Anatomy Vocabulary


the end of a long bone


The shaft of a long bone


outer part of a long bone

spongy bone

hard bone with little holes that is under the compact bone

compact bone

dense bone underneath the periosteum

medullary cavity

cavity in diaphysis of a bone that contains red and yellow marrow

red marrow

produces red/white blood cells and platelets

yellow marrow

fatty connective tissue

nutrient artery

supplies oxygen and nutrients to the shaft of the bone

skeletal system

Supports and protects the body (bones)

muscular system

supports and enables the body to move (muscles)

integumetary system

protects the body from pathogen invasion, water loss, and physical trauma (skin)

cardiovascular system

transports nutrients and waste to and from all body tissue (heart, blood vessels, blood)

nervous system

Detects information from the environment and controls body functions (brain, spinal chord, nerves, sense organs, receptors)

excretory system

the system that removes waste from your body and controls water balance (kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra)

respiratory system

Takes in oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide (air passages, lungs)

digestive system

breaks down food and absorbs nutrients (mouth, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, small, and large intestines)

immune system

the cells, tissues, and organs that protect the body from disease (lymph nodes and vessels, white blood cells)

endocrine system

mantains homeostasis, regulate metabolism, growth, behavior, development, and reproductive (endocrine glands, hormones)

reproductive system

system of organs involved in producing offspring ( ovaries, uterus, mammary glands, testes)

muscle tissue

compsed of cells that can contract (skeletal, smooth, and cardiac)

nervous tissue

contains neurons that receive and transmit messages as electrical charges

epithelial tissue

layers of cells that line or cover al internal and external body surfaces (ex. skin)

connective tissue

binds, supports, and protect structures in the body (ex. bones, cartilage, tendons, fat, blood)

body cavities

compartments where organs and organ system are housed (cranial, spinal, thoracic, abdominal, pelvic)

Haversian canal

narrow channel within each cylinder of compact bone that contains blood vessels


bone cells


process in which cartilage turns into bone

epiphyseal plate

place in bone where it elongates


tough band of connective tissue that holds bones in place (bones to bones)


connective tissue that hold muscles to bones


light and dark stripes on the muscle


dark, dense bundles of muscle fibers

voluntary vs. involuntary muscles

skeletal muscles- voluntary, smooth muscles- involuntary


bundles of thread like structures made of thick and thin proteins


protein that makes up thick filaments


protein that makes up thin fibers

Z line

structure that actin filaments are attached to


region form one Z line to the next and is the functional unit of contraction


point where the muscle attaches to the stationary bone


the point where the muscle attaches to the moving bone


muscle that bends a joint (biceps)


muscle that straightens the joint (triceps)