Court Cases

Batson v Kentucky

Race in criminal cases and jury

Brown v Board of Education

Laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional

Citizens United v Federal Election Comm'n

Regulations of campaign spending by organizations

Edmonson v Leesville Concrete Company

Race in jury for civil cases

JEB v Alabama ex rel T.B

Gender & Jury

Kelo v City of New London

Gov must pay for property they take. Eminent Domain ( lady wouldn't sell)

Lucas v South Carolina Coastal Council

established the total takings test for evaluating whether a particular regulatory action constitutes a regulatory taking that requires compensation

Obergefell v Hodges

Same sex marriage

Plessy v Ferguson

segregation laws for public facilities under "separate but equal

Roe v Wade

Abortion right

Smithkline Beecham Corp v Abott Labs

sexual orientation & Jury

Texas v Johnson

can burn flag

Tinker v Des Moines

defined the public rights of students in U.S. public schools. Tinker tests to see if students rights are violated

Liebeck v. McDonald's;
