Anatomy of the Skin Study Set

stratum corneum

the most superficial layer of the epidermis consisting of dead cells


Cells made of Keratin, comprise of 95% of the Epidermis; move up thru the layers

stratum lucidum

Clear, transparent layer of the epidermis under the stratum corneum found only in "thick skin" of the palms and soles of feet.

stratum granulosum

a layer of the epidermis that marks the transition between the deeper, metabolically active strata and the dead cells of the more superficial strata. Cells contain keratin and oily waterproofing.

stratum spinosum

This epidermis layer is eight to ten cell layers thick. These are living cells which contain melanocytes and keratinocytes. The cells look prickly under a microscope.


epidermal cells in the stratum spinosum that synthesize the pigment melanin, which protects the body from ultraviolet light and suppresses vitamin-D production

stratum basale

the deepest layer of the epidermis consisting of stem cells capable of undergoing cell division to form new cells


The sensitive inner layer of the skin.


An outer layer of skin cells designed to provide protection

papillary layer

Outermost layer of the dermis, directly underneath the epidermis

reticular layer

the deeper layer of the dermis that supplies the skin with oxygen and nutrients and contains sweat and oil glands is the

arrector pili muscle

Smooth muscles whose contractions force hairs to stand erect, causes goose bumps.

hair shaft

The portion of hair that projects above the skin is the

hair root

The part of the hair located below the surface of the epidermis.