Chapter 7 Bone Tissue

What is the term for the bone cells that produce organic bone matrix?


What is the type of bone tissue found in the interior of flat bones and epiphyses called?

Spongy Bone

What is the type of cartilage with a relatively clear matrix,, fine collagen fibers, and no conspicuous elastic fibers called?

Hyaline Cartilage (Example: Articular Cartilage, Epiphyseal plate)

What is the name of a former chondroblast that has become enclosed in a lacuna in the cartilage matrix?


What are two terms that share the meaning Myeloid Tissue?

Red Bone Marrow and Hemopoitic Tissue (Myeloid tissue is the site of production of blood cells)

What is the type of bone (osseous) tissue at the surface of ?all bones, just beneath the periosteum

Compact bone

What is the name of the dense connective tissue (hyaline cartilage) found covering and surround the surface of the cartilage model?

(For Example: In Endochondral Ossification, Mesenchyme develops into a body of hyaline cartilage, covered with fibrous perichondium in the loaction of future bone)

What is the name of the partial older osteons found between complete newer osteons?

Interstitial Lamellae

What is the metaphysis of a long bone?

The transitional area between diaphysis and epiphysis. (Also, transtion from cartilage to bone at each end of the primary marrow cavity, facing the marrow cavity)

A low blood calcium level will stimulate the release of what?

Parathyroid Hormone

What is released when blood calcium concentration is elevated?


What is the name of the layerss of bony matrix arranged around the central canal of an osteon called?

Conocentric Lamellae (onion rings)

What is the function of yellow bone marrow?

Storage of energy

How are bones classified into one of four types?


What are bones of the cranium examples of (one of four shapes)?

flat bones

Is hydroxyapatite the inorganic or organic component of the bony matrix?


What do the osteoblasts form in enochondral ossification, when the cartilage at the primary ossification center breaks down?

Bony Collar to reinforce the forming of primary marrow cavity, provide support, and initiate born formation at the surface

What is Endochondral Ossification?

6th week of development into 20yrs., hyaline cartilage model becomes replased with osseous tissue

What are the steps of Endochondral Ossification?


What is the layer of hyaline cartilage found covering the ends of bones within a join called?

Articular Cartilage

What is the name of a degenerative bone disease charaterized by loss of bone mass and increase risk of fracture?


What is the name of the structural material that is replaced with bone during endochondral ossification?

Hyaline Cartilage

Which hormone inhibits osteoclasts and stimulateds osteoblasts to help lower blood calcium?


Which gland secretes the PTH?

Parathyroid hormone is secreted by parathyroid glands

What is the nutrient foramina?

Oppening in the surface of a bone which allows the passage of blood vessels into bone tissue

What is the name of the structure found between the epiphysis and diaphysis in children and is the site of bone growth?

Epiphyseal plate

What are vertebrae bone classified as in terms of bone shape?

irregular bones, not long short or flat bones and have an elaborate shape

what is the name of the gelatinous embryonic connective tissue derived from the mesoderm which differentiates into all the permanent connective tissue and most muscle called?


What is he name of the condition in which blood calcium concentration is low?


What is the name bone in which bone marrow fills the spaces between the trebeculae?

(Red marrow is found in the spongy bone of the epiphysis of a long bone whereas yellow marrow is found in the medullary marow cavity of the diaphysis)

What is the name of the condition that is characterized by excessive excitability of the nervous and muscular systems and abnormal blood levels of calcium?


What is the name of a type of canal other than central canals in which blood vessels and nerves can be found?

Perforating Canals

The bleeding at the site of a bone fracture results in the formation of what?

Hematoma or blood clot

What is the type of cell that deposits osteoid tissue during intramembraneous ossification?


Is spongy bone made up primarily of osteons?

the matrix of spondy bone is arranged in lamellae like those of compact bone but there are only a few osteons, spongy bone is mainly consisted of trabecluae

What is the term for the bone tissue located between the two layers of compact bone in the skull?


What is the name of the process in which an increase in the length of a long bone due to growth of cartilage at the epiphyseal plate

Interstitial growth

What is the name of the process in which dissolving bone is released as minerals into the blood?

(dissolving bone releaseing minerals into the blood and minerals become more available for other uses)

What is the name of the type of bone growth that involves deposit of new surface?

Appositional growth

What is the name of the process in which the dense regular connective tissue hardens to form bone as a result of deposition of calcium phasphat and other minerals?


What is the part of the long bone that a primary ossification center forms within during endochondral ossification?

(Near the center of the hyaline cartilage model in what will be the diaphysis. the secondary ossicication center forms in the epiphyses)

What is the name of the calcium phosphate salt deposited within bone?


What is the name of the cells that reabsorb and remodel the forming bone during intramembranous ossification as spongy bone is produced?


The protein and carbohydrate form which type of matter in the bone matrix and the hydroxyapetite forms which type of matter in the bone matrix?

Organic Matter (protein and carbohydrates)
Inorganic matter (Hydroxyapetite)

In adults what is the name of the growth plate called?

epiphyseal line

Which type of bone marrow in adults is found in axial skeleton, pectoral and pelvic gurdles, and proximal heads of humerus and femur?

Red Bone Marrow

How do you describe the anatomy of the medullary marrow cavity?

Hollow cavity within the diaphysis of a long bone

Where is % of the calcium found in the body?


Which cell is mostly responsible for resorption of the bone cells?


Descibe the zone of calcification of the epiphyseal plate:

Enlarged chondrocytes die and the cartilage matrix is calcified

What can be resulted from hypersecretion of PTH?

broken multiple bones in just the past year, coplaints of muscle weakness, high levels of blood calcium

What is the name of the condition taht occurs because of defect in collagen deposition that causes bones to be exceptionally brittle, fractures may be present at birth or occur frequently during childhood?

Osteogenesis imperfecta

Define Ectopic Ossification:

Formation of osseous tissue in areas outside of bone

What is the name for the process of blood cell formation that occurs in bone marrow?


What is the name of the primary ossification center during endochondral ossification in a long bone called?


Describe perforating Sharpey fibers

Collagen fibers from the periosteum that firmly adhere the periosteum to the bone

Describe the zone of cell hypertrophy of the epiphyseal plate:

Chondrocytes in this zone are no longer dividing but are enlarging there is thinning of the lucunae walls

Which zone of the metaphysis is located farthest from the marrow space cavity?

Zone of reserve cartilage

What is the name of the organic matrix tissue that osteogenic cells deposit?

Osteoid Tissue, unmineralized collagenous tissue

PTH is a hormone that is released by parathyroid glands in reponse to what?

decreased blood calcium levels

What is the effect of calcitonin on osteoclasts and osteoblasts in bone cells?

inhibits osteoclasts
stimulates osteoblasts

What is the name of the cells that buld new bone and are located in the osteogenic layer of the periosteum


What is the name of the zone of the epiphyseal plate that chondrocytes are multiplying and aligning into logitudinal columns in flattened lacunae?

Zone of cell proliferation

What is the name of the hormon that reduces kidney exretion of calcium?

Parathyroid Hormone, it does this to increase blood calcium levels.

Which zone of epiphyseal plate is located closest to the marrow space?

zone of ossified bone

Define osteogenesis imperfects

britlle bone disease, defect in collagen depostition that renders bones expecitionally brittle

What is flat or concave nails a clinical sign of?

Iron deficiency

Which stage does the hair go into when the papilla reaches the bulge? Resting stage

Telogen Stage

What is it called to have replacement of tissue harvested from a cadaver?


In which stage does mitosis cease and the sheath of cells below the bulge die?

Catagen stage

Myoepithilial cells

found in apocrine and merocrine sweat glands and have contractile properties similar to smooth muscles