Anatomy lab exercise 11: Nervous tissue

central nervous system

the brain and spinal cord collectively


specialized supporting cells in the CNS


junction or point of close contact between neurons


a bundle of nerve processes inside the CNS

association neurons

neuron serving as part of the conduction pathways between the sensory and motor neurons

peripheral nervous system

ganglia and spinal and cranial nerves


collection of nerve cell bodies found outside the CNS

efferent neuron

neuron that conducts impulses away from the CNS to muscles and glands

afferent neuron

neuron that conducts impulses toward the CNS from the body periphery


chemicals released by neurons that stimulate or inhibit other neurons or effectors

axon hillock

region of the cell body from which the axon originates

axon terminal

secretes neurotransmitters


receptive region of a neuron

myelin sheath

insulates the nerve fibers

neuronal cell body

site of the nucleus and is the most important metabolic area


may be involved in the transport of substances within the neuron

Nissl bodies

essentially rough endoplasmic reticulum, important metabolically


each fiber is surrounded by a delicate connective tissue sheath which insulates it from the other neuron processes adjacent to it; additional sheath that surrounds the myelin sheath


groups of fibers bound by a coarse connective tissue to form bundles of fibers called fascicles


all the fascicles bound together by a white, fibrous connective tissue sheath forming the cordlike nerve