milkweed bugs

true, seeds

milkweed bugs are ___bugs that eat _____.

body structure

6 jointed legs, 3 body parts, 2 antennae

3 body parts of the milkweed bug are

head, thorax, abdomen


hard skeleton that is on the outside of the body


tubelike structure that is used to suck fluids from seeds


immature bugs that molt 5 times as they grow

milkweed bug life cycle

1. tiny egg, 2.hatch into nymphs, 3. molt or shed their exoskeletons 5 timed, 4. adult


each nymph stage

incomplete metamorphosis

gradual maturing of an insect; egg to adult (4-8 weeks); at 2 months lays eggs;mate at 2 months old,females lay clusters of 20 or more eggs called clutches;

how long does the process from egg to adult take?

4-8 weeks; about 2 months

When can the MWB lays it's eggs?

at about 2 months old

When does the MWB mate?

at about 2 months old


clusters of 20 or more eggs that the female lays; she can lay 5 or more clusters in her lifetime (100 eggs)

life span

how long something lives

MWB life span

after mating and laying eggs, it can live another 2 months. In a sheltered habitat, the MWB can live up to 4 months

How can you tell a milkweed bug has just molted?

creamy yellow body


a cluster of eggs

Two students were exploring near a creek in a forest. They could see fish swimming in the cold water, rising to eat insects at the waters surface. Buried in the sandy soil under the shade of a cottonwood tree was a rock covered with leaves and mushrooms.

Students, Seeds, Mushrooms

What is the name for all the animals of the same species living in an ecosystem


Which is a non-living part of an ecosystem?

abiotic factor