Nutrition Therapy - Final Exam (cancer)


growth of malignant tissue, second most common cause of death
caused by interaction between genes and environment

most common cancer types

breast, prostate, lung, colorectal


proceeds slowly, continues for several decades, mutation in genes, tumor development

Diet and lifestyle ____ influence risk of cancer


Obesity increases the risk of which cancers?

colon, liver, esophagus, ovaries, rectum gallbladder endometrium, prostate, pancreas, breast

Obesity alters ______ levels. These influence cell ______

hormone; growth

One in 30 cancer deaths is _______ related


Cooking ______ may increase carcinogen production


_____ and _____ may reduce cancer risk. These provide nutrients, phytochemicals, and ______. All of these may prevent or reduce _____ stress

fruits and vegetables; antioxidants;

Factors that may increase cancer risk

obesity, red/processed meats, salted foods, beta-carotene supplements, alcohol, low physical activity

Factors that may decrease cancer risk

fruits and nonstarchy vegetables
carotenoid-containing foods, tomato products, vitaminC foods, folate, fiber foods, milk and calcium supplemets, high physical activity

Factors influencing consequences

location, severity, treatment (late treatment can cause it to grown or move to other places)

Anorexia and reduced food intake

chronic nausea and early satiety, fatigue and pain, mental stress and gastrointestinal obstructions, effects of cancer therapies

Cancer cachexia

unintentional weightloss of >5% of body weight.
anorexia, weightloss, wasting, anemia, fatigue
develops in 50% of cancer patients

Metabolic changes

Increased protein turnover, reduced muscle synthesis
inflammatory and catabolic state
patients often develop insulin resistance

Treatments of cancer

surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy
surgery to remove tumors
chemo damages tumor and healthy cells

Radiation enteritis

inflammation of intestinal tissue caused by radiation therapy

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

replaces blood-forming stem cells

CAM therapy

complementary and alternative medicine combined with standard treatment

Nutrition therapy for cancer

minimize loss of weight and muscle tissue
correct nutrient deficiencies
provide diet patients can tolerate
Changes in nutritional needs may occur in different stages of illness

Protein requirements are often between ___ and ____ g/kg/day


Sufficient calories to prevent _____ loss. patients unable to eat enough food may benefit from ______ __________

weight; oral supplementation

______ cancer patients often gain weight. Practitioners should encourage _______ ______ to help prevent this

physical activity

Thorough nutrition _______ can uncover problems relating to food consumption


Low-microbial diet

a diet that contains foods that are unlikely to be contaminated with bacteria or other microbes
for patients with suppressed immunity, safe food-handling practices