Plot-Black Cowboy, Wild Horses


beginning of the story where the characters, setting, and basic situation are introduced


The conflict reaches its point of greatest drama or tension. The turning point in the action of a story.


The conflict comes to an end, and any loose ends are tied up.


Something assumed, based on information in the text, but it is not directly stated.

Falling action

The eventual outcome of the story becomes clear. The tension in the story decreases.

Rising action

The conflict begins and starts to get more intense..


a struggle or problem the characters face

Internal Conflict

A struggle within a single character (ex. deciding what to do)

external conflict

A struggle between a character and an outside force (ex. nature, another character)


the sequence of related events that make up a story


a punctuation mark (,) indicating a pause between parts of a sentence. It is also used to separate items in a series and to mark off non-essential elements.

Non-essential elements in a sentence

one that is not needed to express the main idea of the sentence - (It can be deleted without affecting the sentence's basic meaning.)