



owards the front of the body
towards the back of the body


close to the midline of the body
away from the midline of the body

atomic position

Upright, facing front.
Palms forward, arms at the sides.
Feet parallel.

planes of division

Sagittal: from front to back, dividing body into left and right parts
Frontal: from left to right, dividing body into anterior and posterior parts
Transverse: horizontally, dividing the body into superior and inferior parts

body cavities

Cranial cavity
Spinal cavity
Thoracic cavity (includes: heart, lungs)
Abdominopelvic cavity is further divided into the abdominal and pelvic cavities
Abdominal Cavity: Stomach, most of the intestines, the kidneys, the liver, the spleen, th


study of body structure


study of how the body functions


anything that upsets the normal structure or working of the body


the study of diseases

integumentary system

the skin and associated body structures
Includes hair, the nails, sweat and oil glands

skeletal system

206 bones and the joints between them
Axial vs appendicular

muscular system

includes muscles that are attached to bones.
Skeletal muscle

nervous system

Directs the body's responses to external and internal stimuli.
Brain, spinal cord and nerves.

endocrine system

Endocrine glands produce hormones which regulate body activities

cardiovascular system

heart and blood vessels make up the system that pumps blood to all body tissues

lymphatic system

plays important role in immunity.
Aid in fluid regulation

respiratory system

includes the lungs and the passages leading to and from the lungs (gas exchange)

reprodcutive system

includes the external sex organs and all relates internal structures

digestive system

include mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, and pancreas

urinary system

to rid the body of waste products and excess water


Adenosine TriPhosphate***
A molecule that carries energy


maintaining of stable balance within the body.

negative feedback

Reverses any upwards or downwards shifts.

fluid balance

extracellular and intracellular


the substances from which all matter is made.

what is 96% of the human body made of

Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen

difference between covalent and ionic bonds

covalent shares, ionic gives


atoms or group of atoms with a positive or negative charge

difference between cation and anion

cation (+) anion (-)


blend of 2 or more substances


component substances remain evenly distributed (i.e. salt water) - it is homogeneous


settling occurs, particles are large and heavy. (red blood cells in blood plasma) & heterogeneous.


lower than 7 on ph scale


higher than 7 on ph scale


important in maintaining stability of body fluids.
form a system that prevents sharp changes in hydrogen ion concentration.

organic compounds contain



simple sugars called monosaccharides, molecules made from simple sugars linked together.


Made from glycerol. Typically found as fat in the body.


contain phosphorous. These lipids make up the cell membrane.

amino acids are the building blocks of ..



Serve as catalysts which speed the rate of chemical reactions

plasma membrane

The outer limit of the cell, or cell membrane.
Made up of phospholipids, some molecules of cholesterol are located between the phospholipids.
Proteins float within the phospholipid bilayer.
Act as receptors for materials coming to the cell.
Some act to mo


substance that fills the cells and holds all the contents


liquid portion of the cytoplasm (a suspension of nutrients, minerals, enzymes and other specialized material in water


little organs" that form different structures are also found in the cytoplasm

control center" of cell, contains the genetic material.


nucleolus job is to

assemble ribosomes which in turn manufacture proteins.


large organelles, round or bean shaped. Inside the mitochondria the energy from the nutrients is converted to energy for the cell in the form of adenosine triphosphate or ATP.

golgi apparatus

formulates mucous, sorting and modifying for export from the cell

endoplasmic reticulum

network of membranes located between the nuclear membrane and plasma membrane

differnce between smooth ER and rough ER

rough ER has ribosomes


formation of proteins occurs on ribosome


contain digestive enzymes. Destroy old and damaged cells


rod-shaped bodies near the nucleus that function in cell division.


membrane bound bubbles used for storage and to move materials in and out of the cell


small hairlike projections that wave, creating movement of the fluid around the cell (respiratory tract and female reproductive tract)


long, whiplike extension from the cell.
Only found in sperm in the human body

difference between dna rna

dna is double helix
thymine is replaced by uracil
DNA: composed of Deoxyribonucleic acid
Organized into chromosomes within the nucleus. Is double stranded and coiled into a double helix
Subunits: four nucleotides;
adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine.

translation is

DNA uncoils into single strands
RNA and DNA nucleotide pairing occurs
Eg. If a single strand of DNA was A,T,G,C, the RNA would pair up to the DNA to read U,A,C,G
mRNA leaves the cell and moves to the cytoplasm and attaches to a ribosome
mRNA: travels to t


the constant movement of molecules from a region of relatively high concentration to one of lower concentration.


the diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane.


is the passage of water containing dissolved materials through a membrane as a result of a mechanical "pushing" force.

active transport

molecules that travel against the natural flow.
This movement requires ATP and proteins in the cell membranes that act as transporters for the molecules.
Allows the cell to take in what it needs for the surrounding fluids and release materials from the ce


bulk movement of materials INTO the cell
is the engulfing of relatively large particles by the cell membrane and the movement of these particles into the cell
Droplets of fluid are engulfed by the cell membrane. "Cell drinking"
movement of materials OUT o

staegs of mitosis

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

meiotsis occurs in

Produces 4 haploid daughter cells
Hereditary material is exchanged
Sperm cells and egg cells are made (gametes)


Groups of cells, similar in structure, arrange in a characteristic pattern, and specialized for the performance of specific tasks

epithelial tissue

covers surfaces, lines cavities, and forms glands.
It forms the lining of the intestinal tract, the respiratory and urinary passages, the blood vessels, the uterus and other body cavities.
It is the main tissue of the outer layer of the skin.
It is classi

connective tissue

supports and forms the framework of all parts of the body.

muscle tissue

contracts and produces movement

nervous tissue

conducts nerve impulses.

structure - simple

cells arranged in a single layer.

structure - stratified

arranged in many layers

structure transitional

special wrinkled, crepe-like tissue, capable of great expansion yet capable of returning to their original shape.

structure stratifies squamous epithilium

many layers function well in areas of wear and tear


A gland is an organ specialized to produce a substance that is sent out to other parts of the body.

edocrine glands


exocrine glands

have ducts

types of connective tissue

Circulating connective tissue:
fluid, in a liquid matrix. Eg. Blood, lymph
Generalized Connective Tissue:
provides support and protection
Denser connective tissue
like tendons, ligaments
Structural connective tissue: cartilage and bone

loose conenctie tissue

soft/semiliquid consistency.
Areolar: "space"
soft matrix with cells and fibers inside.
Found in membranes and around vessels and organs.
Adipose: adipocytes can store lots of fat as a reserve for the body.
Provides heat and padding for our organs and joi

dense connective tissue

tissues with many fibers. Strong and flexible - made up of collagen.
Three types:
Irregular Dense: mostly collagen in a random arrangement.
Covers kidneys, liver, glands
Regular Dense: mostly collagen, arranged parallel to each other. Can be pulled in one

structural connective tissue

Strong, solid - it is the basis for support.
Cartilage: strong and flexible, used as a shock absorber and as a bearing surface that reduces friction between moving parts.
Gristle is the tough elastic, translucent material that covers the end of the long b

muscle tissue

Skeletal Muscles: works with tendons and bones to move the body. Also known as voluntary muscle. (it can be made to contract by conscious thought.
Cardiac muscle: forms the bulk of the heart wall. Also known as myocardium.
Smooth muscle: also known as vis

nervous tissue

Brain: center of all activity within the body. Each structure in the body is connected to the brain by the nerves.


some axons are insulated and protected by myelin.


carries messages to the nerve cell body.


carries impulses away from the nerve cell body


The basic unit of the nervous system.


Thin sheets of tissues

serous membrane

line the walls of body cavities and are folded back onto the surface of internal organs, forming the outermost layer.
line the closed ventral cavities and do not communicate with the outside of the body.
They secrete a thin watery lubricant that allows or

mucous mebrane

line tubes and other spaces that open to the outside of the body.
Secrete mucus.
Form extensive linings in the digestive, respiratory, urinary, reproductive systems.
Some cells have cilia as in the nasal passages. Others don't.

cutaneous membrane

the skin

connective tissue membrane

Synovial Membranes: thin connective tissues that line the joint cavities. They secrete a lubricant to reduce friction between the ends of bones. This permits movement.
Meninges: several layers of membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.
Fascia: fibro


a decrease in the size of cells, resulting in a reduced tissue mass


an increase number of cells resulting in an enlarged tissue mass.


occurs when one mature cell type is replaced by a different mature cell type.


term applied to tissue in which the cells vary in size and shape.
Pap smear (Papanicolaou test on cervical cells)


refers to cells that are undifferentiated and have variable nuclei and cell structures.


new growth. Also commonly called a tumor.
Tumors are of two types, benign and malignant.


an increase in the size of individual cells increased tissue mass

Benign tumors

do not necessarily become malignant.
Usually considered less serious because they do not spread, unless they are located in areas such as the brain.
The benign tumor is often encapsulated and expands but often does not spread.

malignant tumor

Usually made up of undifferentiated, nonfunctional cells which tend to reproduce more rapidly than normal. They infiltrate or spread into surrounding tissue and easily break away to other tissues.
Metastasis means spread to distant sites by blood or lymph