Ch. 25 The Urinary System Test Bank

1) Which of the following is the best explanation for why the cells of the proximal convoluted
tubule (PCT) contain so many mitochondria?
A) Cells of the PCT go through a great deal of mitosis.
B) A great deal of active transport takes place in the PCT.

B) A great deal of active transport takes place in the PCT.

2) What is the best explanation for the microvilli on the apical surface of the proximal
convoluted tubule (PCT)?
A) They increase the surface area and allow for a greater volume of filtrate components to be
B) Their movements propel the filtr

A) They increase the surface area and allow for a greater volume of filtrate components to be

3) The thin segment of the nephron loop's descending limb ________.
A) helps to pack a greater number of nephron loops into a smaller space
B) aids in the passive excretion of nitrogenous waste
C) is easily broken and replaced often
D) aids in the passive

D) aids in the passive movement of water out of the tubule

4) The relatively long half-life of lipid soluble hormones (steroid hormones) compared to water
soluble hormones is due in part to the way that these hormones are passed into the filtrate from
the glomerular capillaries. From the list below select the bes

D) Steroid hormones travel in the plasma on large transport proteins that cannon pass through the
filtration membrane.

5) The presence of protein in the urine indicates which of the following?
A) too much protein in the diet
B) damage to the filtration membrane
C) high levels of transcription and translation by the bodies tissues
D) damage to the renal tubules

B) damage to the filtration membrane

6) Hydrostatic pressure is the primary driving force of plasma through the filtration membrane
into the capsular space. All but one of the following statements reflects why hydrostatic pressure
is so high in the glomerular capillaries. Select the one stat

B) The volume of plasma in the efferent arteriole is higher when compared to the afferent

7) Cells and transport proteins are physically prevented from passing through the filtration
membrane. This has the following effect on filtration.
A) decreased osmotic pressure in the filtrate that increases the amount of filtration
B) increasing osmotic

B) increasing osmotic pressure in the glomerular capillaries that reduces the amount of filtration

8) If the diameter of the afferent arterioles leading to the glomerulus increases (vasodilation)
which of the following is not likely to occur?
A) Net filtration pressure will increase.
B) Urine output will increase.
C) Systemic blood pressure will go up.

C) Systemic blood pressure will go up.

9) If the diameter of the efferent arterioles leading away from the glomerulus increases
(vasodilation) which of the following is not likely to occur?
A) Urine output will decrease.
B) Net filtration pressure will decrease.
C) Systemic blood pressure will

C) Systemic blood pressure will decrease.

10) If the diameter of the afferent arterioles leading to the glomerulus decreases
(vasoconstriction) which of the following is not likely to occur?
A) Glomerular filtration rate will decrease.
B) Urine output will decrease.
C) Systemic blood pressure wil

C) Systemic blood pressure will decrease.

11) If the diameter of the efferent arterioles leading away from the glomerulus decrease
(vasoconstriction) which of the following is not likely to occur?
A) Urine output will increase.
B) Systemic blood pressure will go up.
C) Glomerular filtration rate

B) Systemic blood pressure will go up.

12) If the glomerular mesangial cells contract, reducing the overall surface area of the
glomerulus which of the following is not likely to occur?
A) Systemic blood pressure will be lowered.
B) Glomerular filtration rate will decrease.
C) Net filtration r

A) Systemic blood pressure will be lowered.

13) If blood pressure drops very low (MAP is below 80mmHg) renin enzyme will be secreted by
granular cells. Which of the following is not likely to occur?
A) Blood plasma and extracellular fluids volume will increase
B) Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) wi

D) Kidney perfusion will increase

14) Which of the following statements best describes the difference between the intrinsic and
extrinsic controls of the kidney?
A) Extrinsic controls have the greatest effect on systemic blood pressure while intrinsic control
have a greater effect on GFR.

A) Extrinsic controls have the greatest effect on systemic blood pressure while intrinsic control
have a greater effect on GFR.

15) Reabsorption of nutrients like glucose and amino acids takes place in the proximal
convoluted tubule (PCT) via cotransporters that utilize secondary active transport. Which of the
following would stop the reabsorption of glucose at the apical surface

A) loss of Na+-K+ ATPase in the basolateral surface of PCT cells

16) Bulk flow of nutrients, ions and water into the peritubular capillaries is the result of all of the
following except one. Select the answer below that does not describe a cause of bulk flow of
fluids into the peritubular capillaries.
A) higher osmotic

C) leaky tight junctions of peritubular capillary's endothelium

17) The mechanism that establishes the medullary osmotic gradient depends most on the
permeability properties of the ________.
A) collecting duct
B) glomerular filtration membrane
C) nephron loop
D) distal convoluted tubule

C) nephron loop

18) Which of the following is not associated with the renal corpuscle?
A) a fenestrated capillary
B) a podocyte
C) an efferent arteriole
D) a vasa recta

D) a vasa recta

19) An increase in the permeability of the cells of the collecting tubule to water is due to a(n)________.
A) increase in the production of ADH
B) decrease in the concentration of the blood plasma
C) increase in the production of aldosterone
D) decrease i

A) increase in the production of ADH

20) The urinary bladder is composed of ________ epithelium.
A) transitional
B) stratified squamous
C) pseudostratified columnar
D) simple squamous

A) transitional

21) The kidneys are stimulated to produce renin ________.
A) when the pH of the urine decreases
B) when the specific gravity of urine rises above 1.10
C) when the peritubular capillaries are dilated
D) by a decrease in the blood pressure

D) by a decrease in the blood pressure

22) Which of the choices below is not a function of the urinary system?
A) helps maintain homeostasis by controlling the composition, volume, and pressure of blood
B) maintains blood osmolarity
C) regulates blood glucose levels and produces hormones
D) el

D) eliminates solid, undigested wastes and excretes carbon dioxide, water, salts, and heat

23) The ________ artery lies on the boundary between the cortex and medulla of the kidney
A) interlobar
B) cortical radiate
C) arcuate
D) lobar

C) arcuate

24) The descending limb of the nephron loop ________.
A) is not permeable to water
B) is freely permeable to sodium and urea
C) contains fluid that becomes more concentrated as it moves down into the medulla
D) pulls water by osmosis into the lumen of the

C) contains fluid that becomes more concentrated as it moves down into the medulla

25) Select the correct statement about the ureters.
A) The ureters are capable of peristalsis like that of the gastrointestinal tract.
B) Ureters contain sphincters at the entrance to the bladder to prevent the backflow of urine.
C) The ureter is innervat

A) The ureters are capable of peristalsis like that of the gastrointestinal tract.

26) The fatty tissue surrounding the kidneys is important because it ________.
A) produces vitamin D and other chemicals needed by the kidney
B) stabilizes the position of the kidneys by holding them in their normal position
C) is necessary as a barrier b

B) stabilizes the position of the kidneys by holding them in their normal position

27) The functional and structural unit of the kidneys is the ________.
A) nephron
B) glomerular capsule
C) nephron loop
D) capsular space

A) nephron

28) Which of the following does not describe the justaglomerular complex?
A) Its granular cells produce rennin.
B) Its macula densa cells produce aldosterone.
C) It helps control systemic blood pressure.
D) It regulates the rate of filtrate formation.

B) Its macula densa cells produce aldosterone.

29) The chief force pushing water and solutes out of the blood across the filtration membrane is
A) the ionic electrochemical gradient
B) glomerular hydrostatic pressure (glomerular blood pressure)
C) protein-regulated diffusion
D) the size of t

B) glomerular hydrostatic pressure (glomerular blood pressure)

30) Which of the following acts as the trigger for the initiation of micturition (voiding)?
A) the pressure of the fluid in the bladder
B) motor neurons
C) the stretching of the bladder wall
D) the sympathetic efferents

B) motor neurons

31) The filtration membrane includes all except ________.
A) basement membrane
B) renal fascia
C) glomerular endothelium
D) podocytes

B) renal fascia

32) The mechanism of water reabsorption by the renal tubules is ________.
A) filtration
B) active transport
C) osmosis
D) cotransport with sodium ions

C) osmosis

33) Most electrolyte reabsorption by the renal tubules is ________.
A) hormonally controlled in distal tubule segments
B) not limited by a transport maximum
C) in the distal convoluted tubule
D) accomplished after the nephron loop is reached

A) hormonally controlled in distal tubule segments

34) The macula densa cells respond to ________.
A) changes in pressure in the tubule
B) aldosterone
C) antidiuretic hormone
D) changes in Na+ content of the filtrate

D) changes in Na+ content of the filtrate

35) Which of the following is not reabsorbed by the proximal convoluted tubule?
A) K+
B) Na+
C) creatinine
D) glucose

C) creatinine

36) The fluid in glomerular capsule is similar to plasma except that it does not contain a
significant amount of ________.
A) electrolytes
B) hormones
C) glucose
D) plasma protein

D) plasma protein

37) Alcohol acts as a diuretic because it ________.
A) is not reabsorbed by the tubule cells
B) inhibits the release of ADH
C) increases the rate of glomerular filtration
D) increases secretion of ADH

B) inhibits the release of ADH

38) The function of angiotensin II is to ________.
A) decrease the production of aldosterone
B) decrease water absorption
C) constrict arterioles and increase blood pressure
D) decrease arterial blood pressure

C) constrict arterioles and increase blood pressure

39) An important characteristic of urine is its specific gravity or density, which is ________.
A) less than water
B) much higher than water
C) the same as water
D) slightly higher than water

D) slightly higher than water

40) Place the following in correct sequence from the formation of a drop of urine to its
elimination from the body.
1. major calyx
2. minor calyx
3. nephron
4. urethra
5. ureter
6. collecting duct
A) 6, 3, 2, 1, 5, 4
B) 3, 6, 2, 1, 5, 4
C) 3, 1, 2, 6, 5,

B) 3, 6, 2, 1, 5, 4

41) Select the correct statement about the nephrons.
A) Podocytes are the branching epithelial cells that line the tubules of the nephron.
B) The parietal layer of the glomerular capsule is simple squamous epithelium.
C) The glomerulus is correctly descri

B) The parietal layer of the glomerular capsule is simple squamous epithelium.

42) What would happen if the capsular hydrostatic pressure were increased above normal?
A) Capsular osmotic pressure would compensate so that filtration would not change.
B) Net filtration would decrease.
C) Net filtration would increase above normal.

B) Net filtration would decrease.

43) Which of the following is not a part of the juxtaglomerular complex?
A) macula densa
B) granular cells
C) podocyte cells
D) mesangial cells

C) podocyte cells

44) Which of the following is not true regarding tubular reabsorption?
A) It involves hormonal signals in the collecting ducts.
B) It is a purely passive transport process.
C) It is a reclamation process.
D) It occurs via transcellular or paracellular rou

B) It is a purely passive transport process.

45) Which of the choices below is a function of the nephron loop?
A) form a large volume of very dilute urine or a small volume of very concentrated urine
B) absorb electrolytes actively and water by osmosis in the same segments
C) absorb water and electr

A) form a large volume of very dilute urine or a small volume of very concentrated urine

46) Which of the following is the correct sequence of kidney development from embryo to fetus?
A) mesonephros, metanephros, pronephros
B) pronephros, metanephros, mesonephros
C) pronephros, mesonephros, metanephros
D) mesonephros, pronephros, metanephros

C) pronephros, mesonephros, metanephros

47) Which of the following best describes kidney function in older adults (70 years or older)?
A) Kidney function decreases due to kidney atrophy.
B) Only about 3% of older adults have any loss of kidney function.
C) Only obese and diabetic older adults h

A) Kidney function decreases due to kidney atrophy.

48) The factor favoring filtrate formation at the glomerulus is the ________.
A) glomerular hydrostatic pressure
B) myogenic mechanism
C) capsular hydrostatic pressure
D) colloid osmotic pressure of the blood

A) glomerular hydrostatic pressure

49) If the Tm for a particular amino acid is 120 mg/100 ml and the concentration of that amino
acid in the blood is 230 mg/100 ml, the amino acid will ________.
A) appear in the urine
B) be completely reabsorbed by the tubule cells
C) be actively secreted

A) appear in the urine

50) If one says that the clearance value of glucose is zero, what does this mean?
A) Normally all the glucose is reabsorbed.
B) The clearance value of glucose is relatively high in a healthy adult.
C) The glucose molecule is too large to be filtered out o

A) Normally all the glucose is reabsorbed.

51) Excretion of dilute urine requires ________.
A) impermeability of the collecting tubule to water
B) the presence of ADH
C) relative permeability of the distal tubule to water
D) transport of sodium and chloride ions out of the descending nephron loop

A) impermeability of the collecting tubule to water

52) Which of the choices below is not a method by which the cells of the renal tubules can raise
blood pH?
A) by producing new bicarbonate ions
B) by reabsorbing filtered bicarbonate ions
C) by secreting hydrogen ions into the filtrate
D) by secreting sod

D) by secreting sodium ions

53) In the ascending limb of the nephron loop the ________.
A) thick segment moves ions out into interstitial spaces for reabsorption
B) thin segment is freely permeable to water
C) thin segment is not permeable to sodium and chloride
D) thick segment is

A) thick segment moves ions out into interstitial spaces for reabsorption

54) Select the correct statement about urinary system development.
A) The metanephric ducts will become the urethras.
B) The pronephros (first tubule system) develops during the tenth week of gestation.
C) The mesonephros will develop into the kidneys.

D) Kidneys develop from urogenital ridges.

55) What is the most direct function of the juxtaglomerular apparatus?
A) help regulate blood pressure and the rate of excretion by the kidneys
B) help regulate blood pressure and the rate of blood filtration by the kidneys
C) help regulate water and elec

B) help regulate blood pressure and the rate of blood filtration by the kidneys

56) Which of the choices below is the salt level-monitoring part of the nephron?
A) nephron loop
B) vasa recta
C) principal cell
D) macula densa

D) macula densa

57) Which of the hormones below is responsible for facultative water reabsorption?
A) thyroxine
B) atrial natriuretic peptide
D) aldosterone


58) Which of the choices below is not a glomerular filtration rate control method?
A) electrolyte levels
B) hormonal regulation
C) renal autoregulation
D) neural regulation

A) electrolyte levels

59) Which of the choices below are the most important hormone regulators of electrolyte
reabsorption and secretion?
A) angiotensin I and epinephrine
B) angiotensin I and atrial natriuretic peptide
C) angiotensin II and ADH
D) angiotensin II and aldosteron

D) angiotensin II and aldosterone