
What is the key to aircraft recovery from an unusual attitude?

Early detection

What checklist should be accomplished prior to flying planned unusual attitude recoveries?

Pre-stalling, Spinning, and Aerobatics Checks

How do you recover from inverted flight?

Push the stick towards the most sky
Return to upright attitude with constant airspeed

Why should you not prevent the nose from falling during the roll portion of inverted flight recovery?

It avoids a stall

What defines a nose-low attitude?

Nose below the horizon

How do you recover from a nose-low attitude?

Roll wings level
Apply smooth back pressure
Use power and speed brake as necessary

In a nose-dive, when might IDLE power and use of the speed brake be necessary?

Extreme nose-low pitches with rapidly increasing airspeed

When should excess Gs be avoided when recovering from a nose-low attitude?

When altitude is not critical

When will excessive airspeed and G loading most commonly occur during nose-low recoveries?

During the pullout phase

Where are the Altitude Loss Dive Recovery charts located?

In section VI of the flight manual

What is the danger of flying a nose-high attitude?


What is the objective of nose-high recovery?

Fly level as soon as possible without stalling

What is the procedure for recovering from a nose-high attitude?

Max power
Roll with back pressure to nearest horizon
Upright if necessary

In a nose-high recovery, what might you need to do if airspeed is dangerously low?

Remain nose-low for a bit to gain airspeed before rollout

What is the definition for inverted flight?

Any pitch or bank angle exceeding 90�

When recovering the aircraft from inverted flight, you will need to ______ to an upright level flight attitude with constant airspeed.

perform a coordinated roll towards the most sky

If you encounter low airspeed during the roll portion of the inverted flight recovery _____.

allow the nose to fall

When the aircraft is in a nose-low attitude, it will gain airspeed while decreasing altitude. What do you want to do in this situation?

Recover the aircraft to a level flight path as soon as possible

What is the maximum operating airspeed limitation, VMO?

316 KIAS

If the aircraft appears to be in an excessive nose-low attitude, there is a potential for excessive altitude loss. To avoid this loss of altitude ______.

place the PCL in the IDLE position and extend the speed brake as necessary

To recover from a nose-high attitude you must adjust the power to ______ and initiate a coordinated roll towards the ______ horizon while applying ______ stick pressure.

MAX; nearest; back

Depending on the initial airspeed and attitude of the aircraft at the beginning of the nose-high recovery, a wings-level inverted attitude may be attained. What should you do if this occurs?

Roll to an upright attitude as the nose approaches the horizon.

Under what conditions should you perform an out-of-control flight recovery?

Disorienting nose-high situations and/or aircraft not responding normally

If you encounter low airspeed during the roll portion of an inverted flight recovery, you should ______

not prevent the nose from falling.

The aircraft is in an unintentional nose-low attitude gaining airspeed while decreasing altitude. Once you recognize this scenario you will want to ______.

recover the aircraft to a level flight attitude as soon as possible

Which of the following is the proper procedure when initiating a nose-high recovery with adequate airspeed?

Adjust power to MAX, initiate a coordinated roll towards the nearest horizon and apply back stick pressure.

Unless the proper recovery procedures are initiated during a nose-high recovery, what may result?

the aircraft may enter an aggravated stall, which can result in a spin

Under what conditions should you perform an out-of-control flight recovery?

Disorienting nose-high situations and/or aircraft not responding normally

Nose-low recoveries should NOT involve the maximum amount of allowable G-forces unless ____.

altitude is critical

When recovering the aircraft from inverted flight, you will need to perform a coordinated roll in the shortest direction ______ to an upright level flight attitude with constant airspeed.

towards the most sky