Week 12: Infections of the posterior segment (eye)


� Monitoring
� Surgical prophylaxis
� Neonatal risk:
-In utero exposure
-Peripartum exposure


More generalised
� Red eye
� Blurred vision
� Decreased vision
� Ocular pain
� Headache
� Systemic symptoms

Ocular syphilis

Rising notifications since 2000.
� HIV co-infection (up to 70%)
� MSM (80-90% of new notifications)
� Rural and remote communities (4 X higher)
� Chronic multi system disease
� Secondary or latent stage
Aetiological agent: Treponema pallidum


Ocular involvement of syphilis is at what stage of pathogenesis?
a) Incubation period
b) Primary syphilis
c) Asymptomatic period
d) Secondary syphilis
e) Latent syphilis
f) Tertiary syphilis


Syphilis pathogenesis:
Multiplication at site of entry
a) Incubation period
b) Primary syphilis
c) Asymptomatic period
d) Secondary syphilis
e) Latent syphilis
f) Tertiary syphilis


Syphilis pathogenesis:
Spread to regional lymph nodes and blood stream
- primary chancre
- enlarged inguinal nodes
a) Incubation period
b) Primary syphilis
c) Asymptomatic period
d) Secondary syphilis
e) Latent syphilis
f) Tertiary syphilis


Syphilis pathogenesis:
No or very slow multiplication of organisms
a) Incubation period
b) Primary syphilis
c) Asymptomatic period
d) Secondary syphilis
e) Latent syphilis
f) Tertiary syphilis


Syphilis pathogenesis:
Multiplication in extra-genital sites
- maculopapular rash on skin/mucous membranes
- Malaise and mild fever
a) Incubation period
b) Primary syphilis
c) Asymptomatic period
d) Secondary syphilis
e) Latent syphilis
f) Tertiary syphil


Syphilis pathogenesis:
Organisms dormant in liver, spleen and CNS
a) Incubation period
b) Primary syphilis
c) Asymptomatic period
d) Secondary syphilis
e) Latent syphilis
f) Tertiary syphilis


Syphilis pathogenesis:
Renewed multiplication and invasion plus a cell-mediated hypersensitivity response.
- Gummas in skin, bone, liver
- Cardiovascular syphilis: aortic lesions, hf
- Neurosyphilis: general paresis of insane, tabes dorsalis
a) Incubation


Diagnosis of what?
� Patient history
� Swab/Corneal scraping
-Culture of ulcers
� Genotype
- RT-PCR on aqueous, vitreous humor
� Serology
- Syphilis (treponemal and non-treponemal)

penicillin G

As for neurosyphilis (Ocular infections considered equivalent to CNS) what is the treatment?


How should penicillin G be administered for neurosyphilis Ocular infections?

ocular syphilis

As for neurosyphilis Ocular infections considered equivalent to CNS):
� Penicillin G
Prolonged outpatient follow-up
� serology at 6, 12, 24 months
�Lumbar puncture
� screening
Adjunct steroid treatment
� Topical
� Systemic
This is management for?


ocular syphilis treatment is
a) localised
b) systemic

Acute retinal necrosis

A destructive retinitis which occurs due to reactivated viral infection.
Caused by:
o Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2
o Varicella zoster virus
o Cytomegalovirus
o Epstein-Barr virus


What is the origin of acute retinal necrosis?

Reactivated viral infection

What is the cause of acute retinal necrosis?


Acute retinal necrosis
a) bacterial
b) fungal
c) viral
d) parasite

acute retinal necrosis

Diagnosis of what?
� Patient history
� Genotype
- PCR on aqueous humor
� Serology
- Goldmann-Witmer coefficient
- Intraocular antibody:serum antibody
� Microscopy: Ocular fluid

Toxoplasma gondii

a parasite which is most commonly transmitted from animals to humans by contact with contaminated faeces. Causes Toxoplasmosis.


What is the most common cause of infectious
retinochoroiditis (up 60%)?


A relatively common manifestation of Toxoplasma gondii infection. Occurs when cysts deposited in or near the retina become active, producing tachyzoites.

Toxoplasma gondii

what is the aetiological for toxoplasmosis?


What is the intermediate host for Toxoplasmosis?
a) Cats
b) Rodents
c) Humans
d) Pigs


Toxoplasma gondii (causes toxoplasmosis) is a
a) helminth
b) bacteria
c) protozoa
d) fungi
e) virus


Diagnosis of what?
� Patient history
� Genotype
-PCR on ocular fluid
� Serology
- Seroconversion (Acute, Convalescent)
- IgM (current infection)
- Rising IgG


Which is present?
No previous exposure to pathogen
a) IgM
b) IgG
c) Neither
d) both


Which is present?
Immune. Previous exposure, immunisation.
a) IgM
b) IgG
c) Neither
d) both


Which is present?
Current active infection
a) IgM
b) IgG
c) Neither
d) both


Four-fold increase between acute and convalescent during current active infection.
a) IgM
b) IgG


Management of toxoplasmosis
a) antibacterial
b) antiviral
c) antifungal
d) antiprotozoal
e) antihelminthic

Ocular toxocariasis

� Global distribution
� More commonly diagnosed in children
Cause: Haematogenous
Aetiological agent: Toxocara canis/Toxocara cati
Transmission: Common vehicle


Ocular toxocariasis is more commonly diagnosed in
a) children
b) adults

Toxocara canis/Toxocara cati

What is the aetiological agent for ocular toxocariasis?


The origin of Ocular toxocariasis is?


Toxocara canis/Toxocara cati that causes ocular toxocariasis is a
a) helminth
b) bacteria
c) protozoa
d) fungi
e) virus


Transmission of ocular toxocariasis (Toxocara Canis/cati) is
a) Contact
b) Common vehicle
c) Vector

ocular toxocariasis

Diagnosis of what?
� Patient history
� Genotype
- PCR on ocular fluid
� Serology
- IgG in ocular fluid


Ocular toxocariasis is caused by a
a) helminth
b) bacteria
c) protozoa
d) fungi
e) virus


Ocular toxocariasis, humans are the
a) primary host
b) intermediate host
c) accidental host

ocular toxocariasis

Management of what?
� Antihelminthic therapy usually contraindicated
- Increased host inflammatory response to nematode death
� Corticosteroid therapy

HTLV-1 uveitis

High incidence in remote Australian communities, Japan and South America.
� Vertical transmission
� Immune reaction
Aetiological agent:
� Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1)
Transmission: Contact-sexual


What is the aetiological agent of HTLV-1 uveitis?

sexual contact

HTLV-1 uveitis is spread via?

HTLV-1 uveitis

Management of what?
� Corticosteroid therapy
- Topical
- Systemic
Poor prognosis due to poor compliance of treatment and difficulty accessing medical care.

Ocular tuberculosis

Most commonly choroidal tubercles and tuberculomas.
� Haematogenous
� Immune reaction
Aetiological agent
� Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Acid-fast bacillus)
Transmission: Contact

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

What is the aetiological agent of Ocular tuberculosis?

ocular tuberculosis

Diagnosis of what?
� Patient history
� Swab/surgical specimen
- Culture and sensitivity (very slow, sampling difficult)
� Tuberculin skin test
� Genotype
- PCR on aqueous, vitreous, epiretinal membranes - Low specificity
� Serology
- M. tuberculosis IgG

ocular tuberculosis

Management of what?
� Specialised treatment
� Supervised by medical team
� Combination antimicrobial cocktail
� Adjuvant corticosteroid therapy

Pneumocystis choroiditis

� AIDS-defining illness
� Fungi (reclassified)
� Latent reactivation
� Opportunistic
� Inhaled treatment for pneumonia
Aetiological agent:
� Pneumocystis jiroveci
Transmission: Contact

Pneumocystis jiroveci

what is the aetiological agent for pneumocystis choroiditis?


Ocular pneumocystis choroiditis (pneumocystis jiroveci) is caused by
a) helminth
b) bacteria
c) protozoa
d) fungi
e) virus

Pneumocystis choroiditis

Diagnosis of what?
� Patient history e.g. candidiasis, HIV
� Genotype
-PCR on ocular fluid

Pneumocystis choroiditis

Management of what?
ongoing systemic prophylactic treatment


Endophthalmitis is caused by what groups of aetiological agents?
i. bacteria
ii. fungi
iii. virus
iv. parasite
a) i only
b) ii only
c) iii only
d) i & ii
e) i & iii
f) i, ii, iii
g) i, ii, iii, iv

cataract surgery

90% of Endophthalmitis occurs exogenously after what?

Candida albicans/Aspergillus

What are the fungal aetiological agents for endophthalmitis?


Diagnosis of what?
-Patient history
-Culture, vitreous sample


Management of what?
� Infectious agents protected from host immune defences
-Surgical management
� Diverse group of aetiological agents
-Targeted intravitreal antimicrobial injection