Practice Exam 11 CMA

Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus should be instructed to administer daily injections of insulin in the upper arm, upper back, hip, thigh, or which other site?


If a patient calls because of severe chest pain while the physician is out of the office, which of the following actions by the medical assistant is most appropriate?

Keep the patient on the line and call 911.

High power, low power, and oil immersion describe which of the following parts of a compound microscope?

Objective lenses

For absorption of calcium in the small intestine, which of the following hormones is required?

Parathyroid hormone

The subarachnoid space is located in which of the following anatomic locations?

Spinal canal

An inflammation of the epiglottis that commonly occurs in children between three and seven years of age is caused by which of the following microorganisms?

Haemophilus influenzae type B

Beth Forney, a 46-year-old female patient was diagnosed with a malignant neoplasm of her right breast, upper-inner quadrant. Which of the following International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) codes should be used on the ins


Which of the following patient symptoms must receive first priority for placement in an examination room?

Head injury

Washing and scrubbing to remove body tissue, blood, and other body fluids from a surgical tray are steps involved in which of the following?


When performing a venipuncture for intravenous therapy, removal of the tourniquet is most appropriate at which of the following times?

Immediately following puncture of the vein

Which of the following describes a patient in the lithotomy position?

Lying on the back with the feet resting in stirrups

Standards of behavior considered appropriate within a profession are known as


Original medical records can be released only when requested by which of the following?

A court subpoena

Which of the following best describes a sudden discharge of electrical activity in the brain that results in seizures?


Which of the following terms refers to the straightening out of a limb, which results in an increase in the angle of a joint?


The suffix -osis means which of the following?


Which of the following types of urine collection is most appropriate for pregnancy testing?

First morning

When determining the most appropriate time to schedule a patient's appointment, which of the following factors is most important?

Availability of appointment times

Which of the following act(s) as a by-product of fat metabolism in the liver?


Which of the following medical terms refers to an area toward the back?


According to OSHA, which of the following color codes represents radioactive hazards?


The circumference of the head should be measured during regular checkups until a child reaches which of the following ages?

Thirty-six months

Which of the following is used to maintain a record of monthly business expenses?

Disbursement journal

Which of the following forms is used to verify if an individual is authorized to work in the United States?


Which of the following terms refers to paralysis of one extremity?


The malleolus is located in which of the following body areas?


The scope of practice for licensed health care professionals is defined by which of the following acts?

Medical practice acts

Which of the following is a common mistake made by medical assistants seeking employment?

Waiting for the perfect job

Which of the following terms describes a special contract that alters health insurance coverage provided in a standard contract?


Which of the following terms best describes a reduction in the mass of the bones?


The calculator section of the computer keyboard, which controls mathematical functions, is known as the


Which of the following filing systems is most appropriate for organizing and storing medical research material?


The medical assistant writes "NKDA" when obtaining a medical history. This abbreviation refers to which of the following aspects of the patient's history?

No allergies to medications

Which of the following procedures requires that surgical asepsis be maintained?

Aspiration of fluid from a cyst in the breast

Which of the following diagnostic procedures is used to visually examine the stomach?


Which of the following terms means "visual examination or biopsy of the tracheobronchial tree"?


Injuries occurring from which of the following incidents must be reported to the proper government agency, such as the police?


The original operative report for major abdominal surgery of a deceased patient belongs to which of the following?

Medical facility

Equity equals the practice's total assets minus which of the following?

Total liabilities

Which of the following sends and receives messages in a digital form over a telecommunications network?

Electronic mail

Which of the following is characteristic of partial thickness (second-degree) burns, but not of superficial (first-degree) burns?


How many teaspoons are equal to 120 drops?


Which of the following best defines the set of elements that includes an infectious agent, reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, and susceptible host?

Chain of infection

Body language is best assessed by which of the following?


The most common malpractice claims against physicians are based on allegations of which of the following?


Which of the following is the most appropriate way to account for a debit memo when reconciling a bank statement for a medical practice?

Subtract it from the bank statement balance

How should the medical assistant instruct the patient to wipe each side and down the middle of the labia when collecting a clean-catch, midstream urine specimen?

Front to back, using a different towelette

A physician who specializes in the treatment of patients with psoriasis is known as which of the following?


A patient discontinues care with a medical practice because she has moved to another state. In which of the following ways should this patient's medical record be classified?


Which of the following is a plane that divides the body into the upper and lower portions?


Which of the following is an objective finding?

The patient points to where his abdomen hurts.

Which of the following muscles extends the legs?

Quadriceps femoris

Which of the following was used to develop the Medicare fee schedule (MFS)?

Resource-Based Relative Value Scale (RBRVS)

Which of the following is a primary purpose for performing spirometry?

To measure the air capacity of a patient's lungs

Which of the following should be documented as subjective information in a medical record?

There is vertigo with nausea.

It is most appropriate for the medical assistant to ask which of the following questions when summarizing a patient interview?

What brought you in today?

Which of the following is not one of the five steps involved in filing?


The assignment of a higher level of evaluation and management service when a lesser service is rendered in an attempt to increase reimbursement is known as which of the following?


When charting patient information necessary for the physician to make a sound judgment for treatment, the medical assistant leaves out unnecessary information. Which of the following Cs of charting is described by this action?

Conciseness (giving a lot of info in a few words)

Which of the following file folders should be filed third in an alphabetic series?
last name

Julie Greagory

Which of the following is the route of administration of a drug that is placed between the cheek and gum?


Which of the following types of depression is most common in patients who have lost something of great importance?

Reactive depression

Which of the following best describes a listening method that includes feedback and asking questions?


Most energy-producing reactions occur in which of the following parts of a cell?


A physician is going to attend a conference in another state, and asks a medical assistant to make travel arrangements for him. Which of the following is the most appropriate first step?

Verify the dates of the planned trip

Which of the following terms means "internal organs"?


The prefix eu- means which of the following?


The scheduling technique of clustering similar procedures is known as which of the following?


Which of the following vitamin deficiencies may cause spina bifida in a fetus?

Folic acid

Which of the following is the most commonly used coding system to identify a patient visit for a consultation?

Current Procedural Terminology (CPT)

Approved abbreviations can be used in which of the following sections of a medical record?

Review of systems

A combination of which of the following Rh blood groups will most likely result in destruction of fetal blood cells?

Mother is Rh- and fetus is Rh+

A medical assistant is discussing a billing dispute with a patient. The patient states, "My bill does not show your office took the appropriate insurance adjustment." The medical assistant posted the insurance payment, but did not take the necessary write

I am sorry. I will make the adjustment and send you a corrected statement.

Micturition is a function involved with which of the following body systems?


Which of the following is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in infants?


Which of the following represents the largest amount of computer storage capacity?


Morphine is contraindicated in all of the following, EXCEPT

myocardial infarction.

When arranging equipment on a sterile tray for a surgical procedure, which of the following items should NOT be placed on the sterile field?

Fenestrated drape

The Heimlich maneuver is used for which of the following conditions?


Which of the following combining forms is matched correctly with its meaning?

Per/i = around

Which of the following terms means "enlargement of the kidney"?


Chief cells are a structural component of which of the following body systems?


Which of the following is included in a memorandum?

Subject line

Which of the following information is most important to give a new patient?

Office hours and fee schedule

Which of the following is a computer output device?


Which of the following items are kept in a tickler file?

Reminders for equipment maintenance

In a medical record, goiter should be recorded under which of the following headings?


Which of the following fractures is seen in children?


Which of the following acts established the federal agency known as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)?

Civil Rights Act

Lead I of the electrocardiogram records the voltage difference between which of the following?

Left arm and right arm

The physician prescribes the administration of 180 mg of a drug. If the drug is available in 1 grain tablets, how many tablets should be given to the patient?

1 g= 0.0154 mg

Which of the following results indicates a "panic" value?

Platelet count of 30,000/mm3

Which of the following structures is located in the inner ear?


Which of the following filing systems aids the medical assistant in reminding patients of their annual physical examinations?


Laboratory studies are most likely to show an increased serum level of which of the following enzymes in patients with pancreatic disease?

Amylase (AMS)

When inserting a urinary catheter, the tube is introduced into which of the following structures?


Payment for which of the following is least likely to be covered by worker's compensation?

Preventive care

Which of the following is a term that describes how the body transports drugs from the site of administration to the site of action in the cells and tissue?


Which of the following is the correct spelling of an inflammatory skin disease characterized by papules, scabs, and erythema?


Which of the following suffixes means "incision"?


When entering transactions into a medical computer, which of the following is important so that insurance forms will be sequential?

Date of service

Which of the following is a language used to create Internet documents?


An example of demographic history of the patient is

marital status.

Which of the following is the primary reason for documenting patient education efforts in writing?

To describe recommendations for care and patient compliance

The physician performs a procedure that removes the dead tissue around a wound to expose the healthy tissue. Which of the following is the most appropriate description of this procedure?


According to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA '88), performing a rapid strep screen is classified in which of the following regulatory categories?


The functional unit of the kidney that forms urine is known as the


The physician orders an MRI for a man who is suspected of having a brain tumor. Which of the following is the most important question to ask this patient before scheduling an appointment?

Do you have any metal implants?

Which of the following terms means "surgical removal of the diseased portion of the lining of an artery"?


In which of the following situations is a signed consent form required before disclosing patient information?

A patient's husband calls the office and asks for the results of his wife's amniocentesis.

A patient with which of the following conditions should be accompanied when visiting the medical office?

Alzheimer's disease

When using the modified-block letter style, the date line, complimentary close, and typewritten signature should start at which of the following locations?

Near the center of the page

What is the name given to mail that the United States Postal Service guarantees to deliver in two to three days for the same rate anywhere in the United States?


The presence of protein in the urine may signal all of the following diseases or conditions, except

cystic fibrosis.

Which of the following is a general anesthesia procedure that requires a patient's consent?


The Heimlich maneuver is indicated when a person appears to choking and

cannot speak.

The "rule of nines" is the accepted formula for calculating the extent of which of the following injuries?


The pulmonary artery carries blood between the heart and the


Which of the following is a document provided by a manufacturer describing the chemical breakdown and precautions of products, and is required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to be available to employees in a medical office?

Material Safety Data Sheet

Which of the following are structural features of medical instruments that securely grip slippery tissue?


All of the following are common positions for taking X-rays, except


Which of the following terms best describes signs and symptoms that come and go?


Which of the following levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs describes an individual who has reached his fullest potential?


Which of the following prefixes means "before"?


Which of the following hormones enhances the proliferation of T lymphocytes?


Which of the following is the correct spelling of the term that refers to the throat?


The referral of a patient to a physical therapist is documented in which of the following sections of a problem-oriented medical record (POMR)?

Plans for further studies, treatment, or management

Which of the following is the best description of the female perineum?

External area between the vulva and the anus

A patient calls the office and angrily states that he is dissatisfied with his medical care. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial response?

Ask him to describe the problem.

Which of the following diagnostic studies is used to examine a patient's bladder?


Which of the following refers to the smallest vessels that collect deoxygenated blood from the cells for transport back to the heart?


Which of the following is a combining form that means "renal pelvis"?


A general journal is known by all of the following names, except


Which of the following is the name of the virus that causes shingles?

Herpes zoster virus

Which of the following responses is most effective in scheduling a follow-up appointment?

We have appointments available on Thursday morning and Friday afternoon; which would you prefer?

A prediction about the outcome of a disease is called


When filing identical names, you should use all of the following, except

organization and business records.

A physician who does not arrange for another qualified physician to care for his patients in his absence may be found guilty of which of the following?


Which of the following is a numeric filing system in which consecutive numbers are assigned to medical records, separated into groups of two or three digits, and read from right to left?

Terminal digit

Which of the following is a proofreader's mark that means "move text to the left"?


Which of the following part of a prescription contains the names and quantities of the ingredients?


The medical assistant calls the endocrinologist to schedule an appointment for a patient who has type 1 diabetes mellitus. Which of the following appointment times should the medical assistant request?

First appointment in the morning

Which of the following is an instrument used to determine the presence of polyps?


All of the following are examples of open-ended questions, except

Do you have any dizziness?

Which of the following is an example of an intentional tort?

Assault and battery

Which of the following eye structures is affected in a patient with a cataract?


After keying the inside address of a business letter, which of the following is the most appropriate spacing before keying the salutation?


Which of the following lung diseases is also called coal-miner's lung?


A computerized system used by Medicare to prevent overpayment for procedures is known as

the Correct Coding Initiative.

The normal average blood pressure for a newborn is ________.


An evacuated tube with which of the following stopper colors is used to collect a blood specimen for a complete blood cell count?


Which of the following steps is most appropriate when putting on sterile gloves?

Keeping the gloves close to the package while gloving

The length of time to retain patient files is

different for each medical office.

In physician's office laboratories (POL), the degree of federal or state regulation depends on which of the following?

Complexity of tests performed

Which of the following terms describes a diagnosis based on a comparison of signs and symptoms of similar diseases?


Which of the following sexually transmitted infections is associated with an increased risk for cervical cancer?

Human papillomavirus

Which of the following types of membranes lines joint capsules?


Which of the following is a third-party insurance plan that is funded by the federal government?


Which of the following is a characteristic finding in a patient with hyperglycemia?


Which of the following is usually used for sealing envelopes?

Damp sponge

Lyme disease is an infection caused by which of the following pathogens?


Which of the following is the correct spelling of the medical term meaning "fissuring of the lips"?


The review of financial data to verify accuracy and completeness is known as


Slow respiration in an adult, fewer than ten cycles per minute, is called


Which of the following fractures occurs at the distal end of the tibia and fibula?


When performing a Mantoux test for tuberculosis, the appearance of which of the following is most likely to indicate a positive reaction?


The patient should stand how many feet from the Snellen eye chart when a standard visual acuity examination is performed?


Which of the following medical imaging techniques is most commonly used for diagnosis of brain-related conditions, such as Parkinson's disease and epilepsy?

Positron emission tomography (PET)

The side from which a watermark is readable and the side on which printing should be done is called the

felt side of letterhead.

Which of the following medical specialists is most likely to use a colposcope?


Excessive amounts of fluoride in drinking water may cause which of the following?

Discoloration of teeth

Which of the following terms refers to inflammation of the mouth?


Active goodness or kindness is known as


The abbreviation "Rh" stands for

rhesus factor.

Which of the following pathogens may cause gas gangrene?

Clostridium perfringens

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases in all of the following disorders or conditions, except


A drug that causes birth defects and affects the X chromosome is known as

a teratogen.

Psychological disorders that result from personalities that developed improperly during childhood are referred to as

personality disorders.

A physician discloses medical information to a newspaper without authorization from a patient. This is an example of which of the following legal principles?

Invasion of privacy

Which of the following is considered to be an autoimmune disease?

Grave's disease