anatomy of skin

integumentary system

consists of skin, cutaneous glands, hair and nails
-insulation and cushion
-water loss prevention
-temperature regulation
-excretory system

2 regions

epidermis- keratinized stratified squamous
dermis- dense irregular connective tissue
hypodermis not part of skin
-primarily adipose

hair shaft

outside of skin


4 cell types:
-keratinocytes (produce keratin=durability)
-melanocytes (produce melanin=color)
-dendritic cells (perform phagocytosis)
-tactile [merkel] cells (sensitive touch receptors)
4-5 layers
-stratum lucid only found in thick skin (palms of hands a

papillary layer

areolar connective tissue
dermal papillae= fingerprints, 3 types:

reticular layer

dense irregular connective tissue




2 regions:

dermal papillae


subpapillary plexus


sweat pore


eccrine sweat gland


arrestor pili muscle


sebaceous (oil) gland


hair follicle


hair root

deep inside skin embedded in the follicle

hair bulb

well nourished cells at the base of the follicle
consists of:
-hair papilla: protrusions at base of bulb where nourishment occurs
-hair matrix: dividing epithelia cells located on top of papilla

arrector pili muscle

smooth muscle that causes hair to stand upright, reason for goose bumps

cutaneous glands

2 categories:
-sebacceous glands
-sweat glands

sebaceous glands

empty into hair follicle
produce sebum

sweat glands

eccrine glands- secretes perspiration (water, salts, urea)
apocrine glands- secretes perspiration and protein and fatty substances

cutaneous plexus


adipose tissue


hair follicle receptor


lamellar corpuscle


tactile corpuscle


sensory nerve fiber with free nerve endings
