government chapter 2


Those persons who opposed the ratification of the Constitution in 1787-1788

Articles of Confederation

First Government , Weak National Government


Loose Alliance of States

Connecticut Compromise or Great Compromise

Agreement during the Constitutional Convention that Congress should be composed of a Senate, in which States would be represented equally, and a House, in which representation would be based on a State's population.

English Bill of Rights

Used to make the US Bill of Rights.


Those persons who supported ratification of the Constitution in 1787-1788.


Groups of delegates who drafted the United States Constitution at the Philadelphia Convention in 1787.

Limited Government

Basic principle of American government which states that government is restricted in what they may do, and each individual has rights that government cannot take away.

Magna Carta

established that the power of the monarchy was not absolute, We copied it's ideas to limit our government

New Jersey Plan

each State would be equally represented in Congress

Popular Sovereignty

people are the source of any and all governmental power, and government can exist only with the consent of the governed.


Formal approval

Representative Government

officials selected by the voters and held accountable in periodic elections.

Virginia Plan

each State's membership in Congress would be determined by its population or its financial support for the central government.

Mayflower Compact

1st attempt at self government

Virginia House of Burgesses

Attempt at self government in Virginia

French and Indian War

The King taxed the Colonist because they cost him lots of money in the war. made the Colonist mad

American Revolution

Boston Tea Party and the Boston Massacre led to the?

Lexington and Concord

Started the American Revolution, Known as "Shot heard around the world

John locke

Who said: people have natural rights", including "life, liberty, and property

Social Contract

John Locke said people worked together to form government and make laws


What is the first part of the Declaration of Independence called?


The second part of the Declaration of Independence that states what the King did wrong

Declaration of Independence

Where can you find "All men are created equal


The Declaration of Independence says a bad government can be?

Rule of law

No one is above the law

Article of Confederation

Had a weak national Government

Collect taxes, regulate trade, enforce laws

The AOC could not!

Problems with the AOC

The Constitutional Convention was to fix the

Virginia Plan

To fix the problem of representation for Large States

New Jersey Plan

To fix the problem of representation in Small States

Great Compromise

The New Jersey and Virginia Plans together are called the


Makes laws, legislative body

3/5ths Compromise

The solution to counting or not counting slaves for representation in Congress

Bill of Rights

First 10 Amendments


People for the Constitution


People against the Constitution

Democrat Republicans

Another name for the Anti-federalist

Federalist Papers

85 Essays written to convince people to vote for the Constitution

Whiskey Rebellion

Showed the New Constitution was Working