Anatomy Lab Exam 3

sensory neurons

dorsal root ganglion contains cell bodies of

lateral ventricle

which structure is highlighted

vertebral a.

which structure is highlighted

cauda equina

what is the name of the specified structure, which projects inferiorly from the spinal cord

primary motor cortex

what is the highlighted structure

cerebral arterial circle

what structure is highlighted

sigmoid sinus

what structure is highlighted

dura mater

identify structure that surrounds spinal cord and brain

transverse sinus

identify highlighted structure

straight sinus

superior sagittal sinus

identify highlighted structure

basilar artery

name indicated structure

filum terminale

identify highlighted structure


identify highlighted structure

dura mater, subdural space, arachnoid mater, subarachnoid space, pia mater

order of spinal cord meninges and spaces from superficial to deep

epidural space

identify the highlighted structure

lateral sulcus

identify the highlighted structure

primary visual cortex

identify the highlighted structure

spinal nerves

indicate highlighted structure that pass through the vertebral foramina

phrenic nerve

which nerve provides all motor innervation to the diaphragm


T or F. in general, nerves from the posterior division of the brachial plexus tend to innervate muscles that extend the parts of the upper limbs

sciatic nerve

which nerve of the sacral plexuses is the largest and longest nerve in the body

median nerve

name the nerve that provides some of the innervation to the joints of the hand

dorsal ramus

name the highlighted structure

roots, trunks, divisions, cords, terminal branches

name the parts of the brachial plexus in order from proximal to distal

the parasympathetic division is active when resting and digesting

what is true of the autonomic nervous system

motor neurons

ventral horn of spinal cord contains cell bodies of

skin and muscles of the back

dorsal rami of spinal nerves innervate

roots of lumbosacral plexus

identify the structure

ulnar nerve

which nerve innervates most of the intrinsic muscles of the hand, such as the hypothenar group, lumbricals 4 and 4 and all the interossei muscles

femoral nerve

name the structure highlighted

stratum basale

name the highlighted layer

lumbar plexus

name indicated area

iris: regulates pupil diameter

what structure is E

tympanic membrane

what is the indicated strcutrue

auricle, external acoustic meatus, tympanic membrane, malleus, incus, stapes, cochlea

what are the structures of the ear in order as sound travels in

CN II optic nerve

what structure is highlighted


this functions as the organ of hearing

CN VII, facial nerve

identify the highlighted structure

CN X, vagus nerve

identify the highlighted structure


what structure is highlighted

semicircular canals

organ of equilibrium

CN III, oculomotor nerve

what structure is highlighted

CN XII, hypoglossal nerve

indicate the highlighted structure


identify indicated structure


identify indicated structure


the cranial nerve that passes through the cribiform plate of the ethmoid bones

optic disc

name the highlighted structure - create a blindspot


labeled the structure being pointed to


name the indicated structure

renal papilla

name the highlighted structure


the longest part of the male urethra that is encased within a cylinder of erectile tissue in the penis is the _____ urethra


what is the indicated area

round ligament of uterus

name the highlighted structure

renal pelvis

name the indicated structure

labium majus

name the highlighted structure

vas deferens

name the indicated strucutre

perimetrium, myometrium, endometrium, uterine cavity

place the following layers of the uterus in order from superficial to deep

renal medulla

name the highlighted structure

renal column

name the highlighted structure

epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra

name the structure of the male reproductive tract in order of how perm passes through them

corpus cavernosum

what is the structured labeled 1

corpus spongiosum

what is the structure labeled 2

pampiniform plexus

name the highlighted structure

prostatic urethra

name the indicated structure


the duct by which urine passes from kidney to bladder

cremaster muscle

muscle in the inguinal canal, helps to pull testes up and control temperature of sperm

anterior communication artery

name the indicated structure

posterior communicating artery

name the indicated structure

middle cerebral artery

name the indicated structure

interior carotid artery

what is number 4

anterior cerebral artery

what is number 2

posterior cerebral artery

what is number 6

detrusor muscle

this muscle contracts to help release urine

broad ligament

name indicated structure

pelvic part of vas deferens

name the highlighted structure

inguinal canals

where is the spermatic cord located?


which structure is indicated by the arrow, first part of Fallopian tube


rounded part of Fallopian tube, third part of Fallopian tube

cerebral aqueduct

name the indicated structure