Milady Ch15 Facial Treatments

Core treatments that estheticians perform:


A facial is designed to:

Improve and rejuvenate the skin.
Clinical services focus more on corrective skin treatments.
Spa treatments focus on the relaxation experience

What is consultation and analysis?

Determines the products and procedures to be used on the client and gives you time to discuss the clients home care needs.

Cleansing and analysis

After the initial dry skin analysis apply warm towels for a few minutes to prepare the clients skin.

What type of cream to use during a facial?

Milky or creamy cleanser because it rinses easily.

Exfoliation can be achieved by:

Peels, a brush, or product powders.

What does exfoliation do?

1. Smooths the skin
2. Helps product penetration.
3. Promotes stimulation
4. Increases cell turnover

What do you warm towels or steam do?

1. Softens the follicles
2. Effective cleansing
3. Prepares skin for extractions and product penetration
4. Softens lines
5. Increases circulation


Manually removing impurities and comedones from the follicles.

What does massage promote?

Physiological relaxation
Increases circulation
Increases metabolism
Increases product penetration

What do masks do?

Draw out impurities
Clear up blemishes
Tighten and tone skin
Hydrate skin
Calm skin
Rejuvenate skin

What is a paraffin mask?

A mask used to warm the skin and promote penetration of ingredients deeper into the skin through the heat trapped under paraffin.
That heat increases blood circulation and is beneficial for dry mature skin that is dull and lifeless.
It has a plumping and

What do toners do?

They finish the cleansing process by removing any products left on the skin and help balance the skins pH.

What are serums?

Concentrated ingredients for corrective treatments.


Moisturizers seal in moisture and protec the barrier layer of the skin. They hydrate and balance the oil water moisture content of the skin.

Main differences between a mini facial and basic facial

Time and the number of steps.
A mini facial may take 30 minutes and eliminate skin analysis, steaming, massage or extractions.
Deep cleansing and masking are the most important elements of the mini facial because they produce the most visible results.

Treatment goals for dry skin

To hydrate and nourish the skin.
To stimulate cell metabolism by using performance ingredients.

Treatment goals for mature skin

To hydrate and revitalize the skin.
Stimulate the metabolism and firming skin.

Primary goal for sensitive skin

To calm and cool the skin.

Calming ingredients

Aloe vera

Rosacea is found where?

Nose and cheeks

Skin brighteners for hyperpigmentation

Kojic acid
Licorice root
Azeleic acid
Hydroquinone is controversial

Treatment goals for oily skin

Deep cleansing

Acne treatments

Anti-inflammatory masks

3 methods for extractions

1. Finger cots or finger gloves
2. Comedone extractor
3. Cotton swabs for the nose area

Describe the follicular walls on the forehead, the top of the nose, the chin and the jawline.

Follicular walls are perpendicular to the surface of the skin

Describe the follicular walls on the sides of the nose and cheeks

They have slanted follicular shafts.


The extraction of open comedones (blackheads)
Process used to soften oil and comedones in follicles.


A small sharp pointed surgical blade used to break the skin to open a comedone or whitehead