Exercise 12-Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System


Covers forehead
raises brow, wrinkles forehead

Orbicularis Oculi

encircles orbit ad inserts into tissue of eyelids.
various parts can be activated individually; closes eyes, produces blinking and squinting.

Orbicuaris Oris

encircles mouth, inserts at muscle and skin at angles of mouth.
closes mouth; purses and protrudes lips (kissing muscle)


extends diagonally from corner of mouth to cheekbone, inserts at skin and muscle at corner of mouth.
Raises lateral corners of mouth upward (smiling muscle)


Principle muscle of cheek; runs horizontally, deep to the masseter. inserts at orbicular oris.
compresses cheek (as in whistling); holds food between teeth during chewing.


thin, sheetlike superficial neck muscle, plays role in facial expression.
depresses mandible; pulls lower lip back and down (produces downward sag of the mouth)


Extends across jawbone.
closes jaw and elevates mandible


Fan-shaped muscle over temporal bone
closes jaw and elevates mandible


two-headed muscle located deep to platysma on anterolateral surface of neck.
simultaneous contraction of both muscle of pair causes flexion of neck forward; acting independently, rotate head toward opposite shoulder.

Rectus Abdominus

Origin: Pubis; Insertion: sternum and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7
medial superficial muscle, extends from pubis to rib cage; segmented
Flexes vertebral column; increases abdominal pressure

External Oblique

Origin: Anterior surface of last 8 ribs; Insertion: Iliac crest
Most superficial lateral muscle; fibers run downward and medially.
Similar action as rectus abdomens, also aids muscles of back to rotate and laterally flex the trunk

Serratus Anterior

Origin: ribs; Insertion: scapula
fixes scapula. Boxer's muscle


Origin: inferior border of bony thorax and lumbar vertebrae; Insertion: central tendon.
Increases vertical dimension of thorax to drive inspiration (inhalation?)

External Intercostals

Origin: rib above; Insertion: rib below.
elevates rib cage (assists inspiration)

Internal Intercostals



Origin: occipital bone and all cervical and thoracic vertebrae; Insertion: accordion and spinous process of scapula; clavicle.
Most superficial muscle of posterior neck and thorax; broad origin and insertion.
Extends neck; retracts (adducts) scapula and s

Pectoralis Major

Origin: clavicle, sternum, and cartilage of first 6 ribs. Insertion: fibers insert by short tendon into greater tubercle of humerus.
Large fan-shaped muscle covering upper portion of chest.
Prime mover of arm flexion; adducts, medially rotates arm

Latissimus Dorsi

Origin: lower 3 to 4 ribs, inferior spine, and iliac crest; Insertion: proximal humerus
Broad flat muscle of lower back (lumbar region); extensive superficial origins
Prime mover of arm extension; adducts and medially rotates arm; brings arm down in power


Origin: lateral third of clavicle; accordion and spine of scapula; Insertion: deltoid tuberosity of humerus.
fleshy triangular muscle forming shoulder muscle mass.
Acting as a whole, prime mover of arm abduction; when only specific fibers are active, can

Rotator Cuff

Origin: scapula; Insertion: humerus
stabilizes shoulder joint

Biceps Brachii

Origin: coracoid process of scapula; Insertion: proximal radius
two-headed muscle of anterior arm
Flexes elbow and supinates forearm

Flexor Carpi Radialis

Origin: medial epicondyle of humerus; Insertion: second and third metacarpals.
Superficial; runs diagonally across forearm.
Powerful wrist flexor; abducts hand

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

Origin: distal humerus and posterior ulna; Insertion: fifth metacarpal and carpals.
Superficial; medial to flexor carpi radialis.
powerful flexor of wrist; adducts hand

Flexor Digitorum

Origin: medial epicondyle. Insertion: middle phanlages.
Flexes wrist and middle phalanges of second through fifth fingers

Triceps Brachii

Origin: scapula, humerus; Insertion: olecranon of ulna
Sole, large fleshy muscle of posterior humerus; three-headed origin
Powerful forearm extensor; antagonist of biceps brachii

Extensor Carpi Radialis

Origin: distal humerus; Insertion: metacarpals
Superficial ;parallels brachioradialis on lateral forearm
Extends and abducts wrist

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus; Insertion: fifth metacarpal.
Superficial; medial posterior forearm
Extends and adducts wrist

Extensor Digitorum

Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus; Insertion: distal phalange of second through fifth fingers
superficial; between extensor carpi ulnas and extensor carpi radialis
Prime mover of finger extension; extends wrist; can flare (adduct) finger


Origin: iliac fossa, lumbar vertebrae; Insertion: lesser trochanter.
Two closely related muscles; fibers pass under inguinal ligament to insert into femur via a common tendon.
Flex trunk on thigh; major flexor of hip (or thigh on pelvis when pelvis is fix

Adductor Group

Origin: innominate; Insertion: linea aspera, femur
Large muscle mass forming medial aspect of thigh; arise from front of pelvis and insert at various levels on femur.
Adduct and laterally rotate and flex thigh; posterior part of magnus is also a synergist

Gluteus Maximus

Origin: external pelvis; Insertion: gluteal tuberosity of femur
Largest and most superficial of gluteal muscles (which form buttock mass)
Powerful hip extensor (most effective when hip is flexed, as in climbing stars-but not as in walking)

Gluteus Medius

Origin: external ilium; Insertion: greater trochanter.
Partially covered by gluteus maximus.
Abducts and medially rotates thigh; steadies pelvis during walking


Origins: ilium and femur; Insertion: patellar ligament
All extend knee


Origins: ischium, femur; Insertions: tibia and fibula
All extend thigh, flex knee




Origin: ASIS; Insertion: tibia
straplike superficial muscle running obliquely across anterior surface of thigh to knee.
Flexes and laterall rotates thigh; flexes knee; known as "tailor's muscle" because it helps bring about cross-legged position in which

Tibialis Anterior

Origin: distal femur, tibia; Insertion: medial tarsals, metatarsals.
Superficial muscle of anterior leg; parallels sharp anterior margin of tibia
Prime mover of dorsiflexion; inverts foot


Origin: femur; Insertion: achilles tendon to calcaneus
Plantar flexion, flexes knee


Origin: tibia, fibula. Insertion: achilles tendon
plantar flexion