meyer Draw 1 - Proportions and detail of Head/Facial features

5 eyes wide

The face is how wide

the corners of the mouth

A vertical line from the center of each eye will mark

equal to the size of one eye

The distance between the eyes is

the line of eyes

Moving from the top of the cranium (top of head) to the base of the chin, what landmark represents the halfway point?


If you know the width of one eye, by what number would you multiply to find the width of the face?

1 face width

5 eyes wide

1/3 of the distance from the base of the nose to the base of the chin

What is the measurement of lip placement?

The top of the ears line up above the eyes, on the eyebrows.
The bottom of the ears line up with the bottom of the nose.

where is the placement of the ear?

The face is 7 eyes in length

The face is how many eyes tall

The hairline

this is approximately 1/4 from the top of the head to the equator or eye line.

the upper

which eyelid is thicker

near the pupil

where is the glint of the eye located

The eyes are always moist and will reflect light

why must we always draw the glint in the eye


what feature requires you to draw bunches as soft triangle or pyramids leaning or curving in the direction the lashes curve, then add a couple singles for detail

they radiate from the pupil

how are the flecks placed in the iris (especially visible in light colored eyes)

the one with the tear duct

which corner of the eye is usually lower

on the outer ring

where is the iris darkest

the lower

which lip is fuller

The upper lip slopes inwards and is normally darker in tone as it is shaded from the light.

which lip is darker

The lower lip is more fleshy with a stronger muscular structure. It tends to catch the light and is further distinguished by the shadow below its pouting form.

which lip is lighter

think Y (inside) and ? (outside)

What basic shapes should you remember to draw the ear

The nose

which feature is formed by a series of curved planes. This makes it difficult to draw as there are very few lines

the shape of the hair andbasic groups of value

What should you draw first when drawing hair

If you draw spaghetti hair how many points will you get


individual hairs

What should you draw last when drawing hair


if you forget to put your name on your work, how many points will you lose