Chapter 1 Introduction into Human Anatomy & Physiology


deals with the structure (morphology) of the body and its parts


studies the functions of the body and its parts

Levels of organization

atom-molecule-macromolecule-organelle-cell-tissue-organ-organ system-organism

Characteristics of Life

Movement, responsiveness, growth, reproduction, respiration, digestion, absorption, circulation, assimilation, digestion


The total of all the chemical reactions that are continuously at work to maintain these characteristics

Life requirements

water, food, oxygen, heat, pressure


Maintenance of a stable internal environment

Thoracic Membranes


Heart membranes


Abdominopelvic Membranes


integumentary system

includes skin, hair, nails, and various glands, covers the body, senses changes outside the body, and helps regulate body temperature

skeletal system

made up of bones and ligaments. It supports, protects, provides frameworks, stores inorganic salts, and houses blood-forming tissues

muscular system

consists of the muscles that provide body movement, posture, and body heat

nervous system

consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and sense organs. It integrates incoming information from receptors and sends impulses to muscles and glands

endocrine system

including all of the glands that secrete hormones, helps to integrate metabolic functions

cardiovascular system

made up of the heart and blood vessels, distributes oxygen and nutrients throughout the body while removing wastes from the cells

lymphatic system

consisting of lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes, thymus, and spleen, drains excess tissue fluid and includes cells of immunity

digestive system

made up of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, and accessory organs. It receives, breaks down, and absorbs nutrients

respiratory system

exchanges gases between the blood and air and is made up of the lungs and passageways

urinary system

consisting of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra, removes wastes from the blood and helps to maintain water and electrolyte balance

reproductive system

consists of the testes, accessory organs, and vessels that conduct sperm to the penis and consists of ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus, vagina, and external genitalia.

Anatomical position

the body is standing erect, face forward, with the upper limbs at the sides and the palms forward


section divides the body into right and left portions


section divides the body into superior and inferior portions. It is often called a "cross section


section divides the body into anterior and posterior sections


a body part is above another part or is closer to the head


a body part is below another body part or is toward the feet


toward the front


Toward the back


a body part that is closer to an imaginary midline dividing the body into equal right and left halves


toward the side with respect to the imaginary midline


a body part that is closer to a point of attachment to the truck than another body part


a body part is farther from a point of attachment to the trunk than another body part


situated near the surface


parts that are more internal than superficial parts