Sensory Integration

Sensory Integration

the ability to interpret, organize, and modulate an efficient, creating, and satisfying response to sensory input to engage in meaningful tasks


__________-__________% of children with autism have some type of sensory aversion.


knowing where you are in the environment


balance system

True - Some autistic children are hyposensitive to their vestibular system.

True or False: Many children with autism spin constantly because they can't get dizzy.


Sensory integration is completed by age __________.

tactile, vision, hearing, gustatory, olfactory
Hidden - proprioception, vestibular

What are the 5 senses and 2 hidden senses of the body?

Weight, Pressure, 5, 15

A strategy to calm some autistic children down may be to put a/an __________ made out of a mit and beans on his/her body. The added __________ serves as a calming effect. The pressure must be __________% of his/her body weight and can only be on the body for __________ minutes.

- deep proprioceptive activities (applying pressure on body parts)
- lying prone on a mat or swing
- pushing a ball through a tunnel
- blowing through a straw
- chewing crunchy/gummy snacks at beginning of a session
- sitting on an inflatable cushion

What are some sensory activities that promote being alert and focused?

- jumping
- quick movements on a swing in various patterns

What are some activities that are used to alert children who aren't getting enough sensory stimuli?

- swinging in a linear pattern
- slow rocking
- sensory bins (bin of rice/beans, glitter bottles, squish toys)

What are some activities that are used to calm children who are taking in too much sensory stimuli?


Motor movement may inadvertently bring on __________.

Linear, Nonlinear

Swinging in a __________ pattern may have a calming effect, and swinging in a __________ pattern may have an alerting effect.


True or False: Never use sensory stimulation as a reward.