Anatomy 101: Chapter 25

a) refers to all chemical reactions of the body.
b) is endergonic, requiring more energy than is produced.
c) breaks down complex organic molecules into less complex molecules.
d) All of these choices are correct.
e) None of these choices is cor

b) is endergonic, requiring more energy than is produced.

An oxidation reaction
a) results in the loss of hydrogen atoms in most biologic systems.
b) adds electrons to a molecule.
c) increases the potential energy of a molecule.
d) allows conversion of ATP to ADP.
e) occurs in conversion of pyruvic acid into lac

a) results in the loss of hydrogen atoms in most biologic systems.

Humans can generate ATP through
1. substrate-level phosphorylation.
2. oxidative phosphorylation.
3. photophosphorylation.
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) 3 only
d) 1 and 2 are correct.
e) 1, 2, and 3 are correct.

d) 1 and 2 are correct

Acetyl coenzyme A
a) is formed through oxidation of pyruvic acid.
b) formation requires pyruvate dehydrogenase.
c) occurs under aerobic conditions.
d) links glycolysis to the Krebs cycle.
e) All of these choices are correct.

e) All of these choices are correct.

Which of the following places the events of the Krebs cycle in the correct order, beginning with entry of the acetyl group and ending with dehydrogenation?
a) oxidative decarboxylation, isomerization, oxidative decarboxylation, substrate-level phosphoryla

c) isomerization, oxidative decarboxylation, oxidative decarboxylation, substrate-level phosphorylation, dehydrogenation, hydration, dehydrogenation

If glucose is not immediately needed for ATP production _________ may occur.
a) glycogenesis.
b) glycogenolysis.
c) gluconeogenesis.
d) glycolysis.
e) glucolysis.

a) glycogenesis.

The different apoproteins in lipoproteins may serve all of the functions except
a) help solubilize the lipoproteins in body fluids.
b) transport dietary lipids.
c) activate endothelial lipase.
d) act as a docking protein during receptor-mediated endocytos

b) transport dietary lipids.

A high level of LDL accompanied by a low level of HDL is considered
a) beneficial because LDL can deposit triglycerides in adipose cells for storage until the triglycerides are needed for cellular metabolism.
b) beneficial because LDL provide a mechanism

d) deleterious because HDL prevent accumulation of cholesterol in the blood.

Fatty acid catabolism
a) precedes lipolysis.
b) requires lipases.
c) occurs in the mitochondrial matrix.
d) generates fewer ATP than does catabolism of glycerol.
e) is inhibited by insulin.

c) occurs in the mitochondrial matrix.

Ketone bodies
1. are found during excessive beta-oxidation.
2. include beta-hydroxybutyric acid and acetone.
3. are produced during normal fatty acid metabolism.
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) 3 only
d) 1 and 2 are correct.
e) 1, 2, and 3 are correct.

d) 1 and 2 are correct.

Which of the following statements about the process of deamination is FALSE?
a) required for protein anabolism.
b) required for oxidation of amino acids in the Krebs cycle.
c) removes amino group from amino acids
d) occurs in hepatocytes
e) results in for

a) required for protein anabolism.

Amino acids may
a) be converted into other amino acids.
b) be converted into glucose.
c) be converted into fatty acids.
d) All of these choices are possible fates of an amino acid.
e) None of these choices is possible fates of an amino acid.

d) All of these choices are possible fates of an amino acid.

Which of the following substance: description pairs are NOT correctly matched?
a) glucose 6-phosphate: may be dephosphorylated to produce glucose
b) glucose 6-phosphate: may be used in synthesis of nucleic acids
c) pyruvic acid: may be converted into alan

d) pyruvic acid: may be used in synthesis of some lipids.

Thyroid hormones and insulin-like growth factors help to regulate
a) facilitated diffusion of glucose into cells.
b) active transport of amino acids into cells.
c) glycogenesis.
d) protein synthesis.
e) lipogenesis.

d) protein synthesis.

A kilocalorie (kcal)
a) would be considered one Calorie (Cal) in a food item.
b) is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a gram of water by one degree Celsius.
c) is equal to 1000 Calories (1000 Cal).
d) would be considered o

a) would be considered one Calorie (Cal) in a food item.

A person may actually lose heat on a sunny beach when the temperature is 40�C (104�F) and the humidity is 85% because of
a) conduction.
b) convection.
c) radiation.
d) evaporation.
e) dehydration.

d) evaporation.

Food intake may be regulated by
a) levels of certain nutrients in the blood.
b) psychological elements.
c) neural and endocrine signals.
d) signals from the GI tract.
e) All of these choices may help regulate food intake.

e) All of these choices may help regulate food intake.

a) may be essential or nonessential.
b) may be organic.
c) play an important part in energy transfer.
d) may be synthesized in the body.
e) are concentrated most heavily in the blood.

c) play an important part in energy transfer.

For adequate absorption, all of the following require ingestion with other lipids EXCEPT
a) vitamin A.
b) vitamin C.
c) vitamin D.
d) vitamin E.
e) vitamin K.

b) vitamin C.

Which of the following vitamins is correctly matched with its principal function?
a) vitamin A: inhibits catabolism of some fatty acids
b) vitamin E: essential for absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the GI tract
c) vitamin K: coenzyme essential for

c) vitamin K: coenzyme essential for synthesis of clotting factors by the liver

Chemical reactions that break down complex organic molecules into simpler ones are called:
a) Metabolism
b) Anabolism
c) Catabolism
d) Metatheses
e) Oxidation reactions

c) Catabolism

Chemical reactions that combine simple molecules and monomers to form complex structures are known as
a) Metabolism
b) Anabolism
c) Catabolism
d) Metatheses
e) None of these choices

b) Anabolism

When the terminal phosphate is cut off of ATP what is formed?
a) Adenosine diphosphate
b) GTP
c) Adenosine monophosphate
d) Metabolic water
e) Glucose

a) Adenosine diphosphate

Oxidation is
a) The removal of protons
b) The removal of electrons
c) The addition of protons
d) The addition of electrons
e) None of these choices

b) The removal of electrons

Reduction is the
a) The removal of protons
b) The removal of electrons
c) The addition of protons
d) The addition of electrons
e) None of these choices

d) The addition of electrons

Which of the following is a derivative of riboflavin?
a) NAD
b) FAD
c) Lactic acid
d) Pyruvic acid
e) ADP

b) FAD

Which of the following is NOT a form of phosphorylation?
a) Reduction phosphorylation
b) Substrate level phosphorylation
c) Oxidative phosphorylation
d) Photophosphorylation
e) None of these choices

a) Reduction phosphorylation

Glycogenesis is NOT
a) performed by the hepatocytes
b) performed by muscle fibers
c) one way to make glycogen
d) one way to make glucose
e) only seen in the liver

d) one way to make glucose

Which process describes the synthesis of triglycerides?
a) Gluconeogensis
b) Lipogenesis
c) Phosphorylation
d) Glycolysis
e) Lipolysis

b) Lipogenesis

Which reaction describes the oxidization of acetyl CoA to produce carbon dioxide, ATP, NADH + H+ and FADH2?
a) Glycolysis
b) Formation of acetyl co-A
c) Krebs cycle
d) Electron transport chain
e) Phosphorylation

c) Krebs cycle

Glycolysis, formation of acetyl CoA, Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain are all involved in:
a) Lipogensis
b) Gluconeogenesis
c) Glucose catabolism
d) Formation of Glycogen
e) Formation of vitamin C

c) Glucose catabolism

Where can pyruvate dehydrogenase be found?
a) Cytosol of the cell
b) Plasma membrane
c) Lysozyme
d) Mitochondria
e) Interstitial fluid

d) Mitochondria

The most abundant product of the reactions of the Krebs cycle is
a) Carbon dioxide
b) GTP
c) Reduced coenzymes
d) pyruvate
e) water

c) Reduced coenzymes

How many reactions take place during the Krebs cycle?
a) 4
b) 6
c) 8
d) 10
e) 12

c) 8

How many ATPs can come from substrate level phosphorylation during glycolysis?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
e) 4

c) 2

What hormone stimulates gluconeogenesis?
a) Insulin
b) Human Growth hormone
c) Epinephrine
d) Thyroid hormone
e) Cortisol

e) Cortisol

Glycogenolysis is _____ and stimulated by _____.
a) Anabolic, Insulin
b) Catabolic, Epinephrine
c) Catabolic, Insulin
d) Anabolic, Epinephrine
e) Metathesis, Insulin

b) Catabolic, Epinephrine

Thyroid hormones:
a) Aid in glycogenesis
b) Inhibit gluconeogensis
c) Inhibit lipogenesis
d) Promote glycolysis
e) Promote gluconeogenesis

d) Promote glycolysis

Which of the following transport dietary lipids?
a) Apoproteins
b) Low density lipoproteins
c) Chylomicrons
d) Very low density lipoproteins
e) High density lipoproteins

c) Chylomicrons

Most cholesterol medications are designed to:
a) Inhibit excretion of bile in the feces
b) Promote the absorption of cholesterol
c) Decrease the filtration of cholesterol
d) Inhibit glucose absorption
e) None of these choices

e) None of these choices

Lipogenesis occurs when
a) More calories are consumed than required for ATP need
b) Less calories are consumed than required for ATP need
c) More cholesterol is consumed than required for ATP need
d) Less cholesterol is consumed than required for ATP need

a) More calories are consumed than required for ATP need

Excess amino acids in the body are
a) Excreted in urine
b) Excreted in feces
c) Converted into glucose
d) Stored as ATP
e) Converted into proteins

c) Converted into glucose

Liver cells convert:
a) Urea into ammonia
b) Ammonia into lactic acid
c) Lactic acid into urea
d) Pyruvic acid into urea
e) Ammonia into urea

e) Ammonia into urea

a) Can be used to make ribose-5-phosphate
b) Can be dephosphorylated to glucose
c) Can be used to synthesize glycogen
d) Can be converted to pyruvic acid
e) All of these choices

e) All of these choices

Which of the following are used in "metabolic crossroads"?
a) Pyruvic acid
b) Glycogen
c) Ribose
d) ATP
e) Lipase

a) Pyruvic acid

In the absorptive state
a) Storage of energy is important
b) Filtration is important
c) Reabsorption is important
d) Synthesis is important
e) Production of heat is important

a) Storage of energy is important

In the absorptive state, most glucose that enters the liver is converted to
a) Pyruvic acid
b) Glycogen
c) Amino acids
d) Insulin
e) Glucase

b) Glycogen

Which of the following is NOT a postabsorptive state reaction?
a) Breakdown of liver glycogen
b) Lipogenesis
c) Gluconeogenesis using lactic acid
d) Gluconeogenesis using amino acids
e) None of these choices

b) Lipogenesis

Cardiac muscles can produce ATP from
a) Lactic acid
b) Pyruvic acid
c) Glucose-6-phosphate
d) Proteins
e) Lipids

a) Lactic acid

The most dramatic metabolic change that occurs with fasting is
a) Decrease in the formation of ketone bodies
b) Increase in ATP production
c) Inhibition of insulin
d) Decrease in heart rate and blood pressure
e) Increase in lipolysis

e) Increase in lipolysis

Which of the following is a factor that does NOT affect heat production?
a) Exercise
b) Hormones
c) Nervous system
d) Ingestion of food
e) Blood volume

e) Blood volume

Which of the following is a mechanism of heat transfer that involves direct contact?
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
d) Evaporation
e) Metabolic rate

a) Conduction

The heat promoting center stimulates parts of the brain that
a) Decrease smooth muscle tone
b) Increase blood glucose
c) Stimulates skeletal muscle activity
d) Inhibits the sympathetic division
e) None of these choices

c) Stimulates skeletal muscle activity

Thyrotropin-releasing hormone is secreted by the
a) Anterior pituitary
b) Hypothalamus
c) Cerebral cortex
d) Liver
e) Kidney

b) Hypothalamus

Food induced thermogenesis
a) Accounts for 30% of total energy expended
b) Is known as insensible loss
c) Is inhibited by the hypothalamus
d) Is the opposite of ketosis
e) None of these choices

e) None of these choices

Which of the following is not a major nutrient the body needs?
a) Carbohydrates
b) Glycogen
c) Proteins
d) Minerals
e) Vitamins

b) Glycogen

Which of the following is NOT a fate that awaits glucose 6-phophate after it is formed in a cell?
a) Synthesis of glycogen
b) Release of glucose into the blood stream
c) Synthesis of nucleic acids
d) Glycolysis
e) Gluconeogenesis

e) Gluconeogenesis

Which hormone(s) dominate(s) the absorptive state?
a) Insulin
b) Glucagon
c) HGH
d) All of these
e) None of these

a) Insulin

Which hormone is the primary hormone involved in protein breakdown in the postabsorptive state?
a) Glucagon
b) Epinephrine
c) Cortisol
d) Thyroid Hormone
e) None of these choices

c) Cortisol

Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects the metabolic rate and the rate of heat production?
a) Hormones
b) Nervous system
c) Food ingestion
d) Age
e) All of these are factors

e) All of these are factors

Which of the following is NOT a function of phosphorus in the body?
a) Formation of bones and teeth
b) Constitute a major buffer system of blood
c) Component of DNA and RNA
d) Component of many enzymes
e) Affects distribution of water through osmosis

e) Affects distribution of water through osmosis

Which of the following describes a severe and often fatal disorder caused by exposure to high temperatures?
a) Heat cramps
b) Heat exhaustion
c) Heat prostration
d) Heatstroke
e) None of these

d) Heatstroke

Which hormones are the main stimulating hormones in the postabsorptive state process of glycogenolysis?
a) Epinephrine
b) Glucagon
c) Cortisol
d) Epinephrine and Glucagon
e) Glucagon and Cortisol

d) Epinephrine and Glucagon

Which of the following is not a molecule at the "metabolic crossroads"?
a) Glucose 6-phosphate
b) Pyruvic acid
c) Acetyl coenzyme a
d) Glycogen
e) All of these are molecules at the "metabolic crossroads

d) Glycogen