lecture exam 3 (part 4 )

A _____ is a type of joint in which two bones are held together by a disc of fibrocartilage.


Cartilaginous joints are connected by ____

hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage

The origin of a muscle is ____

on the immovable or fixed end of the bone.

Which of the following statements about slow oxidative muscles is not true?

fatigue fast

Which of the following terms and descriptions is correctly paired?

adduction--movement of body parts toward the midline

___ is the thick filament involved in skeletal muscle contraction.

myosin (spell)

The contractile elements of skeletal muscle cells are sarcomeres.


Opposition is a movement of the human thumb that is important for the utilization of tools.


During an isotonic contraction of a muscle, the muscle shortens while the tension in the muscle increases, as in straightening the legs when rising from a sitting position to a standing position.
