Chapter 28

fluid, channels, and pump

What is the three major parts to the circulatory system?


fluid that serves as a medium of transport

blood vessels

a system of channels that conduct the blood throughout the body


a pump that keeps the blood circulating

open circulatory system

space within the body cavity; hemocoel. found in arthropods and most mollusks

closed circulatory system

confined blood in continuous vascular network with a pumping heart. found in some invertebrates and all vertebrates

1. transport Oxygen and carbon dioxide. 2. distribution of nutrients. 3. transport of waste. 4. distribution of hormones. 5. regulation of body temperature. 6. protection of body against blood loss and disease

What are the functions of the vertebrate circulatory system?


collect blood from body. Contract and deposit blood in ventricles


contract and discharge blood to body

2 chambered hearts

earliest vertebrate hearts with one atrium and one ventricle


Example of an animal with a 2 chambered heart?

3 chambered hearts

have 2 atria and one ventricle

amphibian and most reptiles

Example of an animal with a 3 chambered heart?

4 chambered heart

most advanced heart, have 2 atria and 2 ventricle.

bird and mammal hearts

Example of animals with a 4 chambered heart?

veins and arteries

What are the two types of blood vessels connect to heart chambers?


carry blood to atria


carry blood away from ventricles

1. Atria contract, forcing blood into ventricles. 2. then the ventricles contract, forcing blood through arteries to the lungs and the rest of the body. 3. the cycle ends as the heart relaxes

Explain the three steps to the Cardiac cycle

blood pressure

Heart chamber contraction generates what?

systolic pressure

blood pressure during ventricular contraction

diastolic pressure

blood pressure during ventricular relaxation

heart valves

insure one-way flow of blood through heart

artioventricular valves

allows blood to flow from atria to ventricles

semilunar valves

is a valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery that allows blood to flow

pacemaker cells

coordinate cardiac cycle

sinoatrial (SA) node

primary pacemaker in upper wall of right atrium. generates impulses that spread throughout cardiac muscle cells of atria

atrioventricular (AV) node

stimulated by SA node impulse. sends impulse to ventricles by excitable fibers.

electrocardiogram (ECG)

used to monitor both normal (top) and abnormal electrical activity (bottom) heart activity

at rest, parasympathetic nervous system slows heart rate. during exercise and stress, sympathetic nervous system increases heart rate

nervous system control of heart rate?

under stress the hormone epinephrine is released. this stimulates SA node and increases heart rate

endocrine system control of heart rate?


fluid portion of the blood

cellular components

made of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets

hormones, nutrients, gases, salts, wastes, proteins

other components of plasma

albumins, globulins, fibrinogen

Three major types of plasma proteins


maintain osmotic pressure of blood


transport nutrients and act in immunity


involved with blood clotting

red blood cells

carry oxygen from lungs to tissues; also called erythrocytes


what causes the red color in red blood cells


composed of 4 polypeptide chains and 4 iron-containing heme groups


released by kidneys as a hormone when oxygen levels are low. this stimulates additional red blood cell formation by bone marrow

negative feedback

red blood cell formation is controlled by what?

white blood cells

also called leukocytes; most protected body against disease

lymphocytes and macrophages

examples of white blood cells?


can produce antibodies used in immunity


mobile and amoeba-like; arms that can reach out. engulf foreign particles and bacteria


made of pieces of magakaryocytes from red bone marrow. involved in clotting

blood clot

formed from sticky fibrin protein threads, platelets, forming patch over wound site

thrombin and fibrinogen

contribute to clot formation

arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins, back to heart

blood flow through blood vessels


thick walled vessels; contains smooth muscle and elastic tissue to withstand high pressure

elastic recoil

maintains blood pressure during diastole


tiniest vessels. allows exchanged of materials between blood and body cells


capillaries merge to later form this?


wider, thinner walled and more expandable than arteries. contain on-way valves that allow blood to flow only to heart in one direction

precapillary sphincter muscles

capillary blood flow is controlled by this?

1. return excess interstitial fluid to blood stream. 2. transport fats from small intestine to blood stream. 3. contribute to immunity

Functions of lymphatic system?

lymphatic capillaries

collect excess interstitial fluid from tissues; "dead-end" in body tissues


patches of connective tissue containing many lymphocytes; destroy bacteria and viruses

lumph nodes

kidney-shaped structures found connecting lymph vessels; destroy foreign particles in lymph


found above heart; important site of lymphocyte development


found in abdominal cavity; similar to lymph node, but filters blood. destroys old red blood cells


In which vertebrate does on see a partial partition in the ventricle?


What is the "good" cholesterol?

it can move blood more efficiently

What is the advantage of a closed circulatory system over an open one?

it must pass the blood through the systemic circulation

the left ventricle is more muscular than the right ventricle because?

left ventricle

Which heart chamber supplies oxygenated blood to the heart muscle?

the right atrium and right ventricle

Which set of chambers supplies blood to the pulmonary circulation?

left ventricle

Which heart chamber is the most muscular?

gap junctions

allow rapid passage of electrical signals among heart cells


Ventricles force blood directly into what?

cardiac cycle

the alternating relaxation and contraction of heart chambers


is produced by kidneys

keep the blood from flowing backward when the veins are squeezed by the skeletal muscles

the role of valves in the veins is to?


when interstitial fluid enter the lymphatic system it is known as ?

the spleen and the thymus

what two organs are considered to be part of the lymphatic system

interstitial fluid

plasma that leaks from the capillaries into the tissue spaces is known as