SLP Praxis II Practice Test

Which theory/theories of language acquisition emphasize(s) nature over nurture?

Generativist theories
Chomsky and Lenneberg

What are parts of Chomsky's transformational grammar?

Deep structure
Surface structure
Structural changes
Hidden assumptions

MacWhinney's Competition Model is a language development theory that is:

Emergentist theory of language development
Claims that language acquisition is a cognitive process emerging from the interactions of biology and the environment

Since the 1980's, linguists and psychologists influenced by Piaget:

Have found the role of learning processes more important than previously thought
Piaget believed that children learn by interacting with and acting upon their environments, and that in so doing, the construct knowledge (constructivism)

At approximately what age do children begin to give names to things?

Between the ages of one year and eighteen months, most commonly around the age of one year

What observations support Chomsky's theory?

Children in different countries will go through similar stages of language development
Children over regularize irregular verbs without having heard any examples of this
Children learn correct syntax in spite of parents' inconsistency in correcting them

A unit of sounds is a:


The International Phonetic Alphabet symbol /^/ corresponds to:

The vowel sound in "buck

The International Phonetic Alphabet symbol /S/ represents the initial consonant sound in:


People in the southern United State tend to pronounce the words "pin" and "pen" the same way while people in the northern United States do not, because:

of homophony with nasality in some dialects

Mary has diagnoses of cerebral palsy and spastic dysarthria. The second one means:

She cannot produce speech sounds. It is a rigidity and incoordination of the muscles used to produce meaningful speech sounds due to damage to the parts of the brain that control these muscles.

The study of sentence structure and word order is called:


The late great linguist Raven McDavid used to love to tell a story about a Southerner in a Northern restaurant who found his glass of water was not cold enough and asked the waitress for "a piece of ice." When McDavid told this story using a Southern dial

Regional differences in pronunciation

While the anatomy and physiology of speech production is more than the sum of its parts, for the sake of convenience the speech mechanism is divided into four phases. What are the four?

Respiration, phonation, articulation, resonance

The parts of the body associated most closely with the speech production obviously include the oral cavity, including the lips, tongue, and teeth. What other body parts are normally closely involved?

Lungs, larynx, trachea, nasal cavities

Which extrinsic muscles of the larynx are also suprahyoid muscles?


What is the major physical or organic factor underlying impairment in the speech of persons with cleft palate?

Palatopharyngeal insufficiency



The parts of the body associated most closely with the speech production obviously include the oral cavity, including the lips, tongue, and teeth. Which of the following is not one of the body parts normally most closely involved?
