EEMB 156 Midterm

Seminiferous tubules

located within the testes, and are the specific location of meiosis, and the subsequent creation of male gametes, namely spermatozoa


the mature motile male sex cell of an animal, by which the ovum is fertilized, typically having a compact head and one or more long flagella for swimming

Leydig cells

They produce testosterone in the presence of luteinizing hormone


a gonadotropin, a glycoprotein polypeptide hormone. synthesized and secreted by the gonadotropic cells of the anterior pituitary gland, and regulates the development, growth, pubertal maturation, and reproductive processes of the body


is a hormone produced by gonadotropic cells in the anterior pituitary gland. In females an acute rise of ( ) triggers ovulation[2] and development of the corpus luteum.


a steroid hormone that stimulates development of male secondary sexual characteristics, produces mainly in the testes, but also in the ovaries and adrenal cortex.


the enlargement of an organ or tissue from the increase in size of its cells


a hormone released from the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates milk production after childbirth


any of a group of steroid hormones that promote the development and maintenance of female characteristics of the body. Such hormones are also produced artificially for use in oral contraceptives or to treat menopausal and menstrual disorders


is a steroid, an estrogen, and the primary female sex hormone. It is named for and is important in the regulation of the estrous and menstrual female reproductive cycles.


a gondola hormone that inhibits the secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone, under consideration as a potential male contraceptive

Sertoli-cell-only syndrome

also called germ cell aplasia, describes a condition of the testes in which only Sertoli cells line the seminiferous tubules. Sertoli cells help to make up the blood-testis barrier and are responsible assisting with sperm production


strongly basic small proteins that combine with DNA-protein chromatin


an organelle that develops over the anterior half of the head of the spermatozoa of many animals. Containing digestive enzymes which break down the other membrane of the ovum.

Implantation fossa

a shallow depression at the site where the tail of a spermatozoon attaches to the head.


the central strand of a cilim or flagellum


a high convoluted duct behind the testis, along which sperm passes to the vas deferens


In its acetylated form probably serves as an important metabolic reserve


the flagellar protein that contributes most to the conversion of chemical energy to mechanical movement


an organ that a produces spermatozoa

Rete testis

an anastomosing network of delicate tubules located in the hilum of the testicle (mediastinum testis) that carries sperm from the seminiferous tubules to the efferent ducts.

Efferent ducts

connect the rete testis with the initial section of the epididymis.

Vas deferens

is part of the male reproductive system of many vertebrates; these vasa transport sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts in anticipation of ejaculation

Spermatic cord

is the cord-like structure in males formed by the vas deferens (ductus deferens) and surrounding tissue that runs from the deep inguinal ring down to each testicle. Its serosal covering, the tunica vaginalis, is an extension of the peritoneum that passes

Inguinal canal

are the two passages in the anterior abdominal wall which in men convey the spermatic cords and in women the round ligament of uterus.


a cell produced at an early stage in the formation of spermatozoa, formed in the wall of a seminiferous tubule and giving rise by mitosis to spermatocytes

Myod cells

orm a single layer of flattened cells which surrounds the Sertoli cells, circumscribing the testis cords.

Sertoli cells

is a "nurse" cell of the testicles that is part of a seminiferous tubule and helps in the process of spermatogenesis; that is, the production of sperm. Activated by FSH. Only cells to ex5tend from the outer wall of the tubule to the lumen, and to have con

Blood testis barrier

a physical barrier between the blood vessels and the seminiferous tubules of the animal testes. Allows Sertoli cells to control the adluminal environment in which germ cells (spermatocytes, spermatids and sperm) develop by influencing the chemical composi


a cell produced at the second stage in the formation of spermatozoa, formed from a spermatogonium and dividing by meiosis into spermatids.


an immature male sex cell formed from spermatocyte that can develop into a spermatozoon without further division


the central cavity of a tubular or other hollow structure in an organism or cell

Tubulo-bulbar complex

are actin-based structures that help establish close contact between Sertoli-Sertoli cells or Sertoli-mature germ cells (spermatids) in the seminiferous tubules of the testes. They are actin-rich push-through devices that eliminate excess spermatid cytopl


a structure by which two adjacent cells are attached, formed from protein plaques in the cell membranes linked by filaments.

Androgen binding proteins

most likely role is to transport androgen to the first part of the epididymis, where the protein-steroid complex is taken up from lumen by the lining cells.


relate to both fetal and neonatal germ cells from the point at which they enter the testis primordia until they reach the base membrane at the seminiferous cords and differentiate. Male ( ) do not divide until they reach the boundary tissue of the tissue

Primary spermatocytes

after miotic division of the B spermatogonia, daughter cells, still as a clone linked by cytoplasmic bridges, double their content of DNA as if they were to divide again but instead they embark on the long meiotic prophase which leads eventually through t

Secondary spermatocytes

after primary spermatocytes and gives rise to two of these each containing half the chromosomes of the partial cells although b this time, each chromosome is already doubled.


a female reproductive organ in which ova or eggs are produced, present in humans and other vertebrates as a pair


any of a group of cyclic fatty acid compounds with varying homelike effects, notably the promotion of uterine contractions


derived from coelomic mesenchyme and provides the basic cellular matrix in which the follicle are distributed


a cell in an ovary that may undergo meiotic division to form an ovum


the degeneration of those ovarian follicles that do not ovulate during the menstrual cycle


at all stages of development can be found distributed throughout both ovaries at all times except in menopause in women

Graafian follicle

composed of several layers of cells surrounding the oocyte, which is contained within a fluid filled cavity


a natural chamber of cavity in a bone or other anatomical structure

Granular cells

comparable to the function of sertoli cells in the male reproductive system

Corpus luteum

Temporary endocrine structure involved in ovulation and early pregnancy. At ovulation the follicle ruptures expelling the ovum into the fallopian tube. Secrete a steroid hormone, progesterone, which is important in controlling the length of the reproducti


a steroid hormone released by the corpus luteum that stimulated the uterus to prepare for pregnancy. Induces development of the lobuloaveloar system of the breast, and hypertrophy of the uterine endometrium


group of lipid soluble acids which are found in many tissued of the body.


a hormone secreted by the placenta that causes the cervix to dilate and prepares the uterus for the action of oxytocin during labor


discharge or ova or ovules from the ovary


the production or development of an ovum

Fallopian tubes

either of a pair of tubes along which eggs travel from the ovaries to the uterus.

Zona pellucida

the thick transparent membrane surrounding a mammalian ovum before implantation. Supports communication between oocytes and follicle cells during oogenesis; protects oocytes, eggs, and embryos during development, and regulates interactions between ovulate


amu pf a group of hormones secreted by the pituitary that stimulate the activity of the gonads


an organ that produces gametes, a testis or ovary

LH surge

triggers ovulation and development of the corpus luteum. In males, where LH had also been called interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH), it stimulates Leydig cell production of testosterone. It acts synergistically with FSH.

Polar body

each of the small cells that bud off from an oocyte at the two meiotic divisions and do not develop into ova.


a recurring period of sexual receptivity and fertility in many female mammals


When a female mammal is highly attractive to males but is also receptive to advances

Anovular cycles

menstrual cycle characterized by varying degrees of menstrual intervals and the absence of ovulation and a luteal phase. In the absence of ovulation, there will be infertility.


a woman or female that has never given birth


bearing offspring of a specific number or reproducing in a specified manner


a surgical operation to remove all or pat of the uterus


the first occurrence of menstruation

Follicular antrum

the portion of an ovarian follicle filled with follicular fluid.

Vasa efferenita

connect the rete testis with the initial section of the epididymis.