Chapter 01: An Introduction to Anatomy Chapter Quiz


face up


study of cells


constant internal environment


lower back


face down


all chemical activity in body

ventral body cavity

thoracic and abdominopelvis


study of tissues

A plane that passes perpendicular to the long axis of the body, dividing the body into superior and interior sections, is
a. sagittal
b. coronal
c. transverse
d. frontal

c. transverse

The study of the changes in form that occur during the period between conception and physical maturity

c. developmental anatomy

The process by which an organism increases the size and/or number of cells is
a. reproduction
b. metabolism
c. adaptation
d. growth

d. growth

The mediastinum is the part of the thoracic cavity that lies between the
a. heart and pericardium
b. two pleural cavities
c. lungs and heart
d. pleural cavities and diaphragm

b. two pleural cavities

Making a sagittal section results in the separation of
a. anterior and posterior portions of the body
b. superior and inferior portions of the body
c. dorsal and ventral portions of the body
d. right and left portion of the body

d. right and left portion of the body

Support, protection of soft tissue, mineral storage, and blood cell formation and functions of the
a. skeletal system
b. lymphatic system
c. integumentary system
d. endocrine system

a. skeletal system

Which of the following regions corresponds to the arm?
a. cervical
b. brachial
c. femoral
d. pedal

b. brachial

From the following selections, identify the directional terms equivalent to ventral, posterior, superior, and inferior in the correct sequence.
a. anterior, dorsal, cephalic, caudal
b. dorsal, anterior, caudal, cephalic
c. caudal, cephalic, anteroir, post

a. anterior, dorsal, cephalic, caudal

What properties and processes are associated with all living things?

All living organisms have the same basic functions: responsiveness, growth and differentiation, reproduction, movement, metabolism and excretion.

Describe the position of the body in the anatomical position.

In the anatomical position, a person stands with the legs together and the feet flat on the floor. The hands are at the sides, and the palms face forward.

The body system that performs crisis management by directing rapid, short-term, and very specific responses is the
a. lymphatic system
b. nervous system
c. cardiovascular system
d. endocrine system

b. nervous system

Which sectional plane could divide the body so that the face remains intact?
a. sagittal section
b. coronal section
c. midsagittal section
d. none of the above

b. coronal section

What is the role of serous membranes in the body?

Serous membranes provide a slippery cover for the inside of the ventral body cavities and the outside of most organs located within these cavities. This slippery lining prevents friction between moving organs and the body wall.

How might events that follow a chemical imbalance in a heart muscle cell support the view that all levels of organization within an organism are interdependent?

A chemical imbalance in a heart muscle cell would disrupt tissue function, and this could affect the ability of the heart to pump blood. This compromises the cardiovascular system, and other tissues and organs will soon stop functioning, with potentially

A child born with a severe cleft palate may require surgery to repair the nasal cavity and reconstruct the roof of the mouth. What body systems are affected by the cleft palate? Also, studies of other mammals that develop cleft palates have helped us to u

The body systems affected would include: digestive, respiratory, and skeletal systems. The anatomical specialties involved include surface anatomy, regional anatomy studies, systemic anatomy, comparative anatomy, and developmental anatomy.