Lowdermilk Ch. 9

A primigravida asks the nurse about what signs she can look for that would indicate that the onset of labor is getting closer. The nurse should describe:
A. Weight gain of 1 to 3 pounds.
B. Quickening.
C. Fatigue and lethargy.
D. Bloody show.

D. Bloody show.
Passage of the mucous plug (operculum), also termed pink/bloody show, occurs as the cervix ripens. Women usually experience a weight loss of 1 to 3 pounds when the onset of labor is getting close.

The nurse should tell a primigravida that the definitive sign indicating that labor has begun would be:
A. Progressive uterine contractions.
B. Lightening.
C. Rupture of membranes.
D. Passage of the mucous plug (operculum).

A. Progressive uterine contractions.
Regular, progressive uterine contractions that increase in intensity and frequency are the definitive sign of true labor. Rupture of membranes usually occurs during labor itself. Passage of the mucous plug is a premoni

On completion of a vaginal examination of a laboring woman, the nurse records the following: 50%, 6 cm, -1. What is a correct interpretation of this data?
A. The fetal presenting part is 1 cm above the ischial spines.
B. Effacement is 4 cm from completion

A. The fetal presenting part is 1 cm above the ischial spines.
Station of -1 indicates that the fetal presenting part is above the ischial spines and has not yet passed through the pelvic inlet.

What position would be least effective when the intent is to use gravity to assist in fetal descent?
A. Lithotomy
B. Kneeling
C. Sitting
D. Walking

A. Lithotomy
The predominant position in the United States for physician-attended births is the lithotomy position, which requires a woman to be in a reclined position with her legs in stirrups. Gravity has little effect in this position.

With regard to factors that affect how the fetus moves through the birth canal, nurses should be aware that:
A. The fetal attitude describes the angle at which the fetus exits the uterus.
B. Of the two primary fetal lies, the horizontal lie is that in whi

C. The normal attitude of the fetus is called general flexion.
The fetal attitude is the relation of fetal body parts to one another. The normal attitude is called general flexion.

Which description and percentage of occurrence of a basic pelvis type in women is correct?
A. Gynecoid: classic female; heart shaped; 75%
B. Android: resembling the male; wider oval; 15%
C. Anthropoid: resembling the ape; narrower; 10%
D. Platypelloid: fl

D. Platypelloid: flattened, wide, shallow; 3%
The gynecoid shape is the classic female shape, slightly ovoid and rounded; about 50% of women have this shape. An android, or malelike, pelvis is heart shaped; about 23% of women have this shape. An anthropoi

The slight overlapping of cranial bones, or shaping of the fetal head, that occurs during labor is called:
A. Lightening.
B. Molding.
C. Ferguson reflex.
D. Valsalva maneuver.

B. Molding.
Lightening is the mother's sensation of decreased abdominal distention, which usually occurs the week before labor. Fetal head formation is called molding.

What factors influence cervical dilation? Choose all that apply.
A. Strong uterine contractions
B. The force of the presenting fetal part against the cervix
C. The size of the female
D. The pressure applied by the amniotic sac
E. Scarring of the cervix

A, B, D, E
Dilation of the cervix occurs by way of the drawing upward motion of the musculofibrous components of the cervix, which is caused by strong uterine contractions. Pressure exerted by the presenting part of the fetus promotes cervical dilation. P