chapter 24 the urinary system exam 4

important functions of the kidneys

Maintain the chemical consistency of blood
Filter many liters of fluid from blood
Send toxins, metabolic wastes, and excess water out of the body

what are the 3 nitrogenous main waste products

urea, uric acid, creatinine

kidney location and protection

some protection from lower ribs
right kidney lies lower than the left due to liver crowding

are kidneys vulnerable to injury


four main organs of the urinary system

urinary bladder

fribrous capsule renal

capsule of dense connective tissue surrounds the kidney
maintains shape, inhibits spread of infection

perirenal fat capsule

external to renal/fibrous capsule

renal fascia (anterior and posterior)

external to perirenal fat capsule
contains fat

kidney tissue supportive layers from outer to inner

renal fascia
perirenal fat capsule
fibrous capsule

renal cortex

more superficial; granular appearance


deep to the cortex consists of cone shaped masses called renal pyramids

renal pyramids contain

urine collecting tubules

apex of renal pyramid


renal columns

extensions of the renal cortex that separate pyramids

kidney nephron extends from the _____ into the _____-

from the pyramid to the cortex

renal sinus

large space within medial part of the kidney
contains vessels and nerves
urine carrying tubes called renal pelvis and calices
opens to the exterior via the renal hilum

general kidney blood flow

renal arteries
kidney via hilum
filter blood
exit kidney via hilum
renal veins

complex renal blood flow

aorta-renal artery-segmental artery-interlobar artery-arcuate artery-cortical radiate artery---
afferent arteriole-glomerulus-efferent arteriole-peritubular capillaries and vasa recta ---
cortical radiate vein-arcuate vein-interlobar vein-renal vein-infer

what are the nephron associated blood vessels

afferent arteriole-glomerulus-efferent arteriole-peritubular capillaries and vasa recta


structural and functional unit of the kidney

how many nephrons per kidney

more than 1 million nephrons crowded together within each kidney


produce filtrate that becomes urine
feb and drained by arterioles
afferent/efferent glomerular arteriole

vasa recta

continue from efferent arterioles of juxtamedullary nephrons
thin walled looping vessels
descend into the medulla
are part of the kidney's urine concentrating mechanisms

three steps in urine production


what produces urine



filtrate of blood leaves kidney capillaries and enters renal tubule


most nutrients, water, and essential ions reclaimed from filtrate


active process of removing undesirable molecules into the renal tubule

nephron is composed of

renal tubule
renal corpuscle (filtration occurs here)

where does filtration occur

renal corpuscle

renal corpuscle consists of

glomerulus surround by Bowmans capsule

renal corpuscle is strictly within the


renal corpuscle parietal layer is made of

is made of simple squamous epithelium

renal corpuscle visceral layer

consists of branched epithelial cells called podocytes


foot processes or little feet
interdigitate with one another as they surround the glomerular capillaries

filtration slits

filtrate passes into capsular space through thin clefts between foot processes

filtration membrane consists of three layers

1. endothelium of the capillary
2. slits between foot processes of podocytes
3. basement membrane holds back all but the smallest proteins

filtrate procedes to the renal tubules from

the glomerulus

renal tubule

proximal convoluted tubule
loop of henle (nephron loop) - descending limb, descending thin limb, ascending thin limb, thick ascending limb
distal convoluted tubule

collecting ducts

receive urine from several nephrons
play and important role in conserving fluids


posterior pituitary secretes ADH
increases permeability of collecting ducts and DCT to water

alcohol inhibits the release of

ADH - reduces water absorption

glomeruli generate ______ liters of fluid every _____ minutes

1 liter ever 8 minutes

how much filtrate is reabsorbed by tubules


how much filtrate becomes urine


nephron summary

resorbs water, ions, and solutes from filtrate
selective secretion and resorption of ions
permeable simple squamous epithelium
receives urine from several nephrons

cortical nephrons

85% of nephrons
located almost entirely within the cortex (nephron loops dip a short distance into the medulla)

juxtamedullary nephrons (near medulla)

15% of nephrons
renal corpuscles lie near the cortex medulla junction
nephron loops deeply invade the medulla
contribute to kidney's ability to concentrate urine, regulates BP
exist within a juxtamedullary apparatus

juxtamedullary apparatus

area of specialized contact between the terminal end of the thick ascending limb of the nephron loop and the afferent arteriole

nephrons associate with two capillary beds

glomeruli and peritubular capillaries in cortical nephrons or vasa recta

cortical nephron

short nephron loop
glomerulus further from the cortex-medulla junction
efferent arteriole supplies peritubular capillaries

juxtamedullary nephron

long nephron loop
glomerulus closer to the cortex-medulla junction
efferent arteriole supplies vasa recta

juxtaglomerular apparatus specialized cells

granular cells
macula densa
extraglomerular mesangial cells
mesangial cells

granular cells

modified smooth muscle cells with secretory granules that contain the hormone renin


kidney hormone
secreted in response to falling BP in afferent arteriole

macula densa

end of nephron loop
monitors solute concentration in the filtrate

mesangial cells

located around base of the glomerulus
regulate blood flow within the glomerulus

extraglomerular mesangial cells

interact with macula densa and granular cells
help regulate glomerular flow

urinary bladder

collapsible sac
stores and expels urine

urinary bladder is composed of three layers

mucosa - transitional epithelium
thick muscular layer - detrusor muscle
fibrous adventitia

male urethra divided into ______ regions


control of micturition

stretch receptors
detrusor contracts and opens internal urethral sphincter
external urethral sphincter is inhibited and bladder is emptied