Death and Dying

allows someone to make health care decisions when the patient cannot

A durable power of attorney does what

as long as they want

How long can the family stay in the room of a dying resident

semi fowlers

If a dying resident has difficulty breathing what position would be comfortable for them

supportive devices

When a person is dying, what would make them comfortable

good body alignment

When a person is dying, what would make them comfortable

the person will not likely recover

A terminal illness means :


What stage of dying is this " I just want to see my grandson graduate


The doctor wants to write a DNR, the patient says go away. What stage is this


I'm never going to get to see my grandson graduate, I'll never be a great grandfather. What stage

denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

The correct order of stages of grief

A document stating a person's wishes about health care when that person cannot make such decisions

An advance directive is :


What sense is the last to leave the body at death

rigor mortis

Why do we put the deceased body in good alignment

Between 6-11

When does a child know that death is final


The stage when a dying person might envy or resent someone who is healthy

pain relief and comfort

Hospice care focuses on


If you were from Vietnam, you would want to die where?

donation of body parts

Chinese culture does not agree with autopsy but they do agree with


People fear dying

after death

Post mortem means

stiffness of skeletal muscle

Rigor mortis means

fast and weak

The pulse close to death is :


Examination of the body after death is

use the denture cup

What do you do with dentures during post mortem care

Religion and culture

What influences our feelings about death


Who determines that death has occurred

2-6 year olds

What age group views death as punishment and only temporary


What age group knows that death is final