Human Anatomy 8th Ed Ch.1

anatomy vs physiology

anatomy-structure, imaging techniques
physiology-body function


analyzes internal structures of cells


analyzes tissues (group of cells working together)

list anatomy in order from smallest to largest:

microscopic anatomy, gross anatomy

surface, regional, and systemic anatomy are a form of _____ anatomy


surface anatomy

study of general form or morphology and superficial anatomy

regional anatomy

studies features in particular regions

systemic anatomy

studies major organ systems

how many organ systems are there in the human body


what are the levels of organization from smallest to largest:

organ system

what is the lowest level of organic human life?


what levels of organization are organic?

organism, organ, organ system, tissue, cellular

what level of organization is inorganic?


what are the 4 basic tissue types?

epithelium, muscle, connective, and nerve

the heart is lined with what tissue?



the maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment suitable for the survival of body cells and tissues

dorsum can describe the back of the hand ONLY in what position?

anatomical position

what is the standardized position to describe directional terms?

legs together
feet flat on the floor
facing the observer, head level
hands at the sides
palms face forward

prone position

lying face down

supine position

lying face up (if you're on your spine, you're supine)

superior vs inferior

superior-above; at a higher level (in the human body toward the head)
inferior-below; at a lower level; toward the feet

dorsal/posterior vs ventral/anterior

dorsal-the back
ventral-the belly side

medial vs lateral

medial- nearer to the midline of the body
lateral-away from the midline

proximal vs distal

proximal-toward an attached base
distal-way from an attached base

sagittal plane

divides the body or an organ into left and right sections

midsagittal plane

a section that passes along the midline

parasagittal plane

section parallel to the midsagittal and produces unequal halves

frontal/coronal plane

divides the body into front and back

transverse/cross section plane

divides the body or an organ into upper or lower

what are the 2 subdivisions of the dorsal body cavity?

cranial and vertebral/spinal cord

what lines the dorsal body cavity?


what are the 2 subdivisions of the ventral body cavity?

thoracic above the diaphragm and abdominopelvic below the diaphragm


internal organs

what are organs covered with?

serous membrane

what is the thoracic cavity encircled by? (4)

the ribs
vertebral column

what are the three smaller cavities within the thoracic cavity?

1 pericardial cavity
2 pleural cavities


the central part of thoracic cavity CONTAINS EVERYTHING BUT THE LUNGS

what is visceral pleura vs parietal pleura?

visceral- clings to surface of lungs
parietal- lines the chest wall

what is visceral pericardium vs parietal pericardium?

visceral-covers the heart
parietal-lines the pericardial sac

what is the abdominopelvic cavity?

inferior portion of ventral body cavity below diaphragm

what are serous membranes?

thin, slippery membrane that lines body cavities not open to the outside (reduces friction

what are the four quadrants of the abdominopelvic area?

what are the regions of the abdominopelvic area?