Intro to Veterinary Terminology: Self Check Q&As & Memory Quizzes

A medical term with a suffix usually describes a/an _______, a/an _______, or a/an _______.

condition, action, relationship

What is the most important rule to remember in analyzing medical terminology?
a. Analysis means breaking down into parts
b. Begin at the end
c. Medical terminology comes from both Greek and Latin
d. An affix is a word part attached to the beginning or end

b. Begin at the end

True or False? A medical term can only have one root.


The prefix PSYCHO- is what form of the root PSYCH-?
a. The o form
b. The vowel form
c. The combining form
d. The noun form

c. The combining form

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is
a. a lung disease caused by the inhalation of extremely fine siliceous dust particles.
b. a form of pneumoconiosis.
c. the longest word in the English language.
d. all of the above.

d. all of the above.

TRICHO- is a combining part that means "hair." Which of the following is least likely to be a real medical term?
a. Trichodynia
b. Trichology
c. Trichoid
d. Trichopathy

a. Trichodynia

Given that dermatitis means "skin inflammation," and dermatomycosis means "fungal skin infection," what is the combining form MYCO- likely to mean?
a. Itch
b. Fungus
c. Infection
d. Skin

b. Fungus

True or False? Aspiration is one of the processes involved in amniocentesis.


The suffix -INE means both "relating to" and also "_______ .

chemical substance

A/An _______ injection is one injected into a vein; a/an _______ condition is located below the clavicle; something _______ is between two bones.

intravenous; infraclavicular; interosseous

Match the term to the word or phrase that best fits.
______ 1. Midsagittal
______ 2. Genetic
______ 3. Adipose
______ 4. Iliac
______ 5. Proximal
______ 6. Peritoneum
______ 7. Caudal
______ 8. Coccygeal
______ 9. Epigastric
a. relating to biological inhe

1. h.
2. a.
3. g
4. e
5. f
6. d
7. b
8. i
9. c

What do a bullock, a capon, a wether, a gelding, and a mule always have in common?
a. They're all male.
b. They're all neutered.
c. They're all sterile.
d. All of the above

c. They're all sterile.

Using the metric and medical abbreviations in this study unit, translate the following: "I.V. of 10ccs Darvon t.i.d. beginning stat.

Intravenous injection of 10 cubic centimeters Darvon three times a day beginning immediately.

True or False? Laboratory assistants rarely use the metric system anymore.


Which of the following is not a metric term?
a. Megagram
b. Kilogram
c. Millimeter
d. Deciliter

a. Megagram

Which surgical tool is best suited to the job of opening an abscess?
a. Bistoury
b. Xyster
c. Curette
d. Forceps

a. Bistoury

Name the suffix that means tumor or mass and give an example of a word containing the suffix.

-OMA, sarcoma

-ALGIA means _______ and neuralgia means _______.

pain; nerve pain

If a patient is diagnosed with polyuria, the patient is suffering from _______.

excessive urination

Name the suffix that means breaking open and give an example of a word containing the suffix.

-RRHEXIS; cardiorrhexis

-EMIA means _______ and leukemia means _______.

blood condition; cancer of white blood cells

If a patient has gastrodynia, the patient has _______.

a pain in the stomach

What part of the word cardiomegaly is the suffix meaning enlargement?


What part of the word arteriosclerosis means hardening?


-OSIS means ______ and dermatomycosis means _______.

abnormal condition; fungal skin infection

Name the suffix that means paralysis and give an example of a word containing the suffix.

-PLEGIA; quadriplegia

-OPSY, -TOMY, and -GENIC are what type of suffixes?


What suffix means surgical removal?


Suppose a patient is going to have an arthroscopy. What procedure is this?

Visual examination of the joints

A German shepherd has an appointment for a blepharotomy. What will the dog have done?

Surgical incision of an eyelid

A cat was in an accident and the veterinarian is performing a tracheostomy. What is the cat having done?

Cutting an opening to the trachea

-OID, -PLAST, and -AR are what type of suffixes?


The suffix -ARY means _____ and pulmonary means _______.

pertaining to; pertaining to the lungs

What is the suffix in the word iliac?

-IAC or -AC

What is the root and what is the suffix of the word carnivorous?

Carni is the root word and -VOROUS is the suffix.

The suffix -PLASTY means _______ and otoplasty means _______.

Plastic repair of; plastic surgery of the ear

What suffix means small?


What is the suffix in the word nephric?


COM-, DIA-, and HEXA- are what type of prefixes?


A cat has a disease that's capable of being transmitted from host to host. The cat has a ______ disease.


A veterinary technician checks a dog's heartbeat and finds it has bradycardia. The dog has _______.

an abnormally slow heartbeat

True or False? Chloroma is the secretion of colored sweat.


True or False? Autonomic means not subject to voluntary control.


What is the prefix in the word dysphagia?


The prefix ERYTHRO- means ______ and the word erythrocyte means _______.

red; red blood cell

What is the prefix in the word hypertension?


A dog is suffering from the lack of water. The dog is suffering from _______.


The prefixes A- and AN- mean _______.

no, not, or without

The prefix LEUKO- means _______ and the word leukoencephalitis means _______.

white; inflammation of white brain substance

A cat has been diagnosed with hypoglycemia. The cat has _______.

low blood sugar

A veterinary technician has discovered a pseudopregnancy in a cow. The cow has a _______.

false pregnancy

A veterinary technician checks a cat's heartbeat and discovers tachycardia. The cat has _______.

an abnormally fast heartbeat

The prefix SUB- means _____ and the word subclinical means _______.

beneath; without clinical manifestations

True or False? Abduct means to draw toward.


DIA-, ECTO-, and TRANS- are what type of prefixes?


If the veterinarian is referring to something suprapelvic, he or she if referring to the area _______.

above the pelvis

If the veterinarian performed a procedure antemortem, when was the procedure performed?

Before death

The prefix ENDO- means _______ and the word endocrine means _______.

within; secreting internally

If the veterinarian makes an incision during surgery, the veterinarian is ______ the animal.

cutting into

The prefix INTRA- means _______ and the word intravenous means _______.

within; within a vein

If a veterinary technician refers to the infraclavicular area, the technician is referring to the area _______.

below the clavicle

True or False? The subcutaneous area is the area above the skin.


The prefix PERI- means _______ and the word perilaryngitis means _______.

surrounding; inflammation of the tissues around the

Match the term to the word or phrase that best fits.
______ 1. Flagella
______ 2. Ribosomes
______ 3. Genes
______ 4. Metabolism
______ 5. Organelles
______ 6. Karyoplasm
______ 7. Catabolism
______ 8. Lysosomes
______ 9. Centrioles
______ 10. Plasma memb

1. i
2. h
3. a
4. e
5. g
6. b
7. d
8. c
9. f
10. j

TRACHE-, VAS-, and STOMATO- are what type of roots?


A cat has spondyloarthropathy. The cat has what disease?

Disease of the joints of the spine

The root word THROMB- means _______ and the word thrombectomy means _______.

blood clot; surgical removal of a clot from a blood vessel

True or False? SIAL- means salivary glands and sialadenitis is an inflammation of a salivary gland.


True or False? Renal pertains to the kidney.


What is the root in the word pyeloplasty?


The root POD- means ______ and the word pododermatitis means _______.

foot; inflammation of the skin of the foot

What is the root in the word histopathology and what does the root mean?

HISTO-; study of diseased tissue

A dog is being treated with hydrotherapy. What is the treatment?

External use of water to treat injury or disease

The root GLOSS- means _______.


The root ENCEPHAL- means _______ and the word encephelomyelopathy means _______.

brain; a disease involving the brain and spinal cord

The root DENT- means _______ and the word dentibuccal means _______.

tooth; pertaining to the cheek and teeth

A veterinary technician has discovered bronchostaxis in a patient. The patient is _______.

bleeding from the bronchial wall

A veterinary technician checks a cat and discovers arthrosclerosis. The cat has _______.

stiffening or hardening of the joints

The root DEXTR- means _______.

right side

Match the term to the word or phrase that best fits.
______ 1. Alimentary
______ 2. Coccygeal
______ 3. Epidermal
______ 4. Vascular
______ 5. Thoracic cavity
______ 6. Duodenum
______ 7. Skeletal
______ 8. Cutaneous
______ 9. Fascial
______ 10. involunta

1. a
2. j
3. e
4. c
5. i
6. h
7. f
8. d
9. b
10. g

HEMAT-, CRIN-, and OPT- are what type of roots?

Roots of medical specialties

True or False? Enterology is the root of gastroenterology.


What is the root of hematology?


Joseph is studying neonatology. What is he studying?

Treatment of newborns

The root of orthopedics is _______.


Oncology is the study of _______.


The root NEUR- means _______ and the word neurology means _______.

nerves, study and treatment of the nervous system

If a veterinary technician refers to the immunology, the technician is referring to _______.

study of the body's defense system

Match the term to the word or phrase that best fits.
______ 1. Sternal recumbency
______ 2. Planes
______ 3. Abdominal
______ 4. Celiac
______ 5. Gluteal
______ 6. Lateral
______ 7. Iliac
______ 8. Ventral
______ 9. Recumbent
______ 10. Posterior
______ 1

1. m
2. o
3. d
4. i
5. f
6. n
7. a
8. l
9. b
10. c
11. e
12. g
13. h
14. k
15. j

Catheter, nebulizer, and retractor are types of _______.

surgical devices

What device would a veterinarian use to file a horse's molar teeth?


What would you use to sterilize surgical instruments with superheated steam?


True or False? A probe would be used for surgical removal of polyps by the roots.


True or False? An endoscope would be used to examine interior body parts.


What is a kymograph?

Device used to measure and record pulse pressure

If the veterinarian needed to close off an opening during surgery, what device would he or she use?

Cord clamp

What is an ophthalmoscope?

Device used to examine the interior of the eye

If you needed to numb the surface skin area of an animal, what would you use?

Topical anesthesia

A fluorscope is a fluorescent screen used to _______.

view x-rays

Match the term to the word or phrase that best fits.
______ 1. Boar
______ 2. Gander
______ 3. Capon
______ 4. Gestation period
______ 5. Ewe
______ 6. Brood
______ 7. Spay
______ 8. Fledgling
______ 9. Drake
______ 10. Jenny
______ 11. Mare
______ 12. Ne

1. n
2. l
3. o
4. b
5. a
6. i
7. m
8. k
9. c
10. d
11. j
12. h
13. g
14. f
15. e

If you're performing a procedure for preventing infection, you're performing a/an _______ technique.


If a cat is diagnosed with feline panleukopenia, the cat has _______.

viral leukemia

If an animal is diagnosed with diabetes insipidus, the animal has _______.

diabetic condition caused by pituitary disorder

True or False? An anticoagulant facilitates blood clotting.


What is the laboratory procedure to determine the percentage of red blood cells in the blood?


A dog has been given cortisone because of arthritis. What will the corisone do?

Reduce inflammation

Colic, acute abdominal pain, is common in _______.


True or False: Hyperthyroidism is reduced function of the thyroid gland.


Feline urolithiasis is a condition in cats caused by _______.

mineral deposits in the urinary tract

A dog is brought in because of a shoulder luxation. The dog's shoulder is _______.


Match the abbreviation on the left to its meaning on the right.
______ 1. b.i.d.
______ 2. N.B.
______ 3. EEG
______ 4. q.i.d.
______ 5. I.V.
______ 6.
______ 7. t.i.d.
______ 8. stat.
______ 9. I.M.
______ 10. CNS
a. intramuscular(ly)
b. central n

1. f
2. i
3. j
4. h
5. d
6. e
7. g
8. c
9. a
10. b