Veterinary Surgical Instruments, Surgical Instruments


Used to hold tissues and can be used as a retractor. Use caution as it can cause tissue damage.

Mayo-Hegar needle driver

Used to drive suture needles through tissue.

Rochester-Pean forceps

Used to clamp blood vessels or large tissue bundles

Mayo Scissors

Used to cut through tissue; fasica, straight or curved.

Halsted Mosquito Hemostats

Used to clamp small vessels. Jaw forms a small point.

Kelly Hemostats

Used to clamp small to medium- sized blood vessels. Only the distal half of the jaws contain transverse grooves.

Crile Hemostats

Used to clamp small to medium- sized blood vessels.

Lister bandage scissors

used to remove bandages and other dressings; blunt triangle blade designed to push skin away as the tip is slipped under material; angled to allow fingers to get under scissors

Suture Scissors

designed to move sutures from incision line

Wire cutting Scissors

used in orthopedic procedures to cut wire
~compact blades
~4 3/4 inches long
~serrated surface

Olsen-Hegar Needle Holder

to drive suture needles through tissue that requires suturing and to assist in tying sutures. can cut the suture as well

Rat-tooth thumb forceps

To grasp skin and other dense tissues so as to place sutures. Can cause extensive damage to delicate tissue.

Adson Thumb Forceps

- used to GRASP TISSUE in suturing
- usually in 4 inch lengths
- manufactured with or without teeth

Brown- Adson Thumb Forceps

Preferred skin thumb forceps. Broad and inter-meshing tips give "delicate" grip ideal for fascia/skin/connective tissue.

Backhaus Towel Clamps

used to attach towels and drapes to the pt. and pointed tips that curve and join like ice tongs

dressing forceps

Very long hemostats.
Can be used to pack orifices or handle contaminated bandage dressings

Rochester Carmalt Forcep

Used to clamp tissue bundles that contain blood vessels. Longitudinal grooves and cross grooves at the tip.

Senn Retractor

used to hold back tissue from the surgical wound. 1 smooth blade, 1 blade with 3 sharp or blunt prongs

Snook Hook

Used for spays, hand held. Exposes the horn of the uterus

Gelpi Retractor

maintain wound exposure during general, orthopedic and neurosurgery

Metzenbaum DIssecting Scissors

Uses- cutting delicate tissue

Iris Scissors

Used for intraocular tissue. Sharp points

Wire cutting scissors

Cutting wire sutures, serrated side.

Malleable retractor

thin metal easily bent to desired shape.

Weitlaner retractor

Blunt prongs face out to hold tissue edges open. used in medium to large sized operative site.

Balfour retractor

Provides increased exposure of abdominal cavity.

Small Tips. Used to grasp small objects or removing items from small cavities

Alligator Forceps

Looks like a back scratcher. Retracts tough structures (bones and joints)

Volkman Refractor

Chest Spreader

Finochietto Retractor

Holds towel to patient. Non- Penetrating

Lorna Towel Clamp

Self-Retaining. Single, Sharp pointed tips tips turn out. Holds muscle open

Gelpi Retractor

Holds a blade

Scalpel Holder

Removes sutures. One end is curved.

Spencer Suture Scissors

It is made of thick metal. Cuts bandages

Lister Bandage Scissors

Used to hold sponge. Holes at the tips.

Sponge Forceps

Little teeth at the tips. Holds tissue. Has handles like scissors

Allis Forceps

Double-ended. One end is blunt blade the other is toothed. Helps hold things open.

Senn Retractor

Teeth in jaw. They can be blunt or sharp. Holds things open

Weitlaner Retractor

Serrations HALF way down. Has a ratchet system. Used to clamp blood vessels

Kelly hemostatic forceps

Cross-hatch at the top then vertical all the way down. ONLY ones that have this. Clamps large tissue or vessels

Rochester-Carmalt Hemostatic Forceps

Serrations ALL the way DOWN to the block. Clamping tissue and vessels

Crile Forceps

Sharp on boths ends. Surgical scissors

Sharp Sharp Scissors

Small tips. Cuts wire

Wire scissors

Clamps vessels and tissue. Serrations all the way down to the block. Longer handle than crile

Rochester-Pean Forceps

Clamps tissue. Multiple teeth at the end. Two-part name.

Adson-Brown Tissue Forceps

Used in delicate vascular surgeries

Debakey Forceps

Does not cut. Hold needle during sutures

Mayo-Hegar Needle Holders

Most commonly used in spays

Snook Spay Hook

Holds towel to patient. Does penetrate the skin

Backhaus Towel Clamp

Dull on each tip. Surgical Scissors

Blunt Blunt Scissors

One sharp end and one blunt end scissors

Sharp Blunt Surgical Scissors

Clamps tissue. Vertical serrations down to the block.

Doyen Forceps

Holds gauze. Has grooves not teeth so gauze wont get stuck.

Adson Dressing Thumb Tissue

Thick. Cuts heavey connective tissue. Can be curved or straight

Mayo Scissors

Three Teeth. Grasp Tissue without slipping

Adson " Rat Tooth" Thumb Forceps

Only ones that cut. Holds needles. Mr. Olsen cuts his grass

Olsen-Hegar Needle Holders

Most Common for cutting delicate tissue. Similar to mayo

Metzenbaum Scissors

Conforms to whatever shape or depth needed. Retractor

Malleable Retractor

Double-Ended. Causes little trauma other than pressure

U.S. Arm Retractor

Used in soft tissue surgery. Horse Saddle....

Balfour ( Horse Saddle) Retractor

Removes staples

Staple Remover

Light weight. Designed for eye surgery

Iris Scissors

Serrations down to lock. Smallest for forceps. Used to clamp small vessels. Two-part word

Halstead- Mosquito Forceps

Helps measure gingival sulcus. End is curved

Periodontal Probes

Explores enamel or root. Looks like a hook. Very Pointed

Dental Explorer

Single tube with small opening. Thin dental instrument.

Frazier/Adson Tip

Single tub design. Bulky looking

Yankauer Suction Tip

Two-Piece instrument. Removes rare amounts of fluid

Poole Suction Tip

Loosens Teeth during extraction. comes in different sizes and tips

Dental Elevator

Used to removes plaque. Different angles and shapes. very sharp


Scrapes calculus from tooth root. Two sharp sides


Holds bone. One handle curved. One long

Kerns-Bone Holding Forceps

Helps with extraction. Long and double ended

Freer Elevator

Helps break away calculus. Different length of tips

Calculus Forceps

Removes teeth. Looks like tweezers

Extraction Forceps

Removes unnecessary pieces of bone. Looks like pliers

Bone Rongeurs

Looks like tweezers. Used for intraocular procedures

Castroviejo Locking Needle Holder