A&P: Chapter 6 - The Integumentary System (Smartbook)

___ cell carcinoma is the least deadly because it seldom metastasizes.


Hemoglobin imparts a _______ color to healthy skin


List the features of skin that minimize bacteria and fungi growth during an infection. Select all that apply.

-The cells of the skin shed frequently
-The dryness of the skin inhibits microbial growth

The structure indicated in the figure is a(n) ______ gland.


Accessory organs or appendages of skin include:

Hair, Nails and Cutaneous glands

Thinning of the hair, or baldness, is also called _____.


A splinter penetrates to the deepest layer of the epidermis on your hand. This layer is the stratum _____


The single layer of cuboidal epidermal cells that are actively mitotic and replace superficial cells are cells of the stratum ________


The mode of secretion for apocrine and merocrine glands is:


The integumentary layer indicated in the figure is the _____.


The cells in the most superficial layer of the skin are dead because _____.

Cells die as they move away from their nutrient supply in the dermis

Hairs called _____ shield the eyes from windblown debris with a quick blink.


Describe a first degree burn.

Reddening of the skin; involvement of the epidermis only

A splinter penetrates to the deepest layer of the epidermis on your hand. This layer is the stratum _____.


The condition called _____ is a genetic lack of melanin that usually results in milky white hair and skin and blue-gray eyes.


Cuboidal stem cells, keratinocytes, and melanocytes resting on a basement membrane best describes the stratum _____of the epidermis


_____ glands secrete a substance that combines with sebum to keep the eardrum protected and prevent foreign particles from entering the canal.


The structure indicated in the figure is a _____ corpuscle.


The pilus (hair) grows within a structure called the:

Hair follicle

Which of the following is a function of skin?

Begins the process of vitamin D synthesis

_______ is a protein produced in the cells of the epidermis that improves its durability and resistance to infection.


Which of the following stimuli commonly lead to the contraction of the poloerector muscles? Select all that apply.


Mechanical stress from manual labor accelerates keratinocyte multiplication. This results in formation of _________ or corns on the hands or feet.


At the center of each hair is a loosely arranged core of cells and air spaces. This region is called the:


Name the process by which large amounts of sweat are produced, wetting the skin.


The layer called the _________ is located deep to the dermis and is not part of the skin


Hair in this area is usually the only area with thick enough hair to retain heat:


Within a hair follicle, the _____ root sheath is an extension of the epidermis, and lies adjacent to the hair root.


Describe thick skin

It has sweat glands but no hair follicles or sebaceous glands

Describe the composition of perspiration.

About 99% water and has a pH of 4-6

The dermis consists of connective tissue, with ________ as the most common fiber type within the layer.


Fingernails and toenails are hard derivatives of the stratum ________ of the epidermis.


A ___________, or bruise, is a mass of clotted blood showing through the skin.


Hair with contrasting colors are important among mammals for "advertising" the individual's:

Species, Age, Sex, and Individual identity

Unlike sweat glands and ceruminous glands, mammary glands:

Are usually active only in pregnant and lactating females

A condition called __________ is a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes resulting from high levels of bilirubin in the blood


The skin plays an important role in the synthesis of:

Vitamin D

The white crescent area located over the nail matrix is called the _____


Keratinocytes are the most numerous cells found in the:


First degree, second degree and third degree are all classifications of:


Name the oily component of the secretion of the sebaceous glands.


Gray and white hair result from the absence of _________ in the cortex of the hair and the presence of air in the hair medulla.


True or False: During a manicure, it is the nail matrix that is trimmed.


_____ lines are creases found on the surfaces of the hands.


Describe the composition of sweat.

Acidic solution containing urea, potassium, sodium chloride and ammonia

Exposure to sunlight leads to:

Increased melanin production and darkening of the skin

The removal of burned skin, a procedure otherwise known as _____, is essential to infection control.


Markings on the fingertips that leave distinctive oily fingerprints on surfaces we touch are called:

Friction Ridges

True or False: Thin skin is found only on the eyelids.


True or False: Melanin is the component of skin that is the primary determinant of skin color


Scalp hair is an example of the hair type called:

Terminal Hair

The hair goes into a resting period, or _____ stage, when the papilla reaches the bulge.


Identify the structure indicated in the figure.

Piloerector Muscle

Birthmarks, or _____, are patches of skin discolored by benign tumors of blood capillaries.


A hair is formed by mitotic cells in which region?


Name the mitotically active region of cells above the papilla also known as the growth center:


_____ sweat glands are the most abundant glands in the body numbering 3 to 4 million in the adult skin.


True or False: Skin markings include hematomas, creases and friction ridges.


Tactile cells are responsible for:

Sensing touch

_____ cells found in apocrine and merocrine sweat glands have contractile properties similar to smooth muscle.


A(n) _____ is abnormal redness of the skin.


The dermis is composed of the reticular and ____________ layers.


The shedding of skin cells is called:


The pigment called _____ may be depostited in the stratum corneum and the subcutaneous fat.


The BRAF oncogene is linked to _____ cancer and ovarian cancer in women.


Due to extensive damage, _____-degree burns often requires skin grafts


Name the type of hair type that is the predominant form of hair found on the scalp.


_____ is the burned, dead tissue associated with burns to the skin.


The deep end of the follicle forms a bulge that serves as a source of _____ cells for follicle growth.


Individuals with red hair have:

More pheomelanin than eumelanin

_____ is composed of clumps of dander stuck together by sebum and is usually found on the scalp.


Describe the stratum lucidum.

Observed only in thick skin

The stratum _____ of the skin, the most superficial layer of the epidermis, is made of soft keratin, a more pliable form compared to hair and nails.


Tissue transplants performed between identical twins are called:


The dead, scaly, keratinized cells that forms a durable surface layer is the stratum _____.


John has skin cancer and has opted fora destruction of the cancerous lesion by heat, also known as _______


The protein eleiden is found in cells of the stratum _____ of the epidermis.


Explain why injections are frequently administered into the subcutaneous tissue.

The subcutaneous tissue is highly vascular

_____ perspiration occurs when perspiration evaporates quickly so it is not noticed.


The type of burn that involves injury to the epidermis and the upper region of the dermis and is red, blistered, and painful. It is classified as a _____-degree burn.


Skin accounts for about _____ percent of the body weight.


The oncogene responsible for melanoma in men is called _______


Dendritic cells are typically found in the:

Stratum spinosum and Stratum granulosum

In the _____ stage, mitosis ceases and the sheath cells below the bulge die.


Describe the dermal papilla.

The upward projections of the dermis at the dermis-epidermis boundary

Keratinocytes of the stratum granulosum layer contain coarse dark-staining granules called:

Keratohyalin granules

_____ is the presence of additional nipples.


True or False: Pattern baldness is observed equally in men and women.


People of all skin colors have approximately the same concentration of melanocytes per square centimeter. What can you conclude about melanin production?

More melanin is produced by each melanocyte in people with dark skin.

_____ is a pale or ashen skin color that occurs when there is little blood flow through the skin.


Individuals with hormonal imbalances can exhibit excessive hairiness. This is known as _____.


The sensory organ that detects light touch is composed of:

A tactile cell and nerve fiber

The substance that prevents skin and hair from becoming dry and brittle is _____.


Name the thickest epidermal stratum found in thin skin.

Stratum Spinosum

The clinical term for disagreeable body odor is _____


Lily goes to the beach 3 times a week to tan. She develops a lesion on her scalp and eats that later form concave ulcers with raised edges. Lilly most likely has:

Squamous cell carclnoma

UV radiation causes cancer which may:

Damage DNA and disable protective tumor-suppressor genes in epidermal cells

The branch of medicine that deals with the integumentary system is called _____


Describe the hair matrix.

The region of actively mitotic cells above the papilla

Flat or concave nails are a clinical sign of:

Iron deficiency

The structures that guard the nostrils and ear canals, preventing foreign particles from entering these areas are also called guard hairs or _____.


_________ are elevated patches of skin that are harmless and sometimes regarded as "beauty marks


A burn patient would mostly likely need:

Infection control

Name the layer of the epidermis that is no longer mitotic and contains dark staining clusters of keratohyalin.

Stratum granulosum

Flexion creases, friction ridges and patches of pigmentation are all examples of:

Skin markings

Which of the following is NOT a typical example of when you would observe cyanosis?

Strolling leisurely in the park

The pH of the skin surface is between:


The fingertips become swollen or clubbed in response to:

Long-term hypoxemia

Define autograft.

Tissue is taken from one area of a person's body and grafted onto another area of their body

Describe how resurfacing of third degree burns occurs.

Involves division of cells in the stratum basale in the epidermis at the edge of the burn

The texture of hair (round, wavy or straight) is:

Related to differences in cross-sectional shape

Name the protein within the skin that gives the epithelium its durability.


Burn deaths most often result from:

Fluid loss or infection

Allografts or homografts are grafts done between:

Different individuals

Blushing is an example of:

Vasodilation of blood vessels

The presence of a layer of lipids between the stratum spinosum and stratum granulosum facilitates:

Water retention

Cells of the stratum _________ contain coarse, dark-staining keratohyalin granules


Describe how the structure of the skin plays a role in minimizing water loss from the body.

Tight junctions between keratinocytes impede water loss

Describe the response of the body when chilled.

Vasoconstriction of vessels in the skin

Describe the tissue type that comprises the papillary layer of the dermis.

Aerolar connective tissue

The external expression of the dermal papillae are the:

Friction ridges

The scalp follicles are in the stage more than 50% of the time:


Pheomelanin has a _____ color.

Reddish yellow

James has a small shiny lesion that develops a central depression that has not invade the dermis. The biopsy shows a:

Basal cell carcinoma

Identify the openings indicated by the arrows.

Sweat pores

Which of the following would be an example of the non-verbal communication function of the skin?

Reddening of the skin (blushing) when embarrassed

Which layer of the epidermis is seen only in thick skin?

Stratum lucidum

Skin regeneration is limited to the edge of the burned area in ____.

Third-degree burns

True or False: Darker skinned people have more melanocytes per square centimeter than lighter skinned people.


True or False: Most skin cancer is caused by UV sun radiation which damages DNA.


The body's largest and heaviest organ is the:


Eumelanin is a form of melanin with a _____ color.

Brown Black

Most tumors occur where exposure to the sun is greatest. These areas would include the:

Head, Neck, and Hands

The stratum ____ is resistant to abrasion, penetration, and water loss.


Tight junctions located between keratinocytes in the skin play an important role in:

Preventing water loss