Study Guide Lab2

Lining of esophagus

stratified squamous

lining of stomach

simple columnar

alveolar sacs of lungs

simple squamous

tubules of kidneys

simple cubodial

epidermis of skin

stratified squamous

lining of bladder; ability to slide over another


forms thin serous membranes; single layer flattened cells

simple squamous

mesenchyme, varied degress of vascularity; large amounts of extracellular matrix

characteristics of connective tissue

which tissue has function of protection, support, and binding of other body tissues; transportation of substances with in the body

connective tissue

attaches bones to bones and muscles to bone

dense fibrous connective tissue

acts as storage depot for fat

adipose connective tissue

the dermis of the skin

dense fibrous connective tissue

makes up intervertebral disc


forms the hip bone

osseous tissue

composes basement membranes; soft packaging with jelly like matrix

areolar connective tissue

forms larynx, costal cartilage of ribs, embryonic skeleton

hyaline cartilage

flexable framework for internal ear

elastic cartilage

firm, structurally amorphous matrix heavily invaded with fibers appears glassy and smooth

hyaline cartilage

matrix hard owing to calcium salts; provides levers for muscles to act on

osseous tissue

insulates against heat loss

adipose connective tissue

walls of large arteries

elastic connective tissue

two physiological characteristics that are highly developed in neurons

irritability and conductivity

neurons are similar to other cells because

they contain a nucleus and usual organelles

neurons are different to other cells because

their cytoplasm is drawn out into long processes

Are skeletal muscle tissues voluntarily controlled


which muscle tissues are involuntarily controlled

cardiac and smooth

which muscle tissue is striated

skeletal and cardiac

Which muscle tissue has a single nucleus in each cell

cardiac and smooth

which muscle tissue have several nuclei per cell


which muscle tissue is found attached to bones and allows direction of your eyeballs


what muscle tissue is found in the walls of stomach, uterus, and arteries


muscle tissue that contains spindle shaped cells


muscle tissue that contains branching cylindrical cells


muscle tissue that contains branching cylindrical cells


muscle tissue that contains long Non-branching cylindrical cells


muscle tissue that has intercalated disc


muscle tissue concerned with locomotion of the body as a whole


muscle tissue that changes the internal volume of an organ as it contracts

cardiac and smooth

lines the body cavities and covers the bodys external surface


pumps blood, flushes urine


electrical impulses

nervous tissue

anchors, packages and supports body organs

connective tissue

cells may absorb, secrete and filter


regulating and controlling body functions

nervous tissue

major function is to contract


synthesizes hormones


most durable tissue type

connective tissue

abundant nonliving extracellular matrix

connective tissue

most widespread tissue in the body

connective tissue

forms nerves and brain

nervous tissue

cells fit closely together, little intercellular material between cells, forms sheet like membranes, Avascular

characteristics of epithelial tissue

high regenerative capacity

epithelial tissue

function of the skin

insulates, cushions, protects against bacterial invasion; thermal damage

accessories of the skin

hair, nails and glans

Thin skin has how many layers


name the layers of the "thin skin

stratum corneum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum and stratum bascale

Extra layer that makes up thick skin

stratum lucidum

which pigments contribute to skin color

melanin and carotene

a localized concentration of melanin is referred to as a


two basic tissues which the skin is composed are dense irregular connective tissue, which makes up the dermis and

stratified squamous epithelium

the tough water repellent protein found in the epidermal cells


translucent cells in thick skin containing keratin fibrils

stratum lucidum

dead cells

stratum corneum and stratum lucidum

papilliary layer

dermal layer responsible for finger prints

vascular region

dermis as a whole

major skin area that produces (nails and hair)

epidermis as a whole

epidermal area exhibiting the most rapid cell division

stratum basale

scale like dead cells, full of keratin, constantly slough off

stratum corneum

mitotic cells filled with intermediate filaments

stratum spinosum

abundant elastic and dollagenic fibers

dermis as a whole

location of melanocytes and tactile (merkle) cells

stratum basale

area where weblike pre keratin filaments first appear

stratum spinosum

region of areolar connective tissue

papillary layer

fibers in the dermis are produced by


what substance is manufactured in the skin that plays role in calcium absorption

vitamin D

subaceous glands

produce oily material that is known as a blackhead

arrector pilli

produce chill bumps

sweat gland-apocrine

found in pubic and under arm area; less numerous type

sweat gland-eccrine

perspiration glands with a role in temperature control

sheath formed of both epithelial and connective tissues

hair follicles

sebecceous glands

found everywhere except palms and soles

Primarily dead/keritinized cells

hair and nails

cutaneous receptors

specialized nerve endings that respond to temperature, touch etc

secretes a lubercant for hair and skin

subaceous glands

sports a lunule and cuticle


three common fingerprint patterns

loops, arches and whorls

Two integumentary system mechanisms that help regulate body temp

when capillary blood flow to the skin is enhanced by the (nervous system)heat radiates from skin surface;
Activity of sweat glands

phagocytic cells that occupy the epidermis

epidermal dendritic

which layer is present in thick skin but not in thin

stratum lucidum

how many primary tissue types are found in the body


all connective tissue is derived from an embryonic tissue known as


muscle tissue found in hollow organs, no striations, and it's cells are spindle shaped

smooth muscle


most abundant epidermal cells ; function to produce keratin fibrils; tightly connected by desmosomes


protein that give the epidermis is durability and protective capabilities


spidery black cells produce pigment called melanin