ATI Enteral Tube Feeding Posttest

Nasogastric tube feedings are an appropriate choice for a pt who

is postoperative following laryngectomy.

To prevent aspirations during the adm of an enteral tube feeding, a nurse should

place the patient in Fowler's position.

A nurse is providing teaching to a pt who is receiving intermittent naso feedings. Which should the nurse report stat?

Persistent coughing

To prevent a common complication of cont enteral tube feedings, a nurse should

limit the time the formula hangs to 4 hr.
---Formula that hangs longer than 4 to 8 hr is at risk for bacterial contamination, typically manifested by the patient as diarrhea.

The most reliable methos for verifying initial placement of a small-bore feeding tube is by

obtaining an abdominal x-ray.
This is the most reliable method for verifying initial placement of a small-bore feeding tube.

A pt with a gastric ileus postoperatively requires nutritional support for 2 wks. Which type of feeding tube is approp. for this pt?

Nasointestinal tube
---A nasointestinal tube allows postpyloric feeding by depositing enteral formula directly into the intestines. This is an appropriate choice for a patient who lacks stomach motility (gastric ileus) and requires short-term (less than 4

Which of the following formulas is appropriate to administer to a pt who has a dysf. gastro tract?

---Elemental formulas contain predigested nutrients that are easy for a partially functional gastrointestinal tract to absorb.

A nurse inserting a nasogastric tube asks the pt to flex her head toward her chest after the tube passes through the nasopharynx. This action facilitates proper insertion of the tube by?

closing off the glottis.
---This action prohibits the tube from entering the trachea.

To determine how much of the length of a nasoenteric tube to insert, a nurse should measure the distance from the tip of the patient's nose to the earlobe and from the earlobe to the

xiphoid process plus 20 to 30 cm more.
-----Measuring from the tip of the nose to the earlobe to the xiphoid process approximates the distance from the nose to the stomach for 98% of patients. For duodenal or jejunal placement, an additional 20 to 30 cm i

An older adult patient in a long-term facility is receiving intermittent enteral feedings in his room . His affect is flat, and the nurse suspects that he is feeling isolated. Which of the following interventions is appropriate for the pt?

Encourage him to go to the dining room at meal times to talk with other patients.
---By encouraging the resident to maintain a normal schedule and social interactions, the nurse is helping to rebuild his social network and reverse patterns of isolation.