Anatomy Chapter 5


cutaneous membrane; skin

cutaneous membrane

integument; skin


A subcutaneous tissue found between the skin and any underlying structures, such as muscle.

flexions creases

place where skin attaches directly to the joints of the fingers.


the outer and thinner region of the skin.

stratified squamous epithelium

part of the epidermis that is divided into several layers.

stratum basale

deepest layer of the epidermis where cell division occurs.

langerhans cells

macrophges found deep inthe epidermis


another type of specialized cell located in the deeper epidermis


the pigment primarily responsible for skin color.


the lack of ability to produce melanin

stratum corneum

uppermost layer of the epidermis


the cellular production of a fibroud, waterproof protein


a deeper and thicker region than the epidermis; composed of dense irregular connective tissue

dermal papillae

the upper layer of the dermis has fingerlike projections called ______ ________ that project into and anchor the epidermis.

collagenous fibers

flexible but offer great resistance to overstretching; they prevent skin from being torn.

elastic fibers

stretch to allow movement of underlying muscles and joints, but mainting normal skin tension.

decubitus ulcers

(bedsores) Develop when blood flow to a particular area is restricted in bedreidden patients.


(subcutaneous tissue) lies below the dermis

subcutaneous tissue

(hypodermis) lies below the dermis

subcutaneous injection

performed with a hypodermic needle.

hypodermic needel

perform subcutaneous injections.


an energy storage form that can be called upon when necessary to supply the body with molecules for cellular respiration.


found in all body parts except the palms, soles, lips, nipples, and portions of hte external reproductive organs.


When women produce more male sex hormone than usual; a condition characterized by excessive body and facial hair.

hair follicles

Hairs project from complex structures call ____ _________.


the protion of hair within the follicle.


the portion that extends beyond the skin


hair loss

alopecia areata

characterized by teh sudden onset of partchy hair loss

androgenic alopecia

inherited condition; male pattern baldness.

arrector pili

smooth muscle that attaches to the follicle in such a way that contraction of the muscle causes the hair to stand one end.


grow from special epithelial cells at the base of the nail and the region called the nail root

nail root

region at the base of the nail

nail body

the visible portion of the nail


the half moon shaped base of the nail


groups of cells specialized to produce and secrete a substance into ducts.

sweat glands

(sudoriferous glands) present in all regions of the skin.

apocrine glands

open into hair follicles in the anal region, groin, and armpits; begin to secrete during puberty.

eccrine glands

open onto the surface of the skin; become active when a person is hot, ehlping to lower body temperature as sweat evaporates.

sebacous glands

associated with a hair follicle


glands secrete an oily substance called _____ that flows into the follice and then out onto the skin sufrace

acne vulgaris

the most common form of acne; an inflammation fothe sebacous glands that most often occurs during adolescence; caused by hormonal changes during puberty.

mammary glands

located winith the breasts; produce milk.