ap gov ch 5 vocab grooms

24th amendment

no poll tax!

Americans with Disabilities Act

civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life

Brown v. Board of Education

no segregation in public schools


transportation of public school students from areas where they live to schools in other areas to eliminate school segregation based on residential pattern

Civil rights

the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality

Civil rights act 1964

ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin

De facto segregation

segration caused by fact, not law i.e. a public school which draws from a predominantly black neighborhood

De jure segregation

segregation caused by law i.e. a public school which is by law a white/black school

equality of opportunity

The ideas that each person is guaranteed the same chance to succeed in life

equality of result

giving those who are at a disadvantage a boost to do just as well as those with advantages

lawrence v. texas

the gays can have sex if they want because 14th amendment

ledbetter v goodyear tire

can't pay ppl less bc of gender

obergefell v. hodges

gay ppl can get married


Office of Economic Opportunity helped those in poverty, especially in the Appalachians

plessy v ferguson

can segregate as long as separate but equal

reasonableness standard

if gov treats different groups differently, there has to be a good reason

regents of UCA v. bakke

allows race to be a factor in college admissions -> affirmative action

reverse discrimination

favoring individuals of groups known to have been previously discriminated against

roe v. wade

you can get an abortion as a right to privacy

rostker v goldberg

women can't be drafted

strict scrutiny standard

Any legal distinction based on race of ethnic group will have to go under strict examination by the courts to see whether it's unconstitutional or not

title vii

prohibits the discrimination based on gender

us v windsor

States have he authority to define marital relationships; overturns parts of DOMA

voting rights act

helped to get AA the vote despite de facto barriers

affirmative action

an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination, especially in relation to employment or education; positive discrimination