Anatomy And Physiology unit 3

Epithelial Tissue Functions

Protection, absorption, filtration, secretion

Epithelium Characteristics

Cells fit together and form sheets, the apical surface is the free surface of the tissue, the lower surface of the epithelium rests on a basement membrane, avascular

Avascular definition

No blood supply

Epithelial tissue locations

Body coverings, body linings, glandular tissue

Connective tissue functions

Binds body tissues together, supports the body, provides protection

Connective tissue characteristics

Variations in blood supply, extracellular matrix

Connective tissue locations

Found everywhere in the body

Muscle tissue types

Skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle

Muscle tissue fictions

To produce movement

Skeletal muscle characteristics

Striated, multinucleate, long cylindrical cells

Cardiac muscle characteristics

Striated, one nucleus per cell, cells are attached to other cardiac muscle cells at intercalated disks

Smooth muscle

No visible striations, one nucleus per cell, spindle-shaped cells

Nervous tissue functions

To send impulses to other areas of the body, insulate, protect and support neurons

Connective Tissue Types

Bone, Hyaline cartilage, Elastic Cartilage, Fibrocartilage, Dense connective tissue, areolar tissue, adipose tissue, reticular connective tissue, blood

connective bone tissue characteristics

bone cells in lacunae, hard matrix of calcium salts, large number of collagen fibers

hyaline cartilage characteristics

abundant collagen fibers, rubbery matrix

dense connective tissue characteristics

main matrix element is collagen fiber, fibroblasts are cells that make fibers

areolar tissue characteristics

soft pliable tissue like cobwebs, contains all fiber types

adipose tissue characteristics

matrix is an areolar tissue in which fat globules predominate, many cells contain large lipid deposits

reticular connective tissue characteristics

delicate network of interwoven fibers

connective blood tissues characteristics

blood cells surrounded by fluid matrix called blood plasma, fibers are visible during clotting

Simple definition for cells

one cell layer

stratified definition for cells

more than one layer

Epithelial Tissue Types

Simple squamous, simple cuboidal, simple columnar, pseudostratified columnar, stratified squamous, stratified cuboidal, stratified columnar, stratified cuboidal and columnar, transitional, glandular

simple squamous characteristics

single layer of flat cells

simple squamous functions

diffusion, filtration or secretion in membranes

simple cuboidal characteristics

single layer of cube-like cells

simple cuboidal functions

secretion and absorption, ciliated types propel mucus or reproductive cells

simple cuboidal location

common in glands and their ducts, forms walls of kidney tubules, covers the ovaries

simple squamous location

lines body cavities, lines lungs and capillaries

simple columnar characteristics

single layer of tall cells

simple columnar locations

lines digestive tract

simple columnar functions

secretion and absorption, ciliated types propel mucus or reproductive cells

Pseudostratified columnar characteristics

single layer, but some cells are shorter than others

pseudostratified columnar location

respiratory tract, where it is ciliated

pseudostratified columnar functions

absorption or secretion

stratified squamous characteristics

cells at the apical surface are flattened

stratified squamous location

lining of the skin, mouth and esophagus

stratified squamous functions

protective covering where friction is common

stratified cuboidal characteristics

two layers of cuboidal cells

stratified cuboidal and columnar functions


stratified columnar characteristics

surface cells are columnar, cells vary in size and shape

stratified cuboidal and columnar locations

rare in human body, found mainly in ducts of large glands

transitional epithelium characteristics

composed of modified stratified squamous epithelium

transitional epithelium functions

stretching and the ability to return to normal shape

transitional epithelium location

lines organs of the urinary system

plasma membrane characteristics

barrier for cell contents, double phospholipid layer, also contains proteins, cholesterol and glycoproteins


first part of cell division, centrioles migrate to the poles to direct assembly of mitotic spindle fibers


Chromosomes are aligned in the center of the cell on the metaphase plate


Chromosomes are pulled apart and toward the opposite ends of the cell, cell begins to elongate


Chromosomes uncoil to become chromatin, nuclear envelope reforms around chromatin, spindles break down and disappear


channel proteins that go through cell membrane, water goes through