Towards Independence

Proclamation of 1763

An order in wich britain prohibited american colonists from setteling west of the appalachian mountains

Sugar act

Law passed by parliament in 1764 that placed a tax on sugar and other products shipped to colonies

Stamp act

Required colonist
To buy stamps for every piece of paper used

Quartering Act

A law passed by Parliament in 1765 that ordered colonists to provide british troops with housing

Sons of Liberty

A scecret colonial group that protested acts of tyranny

Townshed Act

A series of laws passed by Parliament in 1767 that suspended New Yorks assembly and established taxes on goods brought into British Colonies

Writs of Assistence

Written search warrant that allows British Officers to enter colonials homes to search for smuggled goods

Boston Massacre

incident in 1770 in which British troops fired on and killed American colonists, the first bloodshed of the American Revolution

Commities of Correspondance

A group of people in the colonies who exchanged letters on colonial affairs

Boston Tea Party

Parliament put tax on tea to raise money

Intolerable Act

A series of laws inacted by Parliament in 1774 to punish Massachusetts coloniest for the Boston Tea party

Tea Act

Law passed by Parliament that was designed to bail out the British East India Company and expand the company's monopoly on the tea trade to all British Colonies

First Continental Congress

First official government of colonies-Patrick Henry wanted to unite the colonists together by thinking of themselves as one group: Americans

Lexington and Concord

First battle of revolutionary war " Shot heard around the World", british did not mean to cause a fight because they were marching to try and get smuggled items from colonists

Daughters of Liberty

Colonial women form a group to boycott, made own cloth, boycotted British groups

King George III

King of Great Britian during rebellion and American revolution

Patrick Henry

Famous for saying "Give me liberty and give me death

Sam Adams

Leader of Sons of Liberty

Paul Revere

famous for midnight ride " the british are coming

Red Coats

the soldiers of the British army


a revusial to buy certain goods


a small army made up of ordinary citizens who are available to fight in an emergancy


American colonist who were loyal to the British government, Loyalists did not consider the "unfair taxes" for rebellion


american colonist who believed that the colonies had the right to govern themselves


income a government collects to cover expense


the law making body of England, consisting of representatives from throughout the Kingdom


the unjust use of government power. A ruler who uses power in this way

Declaratory Act

An act that gave parliament supreme control to govern the colonies and tax them

John Adams

A patriot defended the soldiers of the Boston massacre


to cancel an act or law

Events in order

1. Proclamation of 1763
2. Quartering act
3. Sugar Act
4. Stamp act
5. Declaratory act
6. Townshend act
7. Tea Act
8. Boston Massacre
9. Boston Tea Party
10. Intolerable Acts
11. First Continental Congress
12. Battles of Lexington and Concord

Effect of the Proclamation of 1763

Colonists angry over not being allowed to move beyond the App. Mountains

Effect of the Townshend Act

Colonists boycott all British goods/Bostson Massacre

Effect of Lexington and Concord

Colonial militia fight British troops

Effect of Stamp Act being repealed

Colonists miss the fact that Parliament also passed the Declaratory Act

Effect of Tea Act passing

Boston Tea Party

Effect of Townshend Act being repealed

Tension between colonies and Great Britan reduced

Effect of Intolerable Act passing

First Continental Congress: Colonies send message to King about their rights, and boycott British goods

Effect of Stamp Act passing

Petitions written to Parliament, Colonial protests, tax collectors tarred and feathered

Effect of Sugar Act

Increase in smuggling within the colonies

Cause of the French and Indian War

Britain and France both wanted to control the Ohio River Valley

Which colony did not send a delegate to the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia?


What was the first act Parliament passed forcing the colonies to help pay off the war debt?

Sugar act

Taxation without representation

it is unfair to tax someone without giving them a voice in government

Documentation that suggested the colonies should unite under one government

Albany Plan of Union

Which city in America is named after a former Secretary of State in England from the 1750's?


Which act created a monopoly for the British East India company in the colonies?

Tea Act