Miller 2018 Floriculture General Knowledge

What percentage of the floriculture crops grown in the United States are produced in Missouri?

Less than 1%

The number one contain-grown flowering plant produced in Missouri is...


Which of the following is not true of a wholesale greenhouse operation?

It may sell to the general public

The proper orientation for greenhouses north of the 38th parallel is..

Ends facing east and west

Which of the following is not a consideration when purchasing land for a greenhouse?

Previous cropping history

What is the most important factor to be considered when purchasing a greenhouse covering material?

Light transmission

Exolite is one brand name available for what type of greenhouse glazing material?


Which of the following is not a consideration when choosing a greenhouse framing material?

Ability to accept paint

The three methods used to ventilate a greenhouse are ____.

Shading, roof and side vents, and forced-air systems

Which of the following greenhouse floor materials would be easiest to keep sanitized?


Unit heaters that use combustible fuels...

must be supplied with fresh air

A thermal blanket or "heat sheet" operates on the principle of ____.

Reducing the amount of greenhouse space to be heated

Which of the following is an environmental factor normally monitored by greenhouse owners?


One purpose of ventilation is to decrease ____ in the greenhouse.

Relative humidity

Which of the following is not characteristic of monocots?

Pith in center of stem

Which of the following is not a part of the embryo of a seed?


Where in a plant can cambium meristem tissue be found?

In stems

An example of a plant with clinging aerial air roots would be...

English Ivy

Horizontal, underground stems that form roots on their lower surface are known as..


Which of the following is not a modified lead?


Leaves with tooth-like projections along their margins are said to be...


A flower would be considered imperfect if it lacked which of the following structures?


What is used to identify variations of species?


The tendency of plants to bend or grow toward light is known as...


Which of the following is not a photoperiodic response in plants.
1. Flowering
2. Tuber Formation
3. Bract Coloration
4. None of the above

None of the above

Which of the following is the correct chemical equation for the process of photosynthesis?

6CO2 + 6H2O ~ C6H12O6 +6O2

Which of the following identifies variations withing species?


Which of the following is not an air pollutant that can detrimental to plant growth?


Which of the following is not an advantage (benefit) of soilless growing medium?

Does not require pasteurization

Which of the following would add the greatest amount of porosity (drainage) to a growing medium?


Interveinal chlorosis of the older, lower leaves of a plant best describes a deficiency of which of the following essential mineral elements?


Which of the following is an essential micronutrient?


Which of the following is not classified as an essential secondary macroelement?


If plants are being fed at the rate of 300 ppm nitrogen from a fertilizer with the analysis of 20-10-10, how much potassium (as K20) is being fed at the same time?
1. 300
2. 200
3. 10
4. None of the above

None of the above

Which of the following is a mineral component of a soilless potting medium?

Rock wool

Subjecting seeds to cool, moist conditions to promote germination is known as?


In which of the following irrigation methods would water be recycled?

Ebb and flood

The four stages of seed germination in the order they naturally occur are...

Water absorption; enzymatic breakdown; production of new cells; emergence of seedling

Which of the following is not a type of grafting?


Which of the following type of mouth part does a thrips possess?


Which of the following best describes symptoms caused by mites?

Streaking and browning flower petals

Which of the following organisms causes the seedling disease commonly known as damping off?


Which of the following is not a pest control method use in an IPM system?


Which of the following types of pesticide would be used to control slugs and snails?


The most important consideration when using pesticides in the greenhouse is to...

Always read and follow label directions

Which of the following information on a pesticide label describes the user's body parts that must be protected?

Routes of entry

Below is a list of four pesticides along with their oral LD50 ratings. Which is the most toxic?
1.Judo (2000)
2. Sevin (225)
3. Orthene (800)
4. M-pede (5000)

Sevin (225)

Which of the following is classified as a fixed cost in greenhouse production?

Seeds and plants

How many square feet of bench spaces does a 10 x 20 inch bedding plant tray occupy?


If labor costs $12.00 per hour and a worker can transplant 20 trays filled with 804 cell packs per hour, how much transplanting labor in involved with each cell pack?


Which of the following is a legal consideration in greenhouse planning?
1. Building codes
2. availability of sunlight
3. soil drainage
4. competition

Building codes

How much profit would a shop obtain from an arrangement priced at $13.50 if the 3:1 markup pricing method was used?


Which of the following is the formula for the solution used to glycernize foilage?

One part glycerin to two parts water

Which of the following is true for the vacuole of a plant's cell?

It stores water, dissolved minerals and other materials

Which of the following is an essential macronutrient?


Wounding the stem behind the terminal tip and burying the wounded stem is termed ____.

tip layering

Which of the following irrigation systems would most likely add to foliage disease problems?

Capillary mat watering

Supposed you wish to apply two pounds of potassium expressed as K20 to a greenhouse bed used for cut flower production. If you plan to use 20-20-20 fertilizer, how much should you apply?

10 pounds

Which of the following represents typical symptoms caused by a virus?

Mottled leaves with "quilted" (mossaic) appearance

In which of the following parts of a lead are stomata found?


Which of the following materials is frequently used to preserve foliage?


Three basic elements of design are...

Line, form, and texture

Which of the following rules of floral design is false?

Keep small flowers toward the bottom and large flowers toward the top

Which of the following is not a common fabric used in the manufacture of ribbon for floristry?


Which of the following materials normally is used to hold dry floral foam in the container?

SUre stik

Leaves with tooth-like projections along their margins are said to be...


Which of the following popular potted gift plants cannot be re-bloomed?

Fairy Primrose

Roots that penetrate deep into the soil and are excellent for anchorage are known as...

Tap roots

Which of the following is not a part of the embryo of a seed?


Where in a plant can apical meristem tissue be found?

At the tips of shoots and at the tip of the roots

Which of the following serves as food source for the embryo of a seed?


Introducing cool air into the greenhouse and warming it without the addition of water vapor would ____ the relative humidity of the greenhouse?


Which of the following fuel options is the least cost effective for a large, commercial greenhouse?


Which of the following is not a way by which heat is lost from a greenhouse structure?


Unit heaters use ____ and release ____ in process of combusting fuel.

carbon dioxide; oxygen