Reproductive System

seminiferous tubules

Each lobe of the testes contains one to four highly twisted what?

prostate gland

What male gland surrounds the opening of the bladder leading into the urethra?

in the scrotum at the epididymis

Where does the vas deferens begin?


What is another name for the foreskin?

ejaculatory duct

What ducts connect the vas deferens with the urethra?


What are the male gametes?

scrotum and penis

What are the 2 external organs of the male reproductive system?

chestnut or strawberry

what does the prostate resemble in size and shape?


what does the scrotum contain?


What structure connects the testes with the ductus deferens?

testes, epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra

What is the route sperm travels from production to expulsion?


What structure of the male reproductive system is shared with the urinary system?


What is the male hormone produced by the testes?


Where are sperm stored?


where are sperm stored?

vas deferens

What structures serves as a storage site for sperm and as the excretory duct of the testes?

deepening of voice, growth of body hair, increase in muscle tone

For what secondary male characteristics is testosterone responsible?

bartholin's gland

Which of the following glands does not produce a secretion to transport sperm - bartholin's, cowper's prostate or seminal vesicles?

in the abdomen

In the embryo, where are the testes formed?

aids in the expulsion of semen and enhances sperm motility

what are the functions of the fluid from the prostate gland?

Fallopian tube

What is the female reproductive structure that serves as a passageway for the ova to the uterus?


What is the name of the muscular structure that leads from the cervix to the outside of the body?


In what organ does the fetus develop?


what is the name of the two folds of tissue that protect the vagina opening and urethra?


what is the muscle layer of the uterus?


What is the mouth of the uterus?


Where are the mammary glands located?


What is the name of the external area between the vulva and anus?


What is the name of the bulging, rounded upper part of the uterus?


what is the inner mucous layer of the uterus?


What is the normal periodic discharge of the endometrial lining in a female called?


What is the name for the beginning of the menses?

fallopian tubes

Where does fertilization of the ovum occur?

ovulation occurs

what happens when follicles mature and LH is secreted?


where is the female gamete produced?


What is the female reproductive organ that is responsible for producing estrogen

28 days

What is the average length of the menstrual cycle?


What part of the uterus becomes soft and thin and dilates to allow passage of the body?


What organ contacts during birth to expel the fetus?


The removal of what organs can prematurely cause menopause?


what is the intentional termination of a pregnancy?


What is the name of the condition in which tissue resembling the endometrium grows in various locations of the pelvic cavity?


What would redness, swelling and pain in the breasts indicate?


What diagnostic procedure would be done when a lump is detected in the breast?

estrogen and progesterone

What are the major hormones contained in contraceptives?

tubal ligation

what is the name of the sterilization procedure for women?


What surgical procedure can be used for the diagnosis of endometrosis and other female reproductive diseases?


What is the name of the sterilization of a male?

pap smear

what is the name of the test that women should have annually for the early detection of cervical cancer?

dysuria, enlarged prostate, urinary retention

what are the symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy


What is the name of the removal of the foreskin of the penis?