When adjusting an IDF DC mission, adjustments should be:

No adjustment greater than 100 meters.

Air Delivery, A KC-130 will throttle back after his descent (3.5-5NM from DZ) to cut back on engine IR and audible signature. The aircraft will need _______ seconds of flat and level air corridor to reach the PI.

60-90 Seconds

When _______ JTACs must consider items of continuous, analytic process to identify, develop and affect targets to meet commander objectives.


Most CAS is support of Joint Operations is allocated and tasked via the _________.

JFACC staff.

A _______ is a special operations liaison team provided by the JFSOCC to the JFACC to coordinate, de-conflict and integrate special operations air and surface operations with conventional operations.


____________ Are actions that provide electronic, mechanical, voice or visual communications that provide approaching aircraft and/or weapons additional information regarding a specific target.


CAS can support _________, __________, and __________ area operations.

Shaping, close combat, joint security area.

Once the formal CAS request is approved by the senior FSO/FSC in the battle staff, where is it routed for inclusion into the ATO cycle?


True or false: Specific levels of risk should not be associated with each type of TAC?


Which is false about type 3 control?

A and D.

The JTAC must include which of the following with the grid coordinate on line 6?

100,000 meter identifier.

The JTAC may change the type of control, at any time.... except when?

Aircrew has given "IN" call/commencing engagement.

At what height is medium altitude CAS flown?

8,000 - 15,000 AGL.

For medium altitude tactics: Used for both free fall and forward firing ordnance, these dive deliveries typically use dive angles of __________ degrees.

05 - 60.

For low or very low altitude tactics: Dive deliveries; used for both free fall and forward firing ordnance, these dive deliveries typically use dive angles of _______ degrees.


What are the basic considerations for using LSTs or LGW's?

LOS, PRF, direction of attack, LTD, delivery system.

What are the general categories of limited visibility employment?

Visual, system-aided, and NVD.

A __________ is a covert illumination flare designed to illuminate while airborne for approximately 5 minutes.


What are the. Mandatory read back lines for an Airdrop Briefing?

Lines 1, 2, and 7.

How many levels are there in considering CDE?


What is the acronym given at the end of a CASEVAC/MEDEVAC brief for additional information given?