Part 7

What is respiratory arrest?

The absence of respirations with a detectable cardiac activity.

How do you manage upper airway obstruction's?

Allow the child to summa position of comfort. Perform manual airway maneuvers. Remove foreign bodies. Suction the nose or mouth. Give medications to reduce airway swelling. Determine if advanced airway is needed.

What are signs of mild croup?

Occasional barking cough little or no straighter at rest absent or mild retractions

What are signs of moderate croup?

Frequent barking cough audible straighter at rest retractions at rest little or no agitation good air entry.

What are signs of severe croup?

Frequent barking cough prominent auditory Stryder, marked retractions, significant agitation, decreased air entry.

How do you manage mild croup

Consider dexamethasone.

How do you manage moderate to severe croup?

Humidified oxygen. NPO, Nebulized epinephrine. Dexamethasone. Consider Heliox.

How do you treat moderate to severe anaphylaxis

Administer epinephrine every 10 to15 minutes. Methylprednisolone, albuterol, Benadryl.

What are interventions for a foreign body obstruction in an infant younger than one year?

Confirm severe airway obstruction. Give five back slaps and up to five chess thrusts. Repeat until object is expelled or patient becomes unresponsive.

How do you treat foreign body obstruction in a child one year to adolescence?

Ask are you choking, Neil or stand behind the child and give abdominal thrusts. Repeat until object is expelled or for child becomes unresponsive.

How do you manage croup?

Nebulized epinephrine, Corticosteroids

How do you manage anaphylaxis?

IM epinephrine (or autoinjector). Albuteral, Antihistamines. Corticosteroids.

How do you manage aspiration of a foreign body?

Allow position of comfort, Specialty consultation.

How do you managed bronchiolitis?

Nasal suctioning, Bronchodilator trial.

How do you manage asthma?

Albuteral +- ipratropin, corticosteroids, Subcutaneous epinephrine, magnesium sulfate, Terbutaline.

How do you manage pneumonia or pneumonitis?

Albuterol, antibiotics, consider CPAP.

How do you manage pulmonary edema?

Consider ventilatory support. Consider vasoactive support. Consider diuretic.

How do you manage increased ICP?

Avoid hypoxemia, hypercarbia, hyperthermia.