
zoonoses refers to

Diseases transmitted from animals to humans


Many toes

consent forms are used by vet hospitals when

Prior to surgery

By law, which certificate must be signed by the vet

Rabies vaccination certificate

Acronym of SOAP

Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan

what is encephalitis

Inflammation of the brain due to infection

A condition or disease of the kidneys is called


Proper veterinary term used for spaying a female is


Stomatitis is

Inflammation of the lining of the mouth

Ringworm is a ....


Measures taken whenever there is a possibility of exposure to a zoonosis is called

Universal precautions

Rabies affect....

All warm blooded species

Toxocara is

A Parasite

The signalment in the record is

The patient's full physical description

Domestic, unspecific breeds of cats are generalized as either

DLH, Domestic Long Hair, DSH, Domestic Short Hair

Rabbits are classified as


The national association that sets standards for veterinarians that work with companion animals and provides accreditation to hospitals that volunteer to qualify under their standards is the ...


Improper or negligent treatment of a patient by a vet or his/her staff is defined as


The most common method of filing records is

By numbers

MSDS stands for what?

Material safety data sheets


Skin Disease


Inflammation of the gums


Breathing difficulties


Blue coloring due to lack of oxygen


Heart disease in dogs

Hepatic Lipidosis

Feline Liver Disease


Cells digesting their own cells - Auto, without help and Lysis, Destruction


Greek for Bladder


Drawing fluid with needle from area to be tested


First in, First out


Surface of the tooth


Under the gums, the root of the tooth

Cephalic veins in the dog and cat run along the

Anterior surface of the front limbs

The vein of choice to draw large blood samples is

Jugular vein

Build up of blood around the vein is called

a Hematoma

When a patient is laying on their back this position is referred to as

Dorsal recumbency

The injection with the fastest absorption rate is


Which vein is most commonly used for inserting IV's in dogs and cats

The cephalic veins (in the legs)

Vaccinations are not given in what...


Stypitic powder is used for

Stop the bleeding of the nail quick

The quick is

Blood and nerve supply in the nails

right front lateral leg, what position would you place the animal in

Left Lateral recumbency

Caudal refers to what anatomical direction

towards the tail

The dogs tail is the dogs neck


The stifle (or knee) of the dogs leg is the hip


What is not a muzzle

the Hackamore muzzle is not a muzzle

The ear flap is known as the


Elizabethan collar

keeps pets from chewing on their bandages

lateral saphenous vein from a dog in lateral recumbency occluding the vein

at the knee

lateral recumbency

Laying on either right or left side

Rabies vaccination is given in the

Right hind leg

9 items needed in advance before a venipuncture is performed

patient's medical record, clippers with 40 blade, alcohol bottle, syringe/needles, cotton balls, blood tubes, adhesive tape, tournequet, peroxide

Which two breeds of dogs are highly distractible

Sporting and hounds

2.2 pounds

1 kilogram

Which artery is used to take a pulse

Femoral artery

pulse equals


normal temp for a dog

101.0 to 102.0

normal temp for a cat

101.5 to 102.5

Deciduous teeth fully erupt at what age

8 weeks

dogs have how many teeth

28 deciduous teeth and 42 permanent teeth

Lyophilized refers to

powered vaccine

tertiary bandage is


dental formula for dog

2x (i 3/3, c 1/1, pm 3/3), 28 baby - 2x (I 3/3, C 1/1, PM 4/4, M 2/3) 42 Adult teeth

dental formula for cat

2x (i 3/3, c 1/1, pm 3/2) 26 baby teeth - 2x (I 3/3, C 1/1, PM 3/2, M 1/1) 30 adult teeth

Prescription abbreviation for the left eye is


PO is a latin abbreviation for

by mouth


Tympanic Membrane

Otoscope is an instrument used to

examine the ear canals

diazepam is classes as a

schedule IV category controlled substance

Aural medication is administered via the


Info required by law on a prescription includes

name of drug, name of patient, strength of drug

Keflex 500 mg Bid x 12 days equals

24 capsules


twice daily

Antimicrobials are used for

Destroying or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory

Ophthalmic drugs come in both drops and ointment

True and are eye medications

5 rights in medications

right patient, right drug, right strength, right quantity, right frequency

Which item can not be autoclaved

Endoscopes with fiber-optics and plastics

Autoclaves utilize what for sterilization

heat, water in the form of steam, pressure and time

under anesthesia record vitals every

5 to 15 minutes

sodalyme granules are used in anesthesia machines to absorb

carbon dioxide

cartilaginous opening visualized for endotracheal intubation is


Sternal recumbency is

laying on the spine

pedal reflexes are the


blue mucosis is


ethylene oxide is

an anesthetic gas

freedom from infectious organism refers to as

aseptic technique

what machine converts liquid anesthesia to gaseous form


scrubbing a surgical site

circular motion from inside to outside

surgical drapes with precut openings are called


an oscillometric device measures

arterial blood pressure readings

low body temperature


high body temperature


what stage of anesthesia is ideal for surgery

stage two

four tasks must be completed when prepping a patient for surgery

scrubbed, wiped, sprayed and dried

white band immediately above the packed red blood cells in a microhematocrit tube

buffy coat

instrument for measuring urine specific gravity and protein levels of blood


condition of red blood cells that appear stacked like coins


rupturing of red blood cells


white blood cells assist in what

defense against bacterial and viral infections

oxygen carrying capacity of the red blood cells is due to


unclotted whole blood is collected in what color tube top


when viewing a fecal sample...QNS means

quantity not sufficient

which is not an insect


tapeworm host is

the flea

serological tests

detect antigen or antibody reactions

organism is the host for heartworms


which method of collecting urine yields optimal samples for all aspects of urinalysis


nymphs are not


chemical analyzer measures

electrolytes and cbc, complete blood count

rbc's with decreased hemoglobin is


rice like pieces on feces or anus of dog or cat are most likely

pieces of tapeworm

woods light is

ultraviolet light used to detect fungal infection on the skin or hair

variation of erythrocyte size is known as


flea dirt is

partially digested blood

life cycle of ticks is


walking dandruff is

cheyletiella mite

rbc index includes

rbc and hemoglobin

urine sediment is

the liquid portion of centrifuged urine

wright's stain is a four step process


before centrifuging blood, let the sample clot for maximum of

5 minutes

calibration of refractometer is done with

distilled water

serological tests are interchangeable


after death, the digestion of cells by their own enzymes is


first cervical vertebra is


which vessels carry carbon dioxide rich blood


mammary glands are found in

sexually mature females only

maximum allowable annual doe of occupational radiation is

0.05 sv

vertebral formula for dog and cat

C 7, T 13, L 7

KVP regulates the energy of the x-ray beam


how many total ribs are in a dog and cat


radiograph of the stifle is

the knee

using a grid or Bucky is suggested when a body part measure more than

10 cm

skin with dead keratin cells is


the heart is anatomically located where to the diaphragm



tube that directs urine from kidney to bladder

time of pregnancy


axial skeleton consists of

skull, spine, sternum, and ribs

contrast media used in radiology


where oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange places

the alveolar sacs

in radiology SID stands for

The source image distance