Language and Translation Test #1


The process of converting the written word from one language into another in a way that is culturally and linguistically appropriate so it can be understood by its intended audience


The process of converting the spoken or signed word from one language into another in a way that is culturally and linguistically appropriate so it can be understood by its intended audience

Source Language

The language in which the original message is conveyed

Target Language

language in which the original message is interpreted


A variety of a language used for a particular purpose or in a particular social setting

Formal Register

Language is used in formal settings and is one-way in nature. This use of language usually follows a commonly accepted format (e.g. sermons, rhetorical statements and questions, speeches, pronouncements made by judges, announcements)

Consultative Register

Register where one individual has expert status or enhanced command of a topic yet interacts with audience/receiver. Complete compound sentence structure that contains jargon. Unwritten turn-taking rules depend on personal style though there is a psycholo

Informal Register

A way of communicating or speaking with friends, text messages, between siblings, casual conversations, coworkers

Intimate Register

Register used only between people who know each other extremely well, such as family, lovers or close friends. Between individuals who have a shared history.

Frozen Register

Vocabulary normally reserved for written language of a highly impersonal and formal nature

Sight Translation

Changing a message from the Frozen form of one language into another signed or spoken language right at first viewing.

Linguistic Competence

What we know about the structure of a language

Linguistic Performance

How a person actually uses or understands a language

Descriptive Grammar

A grammar that aims to state the way language is actually used by its speakers and attempts to analyze and formulate rules about its structure

Prescriptive Grammar

A grammar that aims to state the linguistic factors of a language in terms of how they should be, and formulates opinions about what is acceptable language use


The belief that one's language or language use is superior to other people's language or language use.

Literal Translation

A translation that follows the form of the source language

Modified Literal Translation

A translation that is a mix of the source language and the target language forms put out as the target language

Idiomatic Translation

A translation that uses the natural forms of the target language

Unduly Free Translation

A translation that changes the meaning of the source language by adding or omitting information or distorting facts

Three Goals of Translation

1. Uses idiomatic language
2. Communicates the meaning of the source language as it was understood by the source receivers
3. Maintain the dynamics of the original


A words or phrase that replaces a taboo word
Is used to avoid references to certain acts or subjects


Substituting an inoffensive word or concept with a more offensive one


Swearing through the use of words that abuse anything sacred


Profanity that mentions a specific religion or religious thing


Swearing through the use of referencing body parts or functions

Four Purposes of Swearing

1. Cathartic
2. Abusive
3. Social
4. Emphatic


The 'surface structure' of a language
The actual words, phrases, and grammatical structures of a language


The actual message communicated


A mismatch (often grammatical) between the form and meaning

Implicit Meaning

Information that is understood by all parties involved in a communication event, but does not have a direct form in the text.
The speaker assumes that the audience knows what is being talked about.
Typically used in less formal conversations.

Explicit Meaning

Information that is overtly stated in the form of the text


The process of discovering the meaning of a text.
Done by reading the text a few times (looking for the purpose, the relationships, the keywords, and issues) and then beginning to work it into another language.


A phrase or simple sentence that contains one action or state of being

Four T's of Translation

1. Text
2. Target
3. Team
4. Tools