Connective Tissue

Areolar CT

Connective Tissue that contains all three types of fibers, usually arranged in a disorderly fashion (found in the subcutaneous layers of the skin)

Adipose CT

Connective tissue that consists of adipocytes and is used for insulation and long-term energy storage (found around the heart, kidneys, and in the subcutaneous layers of the skin)

Reticular CT

Connective tissue that contains reticular fibers and cells; used to make the framework of major organs

Dense Regular CT

Connective tissue made from collagen fibers that run in the same direction (makes tendons and ligaments)

Dense Irregular CT

Connective tissue that is made from collagen fibers that are randomly arranged (found in fascia, heart valves)

Elastic CT

Connective tissue made from elastic fibers that allows stretching (found in the lungs, artery walls, vocal cords)

Hyaline Cartilage

Most common type of cartilage; it is found on the ends of long bones, ribs, and nose

Elastic Cartilage

Type of cartilage that has a little bit of flexibility; found on the external ear


Type of cartilage that contains both chondrocytes and collagen; used for fusion & support and found in the knees and intervertebral disks of the back

Vascular Tissue

Connective tissue responsible for transport of oxygen and nutrients in the blood

Osseous Tissue

Strongest of all connective tissue; it forms the skeletal system


Embryonic connective tissue from which all tissues develop