Parts of a nucleotide

- 5 carbon sugar
- phosphate group
- nitrogenous base

How many DNA molecules are in a somatic (body) cell?


How many DNA molecules are in a gamete cell?


What are the DNA base pairs?

- Adenine & Thymine
- Cytosine & Guanine

What is the result of mitosis?

Cell growth & repair

How are gametes produced?

Through Meiosis

How many different nucleotides are there?


How many nucleotides make up the entire human genome?

3 billion

What does RNA replace thymine with?


What does DNA gives the instructions for?

protein synthesis

What holds base pairs together?

Hydrogen bonds

What holds nucleotides together?

hydrogen bonds (bonding)

Do all nucleotides have the same structure?


What is DNA a prerequisite for?

Cell Division
(must happen before both meiosis & mitosis)

What are other ways to refer to body cells?

- Somatic cells
- Diploid cells

In fertilization:

zygote --> mitosis --> eblastula --> fetus

What is a purine?

a double-ringed nitrogenous base

Which bases are purines?

- Adenine
- Guanine

What is a pyrimidine?

single-ringed nitrogenous base

Which bases are pyrimidines?

- Thymine
- Cytosine

Differences in RNA and DNA

RNA: Ribose is the sugar
Uracil (U) replaces thymine (T)
RNA: Single stranded, DNA: Double Stranded

Where is RNA produced?

In the nucleus (just like DNA)

Which bases have 2 hydrogen bonds?

Adenine & Thymine

Which bases have 3 hydrogen bonds?

Cytosine & Guanine

What is fertilization?

Fusion of an egg and sperm cell

What is meiosis used for?

- It is used for sexual reproduction
- To create gametes

Where does meiosis occur in males?

in the testes as part of spermatogenesis (sperm production)

Where does meiosis occur in females?

in the ovaries as part of oogenesis (production of eggs).

What is the central element in hemoglobin?


What is the function of hemoglobin?

Carry Oxygen

What happens if you cannot carry enough oxygen?

Leads to not being able to produce enough ATP

From 244 amino acids

732 nucleotides

What are G1, S, and G2 called?

the stages of interphase

What are the 4 stages of mitosis?

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

