Nervous System

Action potential

Transmission of the depolarization wave along the neuron's membrane


state in which the resting potential is reversed as sodium ions rush into the neuron


electrical condition of the plasma membrane of a resting neuron

potassium ions

the chief positive intracellular ion in a resting neuron

refractory period

period of repolarization of the neuron during which it cannot respond to a second stimulus


period during which potassium ions diffuse out of the neuron

sodium ions

when the neuron's action potential is released, these positively charged ions are rushing into the axon through openings on the membrane

sodium potassium pump

process by which ATP is used to move sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions back into the cell; completely restores the resting conditions of the neuron

meningeal layer

outermost covering of the brain, composed of tough fibrous connective tissue

pia mater

innermost covering of the brain; delicate and vascular

arachnoid villi

structures that return cerebrospinal fluid to the venous blood in the dural sinuses

arachnoid mater

middle meningeal layer; like a cobweb in structure

dura mater

its out layer forms the periosteum of the skull


Generally conducts impulses away from the cell body

axonal terminal

releases neurotransmitters


conducts electrical currents toward the cell body

myelin sheath

increases the speed of impulse transmission

cell body

location of the nucleus


***demonstrate irritability and conductivity, and thus transmit electrical messages from one area of the body to another area
***are amitotic


***support, insulate, and protect cells
***release neurotransmitters
***able to divide; therefore are responsible for most brain neoplasms

autonomic nervous system

**Subdivision of the PNS that regulates the activity of the heart and smooth muscle, and of glands; it is also called the involuntary nervous system
**A major subdivision of the nervous system that interprets incoming information and issues orders

central nervous system (CNS)

**Nervous system subdivision that is composed of the brain and spinal cord.

peripheral nervous system (PNS)

Nervous system subdivision that is composed of the cranial and spinal nerves and ganglia

Somatic nervous system

**subdivision of the PNS that controls voluntary activities such as the activation of the skeletal muscles
**A major subdivision of the nervous system that serves as communication lines, linking all parts of the body to the CNS

somatic reflex(es)

**patellar (knee-jerk)
**effectors are skeletal muscles
**flexor reflex

Autonomic reflex(es)

**pupillary light reflex
**effectors are smooth muscle and glands
**regulation of blood pressure
**salivary reflex