maximum Kinetic Energy

Bottom of the highest hill of roller coaster

Law of Conservation of Energy

States the energy is never created or destroyed. It only changes its form.